Mutation and Genetic Variation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mutation and Genetic Variation


Heterozygosity increases with the number of alleles at a locus and is greatest ... Where HHW is the expected heterozygosity when genotypes are in Hardy-Weinberg ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Mutation and Genetic Variation

Mutation and Genetic Variation
  • Chapter 4

Mutation is the ultimate source of genetic
  • Point mutations
  • base substitutions, insertions, deletions
  • Gene duplications
  • Changes in chromosome structure
  • inversions, translocations
  • Changes in chromosome number
  • polyploidy

Estimated number of mutations per genome per
generation (see Table 4.1 of Freeman Herron)
Species Taxonomic group Number of mutant genes per genome per generation
E. coli Bacteria 0.0025
S. cerevisiae Fungi 0.0027
C. elegans Nematode 0.0360
D. melanogaster Insect 0.1400
mouse Mammal 0.9000
human Mammal 1.6000
More on mutation rates
  • Number of mutations per genome per generation is
    a function of
  • The number of genes
  • The average number of generations of cell
    division that precede gamete production
  • The mutation rates on the previous slide are
    underestimates of the total mutation rate because
    they are based only on mutations of large
  • Spontaneous mutation rates may be subject to
    natural selection
  • Variation in DNA polymerase affects accuracy of
    replication bacteriophage T4, E. coli
  • Efficiency of DNA mismatch repair also under
    genetic control
  • Higher mutation rates may confer a selective
    advantage in a novel or changing environment

Fitness effects of mutations 1
  • Fig. 4.6a Effect of mutations on viability in 74
    mutation accumulation lines of Caenorhabditis

Fitness effects of mutations 2
  • Fig. 4.6b Effect of large random insertions on
    fitness in E. coli and yeast. The selection
    coefficient is the reduction in growth rate
    (fitness) of mutant cells relative to non-mutated

Fitness effects of mutations summary
  • Most mutations are slightly deleterious or
  • Few mutations are beneficial
  • New mutations will be heterozygous in diploids
    therefore, recessive mutations (even good ones)
    will have no immediate phenotypic effect and will
    not be subjected to natural selection (while

Population size, mutation and natural selection
  • Larger populations will have more new mutant
    alleles of each gene in each generation
  • If humans, on average, have 1.6 new mutations per
    genome per generation and have 25,000 genes, then
    there will be 1 new mutant allele per gene per
    (25,000/1.6) 15,600 people in each generation
    (100 new mutant alleles per gene per generation
    in a population of 1.56 million)
  • This calculation suggests that natural selection
    will be most effective at producing adaptive
    evolution in large populations because larger
    populations harbor more genetic variation, which
    is the raw material that underlies the
    phenotypic variation upon which natural selection

Where new genes come from gene duplication
  • Duplicate genes can be created by unequal
    crossing over
  • Duplicated genes can form gene families and
  • Duplicate genes can
  • Remain the same 45s rRNA genes (increase
  • Differentiate, but continue to perform similar
    functions globins (oxygen transport)
  • Perform unrelated functions crystallins and
    their ancestors
  • Become junk pseudogenes

Fig. 4.7 Unequal Cross-over and the origin of
gene duplications
The globin superfamily in humans
  • The a-globin family
  • Chromosome 16
  • contains (in order) z, yz, ya2, ya1, a2, a1, q
  • The b-globin family
  • chromosome 11
  • contains (in order) e, Gg, Ag, yb1, d, b
  • Myoglobin
  • chromosome 22
  • found in muscles
  • Globin myoglobin duplication gt800 Myr
  • Split between a- and b-globin families 450 500
    Myr (a- and b-globin about 46 amino acid
    sequence similarity)

Fig. 4.8 Developmental expression members of
globin gene family
Fig. 4.9 Tran-scription units in the globin gene
Some Gene Families
  • Actins 5-30
  • Myosin (heavy chain) 5-10
  • Histones 100-1,000
  • 45s rRNA (human) gt 300 (5 chromosomes)
  • Keratins gt 20
  • Globins (a-like) 1-5
  • Globins (b-like) 50

Fig. 4.10 Chromosome inversion
Characteristics of Inversions
  • Do not generally create new alleles (or genes)
  • Suppress crossing over when an inversion is
    heterozygous with a normal chromosome
  • i.e., recombination is prevented or reduced among
    the group of genes included within an inversion,
    so those genes act as a block or supergene,
    which may be adaptive
  • Occur in many, if not all, organisms, but are
    particularly well-known in Drosophila (D.
    pseudoobscura, D. subobscura)

Fig. 4.11 Inversion frequency clines in D.
Frequency of the Est inversion
South America North
South latitude North
  • Polyploid means having 3 or more complete haploid
    chromosome sets
  • e.g. Mendels peas were diploid and had 2n 14
    chromosomes (each haploid set had n 7
    chromosomes). A triploid pea would have 3n 21
    chromosomes, and a tetraploid pea would have 4n
    28 chromosomes
  • Polyploidy is common in higher plants, much rarer
    in animals
  • More than one-half of angiosperms are polyploid
    (relative to ancestors with fewer sets of

Fig. 4.12 Origin of tetraploidy in plants
Cell-division error causes production of diploid
1st generation offspring
Selfs, mates with 4n sibling, Or backcrosses to
2nd generation offspring
Frequency of Polyploidy
  • Some studies suggest that flowering plant species
    typically produce diploid gametes at a frequency
    of 0.00465
  • The probability of two diploid gametes meeting to
    produce a zygote is, then, (0.00465)2 2.16 x
    10-5 (or about 2 out of every 100,000 offspring
    are tetraploid)

Importance of Polyploidy
  • Duplicates all genes, which may evolve new
  • A tetraploid, for example, is reproductively
    isolated from its diploid parent because the
    hybrid is triploid and sterile. Thus, the
    tetraploid is, in effect, a new species
  • Triploids have commercial significance because
    they are seedless

Ploidy in three species of Iris
  • Iris setosa has 2n 36 chromosomes (n18)
  • Iris virginica has 72 chromosomes (4n)
  • Iris versicolor has 108 chromosomes (6n)
  • I. Versicolor (common blue flag) may have been
    derived by hybridization between the other two
  • Proportion of polyploid angiosperms is estimated
    to be from 30 (Stebbins 1950) to 50-70 (Stace

How much genetic variation is there? 1
  • Table 4.4 of your text gives the genotypes at the
    CCR5 gene in samples from various human
    populations (CCR5 protein is the co-receptor that
    HIV uses to enter host cells)
  • For example, the sample of 102 people from
    Iceland is as follows
  • Genotype / /D32 D32/D32
  • Number in sample 75 24 3

How much genetic variation is there? 2
  • Iceland sample (N 102)
  • Genotype / /D32 D32/D32
  • Number in sample 75 24 3
  • The frequency of the allele is
  • (75 x 2) 24 / (102 x 2) 0.853
  • The frequency of the D32 allele is
  • (3 x 2) 24 / (102 x 2) 0.147
  • The heterozygosity of this sample is
  • 24/102 0.235

How much genetic variation is there? Variation
in allele frequencies among populations
  • Frequency of alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) alleles
    in Australian fruit fly populations
  • Geograpic pattern may result from greater
    stability of the AdhS allele at higher

How much genetic variation is there?
  • Heterozygosity is a commonly used measure of
    genetic variation for conventional genes, such as
    enzyme-coding loci
  • Heterozygosity increases with the number of
    alleles at a locus and is greatest when all
    alleles have the same frequency
  • 1 allele (a monomorphic locus) HHW 0
  • 2 alleles with frequencies 0.9 and 0.1 HHW
    2(0.9)(0.1) 0.18
  • 2 alleles with frequencies 0.5 HHW 2(0.5)(0.5)
  • 4 alleles with frequencies 0.25 HHW 1 -
    4(0.25)2 0.75
  • Where HHW is the expected heterozygosity when
    genotypes are in Hardy-Weinberg proportions

Fig. 4.16 Heterozy-gosityenzyme loci
How much genetic variation is there? 3
  • Enzyme loci
  • 1/3 to 1/2 of genes are polymorphic in a typical
    population that is they have 2 or more alleles
    with a frequency gt 1 (or 5)
  • a typical individual will be heterozygous at 4
    15 of its loci
  • variation at enzyme loci is generally assayed by
    gel electrophoresis, which will detect only amino
    acid sequence differences in the gene products
  • We see even more variation when we look directly
    at nucleotide sequences of genes synonymous
    substitutions, substitutions in non-translated

Fig. 4.17 Loss-of-function mutations in a sample
of 30,000 disease-causing alleles of the cystic
fibrosis gene
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