Title: Mutation: Origin of genetic variation
1Mutation Origin of genetic variation
sources of new alleles rate and nature of
mutations sources of new genes highly repeated
functional sequences
2new alleles arise from changes in DNA sequence
point mutations deletions insertions transposition
inversion or translocation breakpoints
frameshift mutations
point mutations may either be synonymous
substitutions -- no change in amino acid
identity replacement substitutions --
changed amino acid
360-70 of mutations are transitions (vs. exp.
4(No Transcript)
5(No Transcript)
6Transition Resistant
9mutation rates vary considerably among species
10mutation rates vary considerably among genes
within a species
11most mutations are deleterious -- C. elegans
(Vassilieva et al. 2000)
12most mutations are deleterious WHY??
If all mechanisms were nearly perfect any
change would be detrimental.
50 chance of improvement
Best place
13most mutations are deleterious WHY??
If all mechanisms were nearly perfect any
change would be detrimental.
Suppose two dimensions
Chance of improvement Less than 50
With many more dimensions the chance of
improvement goes to zero.
14most mutations are only slightly deleterious
15(No Transcript)
16Origins of new genes
novel functions
Repeated arrays
Expression patterns Exon shuffling Internal
Function lost Mutations accumulate
e.g. Tandem repeats of rRNA genes
Absence of variation in repeats Suggests
functional requirements
17New genes via internal duplications antifreeze
glycoprotein in Antarctic Toothfish
(Dissostichus mawsoni)
waters of the Antarctic Ocean
-1.9oC most fish freeze at -1.0oC to 0.7oC
18 ancestral trypsinogen gene
antifreeze glycoprotein gene
(from Graur Li 2000)
19New genes via exon shuffling tissue plasminogen
activator evolves from four unrelated
kringle (plasminogen)
epidermal growth factor
fibronectin type-1
(from Graur Li 2000)
20new alleles are produced by mutation most
mutations are slightly deleterious duplication
is the most important mechanism for producing
new genes
21Populations are affected by two sets of processes
- Genetic -- mutation, recombination, independent
assortment, transposition, meiotic drive
2. Ecological -- changes in population size,
mating system, environmental variation
How do these processes affect
population genetic variation ?
22plumage variation in the snow goose, Chen
white phase
blue phase
23morphological variation in Panaxia dominula
P. d. dominula cdcd
P. d. medionigra cdcb
P. d. bimacula cbcb
24protein electrophoresis
25PO7 275kb
Microsatellite loci for Pogonomyrmex
PO8 250kb
PO3 160kb
PO1 175kb
26Quantifying population genetic variation
genotype frequency
particular genotype total number of
particular allele total number of alleles
allele frequency
by the law of proportions, both genotype and
allele frequencies always sum to one
27genotype A1A1 A1A2 A2A2 number 670
200 130
genotype 670 200 130 frequency 1000
1000 1000
geno freq. 0.67 0.20 0.13
1 2
frequency of A1 0.67 (0.20) 0.77
frequency of A2 0.13 (0.20) 0.23
28genotype A1A1 A1A2 A2A2 number 670
200 130
Genotype 0.67 0.20 0.13 frequency
Allele frequencies A1 0.77 A2 0.23
What are the expected genotype frequencies?
A1A1 A1A2 A2A2
.77x.77 2x(.77x.23) .23x.23
.59 .35 .05
29genotype A1A1 A1A2 A2A2
Genotype G1 G2 G3 frequency
Allele frequency A1 p
A2 q
Expected genotype frequencies
p2 2pq q2
Remember pq 1 Therefore (pq) 2 12
, or p2 2pq q2 1
30When the observed genotype frequencies equal the
expected genotype frequencies the population is
said to be in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
31Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
In the presence of certain conditions, the
genotype frequencies of a population will be
stable over time, and will be directly
predictable from the allele frequencies. If the
population is not at equilibrium, it will achieve
it after one generation of random
mating. Assumes no mutation, no selection,
infinite population size, no gene flow, random
Null model for describing population
genetic variation
32How do we know whether a population is in HWE
genotype MM MN NN number 60 20
20 obs. gen. fr. 0.6 0.2 0.2 f
(M) 0.6 0.1 0.7 f (N) 0.2 0.1
0.3 exp. gen. fr. f (M)2 2f (M)f (N)
f (N)2 (0.7)2 2(0.7)(0.3)
(0.3)2 0.49
0.42 0.09 49 42
DO NOT say (0.7)2 2(0.7)(0.3) (0.3)2 1,
therefore HWE.
33- Compare observed and expected genotype
distributions - with a goodness of fit chi-square test with
- n-1 degrees of freedom (n number of
categories) -
- c2 dof
One additional degree of freedom is lost when
estimating allele frequencies dof (n - 2)
for the data on the previous page c2 2 27.4
Look up in Table critical values 0.05 .025 0.01
0.005 df 1 3.84 5.02 6.64 7.88
2 6.0 7.38 9.21 10.6 3 7.82 9.35 11.35 12.84
34HWE and sex-linked genes
autosomes half of the alleles in each sex sex
chromosomes two-thirds of the alleles in
the homogametic (XX) sex
if males are homogametic, A1A1 A1A2
A2A2 A1/ A2/
males females
allele frequencies are sex-specific pm, qm and
pf, qf
35Under random mating qm (qm qf)
males get an X-chromosome from each
parent qf qm females get their only
X-chromosome from their father
1 2
qm- qf ½ qm ½ qf - qm - ½(qm- qf )
1 3
1 3
2 3
2 3
p pm pf q qm qf
36 37genetic diversity characterizes most natural
populations Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
represents a null model for the evolution of
genotype frequencies basis for mathematically
examining the effects of mutation, selection,
genetic drift, gene flow, and non-random
mating dynamics of HWE differ for sex-linked