Title: Chapter 8 Concepts of Chemical Bonding
1Chapter 8Concepts of Chemical Bonding
Chemistry, The Central Science, 10th
edition Theodore L. Brown H. Eugene LeMay, Jr.
and Bruce E. Bursten
John D. Bookstaver St. Charles Community
College St. Peters, MO ? 2006, Prentice Hall, Inc.
- Chapter 6 atoms and atomic structure
- Chapter 7 trends in the periodic table
- Ionization energy
- Electron affinity
- Chapter 8 Bonding how are atoms held together
in molecules? (or how are ions held together in
an ionic compound?)
3Chemical Bonds
- Three basic types of bonds
- Ionic (ionic compounds)
- Electrostatic
- attraction between oppositely charged ions
- repulsion bewteen similarly charged ions
- Covalent (molecular)
- Sharing of electrons
- Metallic
- Metal atoms bonded to several other atoms
e.g. NaCl-
Well focus on these two
Each line 2 shared electrons
4Ionic Bonding
5The Formation of NaCl(s) from Na(s) and Cl2(g)
- The formation reaction for NaCl(s) is written as
- Na(s) ½Cl2(g) ? NaCl(s)
- DHof,NaCl(s) -410.9 kJ/mol
- (from Appendix C)
- Step-by-step, how would Na be transformed into
Na and Cl2 be transformed into Cl-? - Two important things (among others) would need to
happen - Na ? Na and
- Cl ? Cl-
Na(s) ½ Cl2(g)
Na(g) Cl-(g)
6Energetics of Ionic Bonding
- As we saw in the last chapter, it takes 495
kJ/mol to remove electrons from sodium.
Na(g) ? Na(g) e- I1 495 kJ/mol
7Energetics of Ionic Bonding
- We get 349 kJ/mol back by giving electrons to
Cl(g) e- ? Cl-(g) E1 -349kJ/mol
8Considering These Two Energies
- Na(g) ? Na(g) e- DH 495kJ/mol
- Cl(g) e- ? Cl-(g) DH -349kJ/mol
- Na(g) Cl(g) ? Na(g) Cl-(g) DH 146kJ/mol
9Energetics of Ionic Bonding
- But these numbers dont explain why the reaction
of sodium metal and chlorine gas to form sodium
chloride is so exothermic!
Na(s) ½ Cl2(g)
Na(g) Cl-(g)
Na(s) Cl2(g) ? NaCl(s)
10Energetics of Ionic Bonding
net charge 1
- There must be another process (at least) which
influences DH for this process - What we havent yet unaccounted for is the
electrostatic attraction between the newly formed
sodium cation and chloride anion (in a
lattice-like structure)
net charge -1
11NaCl Lattice
12Lattice Energy
- Oppositely charged ions are attracted to each
other. When two oppositely charged ions are
brought together, energy decreases - The energy of attraction that holds together
oppositely charged ions in an ionic lattice is
called the lattice energy, Eel - Lattice energy, Eel The energy required to
completely separate a mole of a solid ionic
compound into its gaseous ions (thus defined here
as a positive energy) - The energy associated with electrostatic
interactions is governed by Coulombs law
d is the inter-nuclear separation
Q1 and Q2 are the charges (C) of the cation and
anion (absolute values)
k 8.99 x 109 J.m/C2
13Lattice Energy
- Lattice energy, then, increases with the charge
on the ions.
14Lattice Energy
- Lattice energy, then, increases with the charge
on the ions.
- Compare
- LiF-
- Mg2O2-
- Sc3N3-
15Lattice Energy
- It also increases with decreasing size of ions.
16Lattice Energy
- It also increases with decreasing size of ions
Remember top-to-bottom in a group, size increases
17Covalent Bonding
18Covalent Bonding (e.g. H2)
H H ? H2
- In these bonds atoms share electrons.
- There are several electrostatic interactions in
these bonds - Attractions between electrons and nuclei
- Repulsions between electrons
- Repulsions between nuclei
Stable arrangement of electrons, nuclei
19Polar Covalent Bonds
Consider the following diatomic (2-atom) molecules
- Although atoms often form compounds by sharing
electrons, the electrons are not always shared
Polar covalent bond or polar bond
Non-polar covalent bond
- Fluorine pulls at the bonding electrons more than
hydrogen than hydrogen does in HF. - Therefore, the fluorine end of the molecule has
more electron density than the hydrogen end.
20Electronegativity, EN
- The ability of atoms in a molecule to attract
bonding electrons toward itself and away from the
other atom involved in the bond. - On the periodic chart, electronegativity
increases as you go - from left to right across a row.
- from the bottom to the top of a column.
21Polar Covalent Bonds
- The greater the difference in electronegativity,
the more polar the bond.
a positive side
a negative side
DEN 0 to 0.4 non-polar covalent bond DEN 0.4
lt x lt 1.9 polar covalent bond DEN x gt 1.9
ionic bond
For LiF DEN 3.0 (ionic) Lithium fluoride is
written as LiF-
22Polar Bonds
- When bonding electrons are unequally shared, a
bond dipole results - One atom of the bond possesses more negative
charge than it would given equal electron sharing
and the other, less negative charge - For example, in the following hypothetical
molecule (H-X, X more electronegative than H),
there are 0.5 e- more charge on X in this
structure than there would be if the electrons of
the H-X bond were equally shared
This atom has an effective charge of -0.5 e
This also means H has 0.5 e- less than it
would in a H-X molecule where the electrons of
the bond are equally shared
23Polar Covalent Bonds
- Just how unequally electrons in the bond are
shared is reported as the dipole moment, m. - The dipole moment produced by two equal but
opposite charges separated by a distance, r, is
calculated - ? Qr
- It is reported in debyes (D).
1D 3.34x10-30 C.m
Charge on 1e- 1.602 x 10-19 C
24Dipole Moment
- For HCl, which has a dipole moment of 1.08 D and
a bond length of 1.27 Å, calculate the effective
charges on H and Cl in units of electronic
charge, e. - ? Qr
- We are given m (1.08 D) and r (1.27 Å)
- We want to solve for Q, the effective charge
C coulomb, SI unit of charge
1D 3.34x10-30 C.m
1Å 1 x 10-10 m
Charge on one electron 1.602 x 10-19 C
25Lewis Structures
hydrogen, H2
chlorine, Cl2
non-bonding electrons (valence) also called lone
covalent bond
- Lewis structures are representations of
molecules showing all electrons, bonding and
26Writing Lewis Structures
- Find the sum of valence electrons of all atoms in
the polyatomic ion or molecule. - If it is an anion, add one electron for each
negative charge. - If it is a cation, subtract one electron for each
positive charge.
5 3(7) 26
27Writing Lewis Structures
- The central atom is the least electronegative
element that isnt hydrogen. Connect the outer
atoms to it by single bonds.
Each bond costs 2 e-
Keep track of the electrons 26 ? 6 20
28Writing Lewis Structures
- Surround each of the outer atoms with enough
electrons to give each outer atom 8 surrounding
electrons (this doesnt apply for hydrogen H
can only hold two electrons)
Keep track of the electrons 26 ? 6 20 ? 18 2
Non-metals tend to be surrounded by 8 electrons
in Lewis diagrams octet rule (2nd row
29Writing Lewis Structures
- After completing the octets of the outer atoms,
use any remaining electrons to complete the octet
of the central atom
Keep track of the electrons 26 ? 6 20 ? 18
2 ? 2 0
30Writing Lewis Structures
- If you run out of electrons before the central
atom has an octet - form multiple bonds until it does.
31Try these out
- Give the Lewis structures for the following
- CH4
- NH4
- H2O
- CO2
- HCO2-
- C2H2
- Rules
- Count valence electrons
- Put least EN atom in center,
- connect with bonds
- Fill octets of outer atoms
- If any electrons left over,
- put them on the central atom
- 5) Use multiple bonds if necessary
32Formal Charges
- We could arrive at any of the following Lewis
structures by following the rules discussed
earlier - These structures differ in the location of the
electron pairs (as lone pairs or in bonds)
1 2 3
Double-headed arrows indicate that
these structures only differ in the location of
their electron pairs
33Writing Lewis Structures
- Assigning formal charges
- For each atom, count the electrons in lone pairs
and half the electrons it shares with other atoms
(in bonds) - Subtract that from the number of valence
electrons for that atom The difference is its
formal charge.
same as group (e.g. C is group 4A)
Formal charge on an atom group - of
lone of bonds
34Writing Lewis Structures
- The best Lewis structure
- is the one with the fewest charges.
- puts a negative charge on the most
electronegative atom.
Draw all Lewis structures for cyanate ion
(CNO-), and determine which is most correct
-2 0 1 -1 0 0
0 0 -1
Notice that the formal charges always sum to
equal the charge of the ion
- This is the Lewis structure we would draw for
ozone, O3.
Average Bond Lengths
double bonds are shorter than single bonds
1.48Å 1.21Å
1Å 1 x 10-10 m
- But this is at odds with the true, observed
structure of ozone, in which both OO bonds are
the same length.
- One Lewis structure cannot accurately depict a
molecule such as ozone. - We use multiple structures, resonance structures,
to describe the molecule.
- Just as green is a synthesis of blue and yellow
- the true Lewis structure for ozone would be a
combination of the two shown on the left
- The electrons that form the second CO bond in
the double bonds below do not always sit between
that C and that O, but can exist in the other
bond instead. - They are not localized, but rather are
formate ion HCO2-
means resonance structures
delocalized spread out
- The organic compound benzene, C6H6, has two
resonance structures. - It is commonly depicted as a hexagon with a
circle inside to signify the delocalized
electrons in the ring.
combined format
Many organic structures include benzene rings,
and rather than drawing all resonance forms, they
are often drawn with the combined structure
41Exceptions to the Octet Rule
- There are three cases (ions or molecules) where
the octet rule is not followed - Ions or molecules with an odd number of
electrons. - Ions or molecules with less than an octet.
- Ions or molecules with more than eight electrons
on central atom (an expanded octet).
central atom is group 2 or group 3
For central atoms from 3rd row (or later)
42Odd Number of Electrons
- Though relatively rare and usually quite
unstable and reactive, there are ions and
molecules with an odd number of electrons.
e.g. NO (11 e-)
e.g. NO2 (17 e-)
These will often involve a group 5A element (e.g.
43Fewer Than Eight Electrons
This case usually applies for formulas involving
group 2A and 3A elements
- Consider BF3
- Giving boron a filled octet places a negative
charge on the boron and a positive charge on
fluorine. - This would not be an accurate picture of the
distribution of electrons in BF3.
44Fewer Than Eight Electrons
- Therefore, structures that put a double bond
between boron and fluorine are much less
important than the one that leaves boron with
only 6 valence electrons.
Experimental bond length found to be slightly
less than average B-F single bond length
45More Than Eight Electrons
This rule applies for heavier central atoms (3rd
period and lower)
- The only way PCl5 can exist is if phosphorus has
10 electrons around it. - For central atoms from the third row or later,
expanded octets are possible. - Presumably d orbitals in these atoms participate
in bonding.
46More Than Eight Electrons
- Even though we can draw a Lewis structure for the
phosphate ion that has only 8 electrons around
the central phosphorus, the better structure (the
one that agrees better with experimental
evidence) puts a double bond between the
phosphorus and one of the oxygens.
For phosphate, PO43-
47More Than Eight Electrons
- This eliminates the formal charge on the
phosphorus and the formal charge on one of the
oxygens. - When the central atom is from the 3rd row (or
below) of the periodic table, and expanding its
octet eliminates some formal charges, do so.
48Covalent Bond Strength
- The strength of a bond is measured by determining
how much energy is required to break the bond. - This is the bond enthalpy.
- The bond enthalpy for a ClCl bond,
- D(ClCl), is measured to be 242 kJ/mol.
49Average Bond Enthalpies
- This table (8.4 in your text) lists the average
bond enthalpies for many different types of
bonds. - Average bond enthalpies are positive, because
bond breaking is an endothermic process.
e.g. CH4(g) ? C(g) 4H(g) DH 1660 kJ
and thus bond forming is exothermic
50DH for a reaction
- We have seen a few ways to calculate DH for some
chemical reaction -
- DHreaction SDHof,products SDHof,reactants
- DH q/mol (from calorimetry)
51Enthalpies of Reaction
CH4(g) Cl2(g) ? CH3Cl(g) HCl(g)
- Yet another way to estimate ?H for a reaction is
to compare the bond enthalpies of bonds broken to
the bond enthalpies of the new bonds formed.
To calculate DHrxn from bond enthalpies
- ?Hrxn ?(bond enthalpies bonds broken) ??(bond
enthalpies bonds formed)
52Enthalpies of Reaction
- CH4(g) Cl2(g) ???
- CH3Cl(g) HCl(g)
- In this example, one
- CH bond and one
- ClCl bond are broken one CCl and one HCl bond
are formed.
53Enthalpies of Reaction
bonds formed
bonds broken
- So,
- ?Hrxn D(CH) D(ClCl) ? D(CCl) D(HCl)
- (413 kJ/mol) (242 kJ/mol) ? (328 kJ/mol)
(431 kJ/mol) - (655 kJ/mol) ? (759 kJ/mol)
- ?104 kJ/mol
Compare with DH -101 kJ/mol for formation