Title: Chapter 8 Bonding and Molecular Structure: Fundamental Concepts
1Chapter 8Bonding and Molecular
StructureFundamental Concepts
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4Chemical Bonding
- Problems and questions
- How is a molecule or polyatomic ion held
together? - Why are atoms distributed at strange angles?
- Why are molecules not flat?
- Can we predict the structure?
- How is structure related to chemical and physical
5Structure Bonding
NN triple bond. Molecule is unreactive
Phosphorus is a tetrahedron of P atoms. Very
Red phosphorus, a polymer. Used in matches.
6Forms of Chemical Bonds
- There are 2 extreme forms of connecting or
bonding atoms - Ioniccomplete transfer of 1 or more electrons
from one atom to another - Covalentsome valence electrons shared between
atoms - Most bonds are somewhere in between.
7Ionic Compounds
Metal of low IE
Nonmetal of high EA
2 Na(s) Cl2(g) f 2 Na 2 Cl-
8Covalent Bonding
- The bond arises from the mutual attraction of 2
nuclei for the same electrons. Electron sharing
Bond is a balance of attractive and repulsive
9Bond Formation
- A bond can result from a head-to-head overlap
of atomic orbitals on neighboring atoms.
Overlap of H (1s) and Cl (2p)
Note that each atom has a single, unpaired
10Chemical Bonding Objectives
- Objectives are to understand
- 1. valence e- distribution in molecules and
ions. - 2. molecular structures
- 3. bond properties and their effect on
molecular properties.
11Electron Distribution in Molecules
- Electron distribution is depicted with Lewis
electron dot structures - Valence electrons are distributed as shared or
BOND PAIRS and unshared or LONE PAIRS.
12Bond and Lone Pairs
- Valence electrons are distributed as shared or
BOND PAIRS and unshared or LONE PAIRS.
This is called a LEWIS ELECTRON DOT structure.
13Valence Electrons
- Electrons are divided between core and valence
electrons - B 1s2 2s2 2p1
- Core He , valence 2s2 2p1
Br Ar 3d10 4s2 4p5 Core Ar 3d10 ,
valence 4s2 4p5
14Rules of the Game
- No. of valence electrons of a main group atom
Group number
For Groups 1A-4A, no. of bond pairs group
For Groups 5A -7A, BPs 8 - Grp. No.
15Rules of the Game
- No. of valence electrons of an atom Group
number - For Groups 1A-4A, no. of bond pairs group
number - For Groups 5A -7A, BPs 8 - Grp. No.
Except for H (and sometimes atoms of 3rd and
higher periods), BPs LPs 4
This observation is called the OCTET RULE
16Building a Dot Structure
- Ammonia, NH3
- 1. Decide on the central atom never H.
- Central atom is atom of lowest affinity for
electrons. - Therefore, N is central
- 2. Count valence electrons
- H 1 and N 5
- Total (3 x 1) 5
- 8 electrons / 4 pairs
17Building a Dot Structure
- 3. Form a single bond between the central atom
and each surrounding atom
4. Remaining electrons form LONE PAIRS to
complete octet as needed.
Note that N has a share in 4 pairs (8 electrons),
while H shares 1 pair.
18Sulfite ion, SO32-
- Step 1. Central atom S
- Step 2. Count valence electrons S 6
- 3 x O 3 x 6 18
- Negative charge 2
- TOTAL 26 e- or 13 pairs
- Step 3. Form bonds
10 pairs of electrons are now left.
19Sulfite ion, SO32-
- Remaining pairs become lone pairs, first on
outside atoms and then on central atom.
Each atom is surrounded by an octet of electrons.
20Carbon Dioxide, CO2
- 1. Central atom _______
- 2. Valence electrons __ or __ pairs
- 3. Form bonds.
This leaves 6 pairs.
4. Place lone pairs on outer atoms.
21Carbon Dioxide, CO2
- 4. Place lone pairs on outer atoms.
5. So that C has an octet, we shall form DOUBLE
BONDS between C and O.
The second bonding pair forms a pi (p) bond.
22Double and even triple bonds are commonly
observed for C, N, P, O, and S
23Sulfur Dioxide, SO2
- 1. Central atom S
- 2. Valence electrons 18 or 9 pairs
3. Form double bond so that S has an octet
but note that there are two ways of doing this.
24Sulfur Dioxide, SO2
- This leads to the following structures.
These equivalent structures are called RESONANCE
STRUCTURES. The true electronic structure is a
HYBRID of the two.
25Urea, (NH2)2CO
26Urea, (NH2)2CO
- 1. Number of valence electrons 24 e-
- 2. Draw sigma bonds.
27Urea, (NH2)2CO
- 3. Place remaining electron pairs in the
28Urea, (NH2)2CO
- 4. Complete C atom octet with double bond.
29Atom Formal Charges
- Atoms in molecules often bear a charge ( or -).
- The predominant resonance structure of a molecule
is the one with charges as close to 0 as
possible. - Formal charge Group number 1/2 (no. of
bonding electrons) - (no. of LP electrons)
30Carbon Dioxide, CO2
31Calculated Partial Charges in CO2
Yellow negative red positive Relative size
relative charge
32Thiocyanate Ion, SCN-
6 - (1/2)(2) - 6 -1
5 - (1/2)(6) - 2 0
4 - (1/2)(8) - 0 0
33Thiocyanate Ion, SCN-
Which is the most important resonance form?
34Calculated Partial Charges in SCN-
All atoms negative, but most on the S
35Violations of the Octet Rule
- Usually occurs with B and elements of higher
36Boron Trifluoride
- Central atom _____________
- Valence electrons __________ or electron pairs
__________ - Assemble dot structure
The B atom has a share in only 6 pairs of
electrons (or 3 pairs). B atom in many molecules
is electron deficient.
37Boron Trifluoride, BF3
What if we form a BF double bond to satisfy the
B atom octet?
38Is There a BF Double Bond in BF3
F is negative and B is positive
39Sulfur Tetrafluoride, SF4
- Central atom
- Valence electrons ___ or ___ pairs.
- Form sigma bonds and distribute electron pairs.
5 pairs around the S atom. A common occurrence
outside the 2nd period.
Molecule adopts the shape that minimizes the
electron pair repulsions.
- Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion theory.
- Most important factor in determining geometry is
relative repulsion between electron pairs.
42Electron Pair GeometriesSee Active Figure 8.5
43(No Transcript)
47Electron Pair GeometriesSee Active Figure 8.5
48Structure Determination by VSEPR
- Ammonia, NH3
- 1. Draw electron dot structure
- 2. Count BPs and LPs 4
3. The 4 electron pairs are at the corners of a
49Structure Determination by VSEPR
- Ammonia, NH3
- There are 4 electron pairs at the corners of a
The ELECTRON PAIR GEOMETRY is tetrahedral.
50Structure Determination by VSEPR
- Ammonia, NH3
- The electron pair geometry is tetrahedral.
The MOLECULAR GEOMETRY the positions of the
atoms is PYRAMIDAL.
51Structure Determination by VSEPR
- Water, H2O
- 1. Draw electron dot structure
2. Count BPs and LPs 4
3. The 4 electron pairs are at the corners of a
The electron pair geometry is TETRAHEDRAL.
52Structure Determination by VSEPR
The electron pair geometry is TETRAHEDRAL
The molecular geometry is BENT.
53Geometries for Four Electron PairsSee Figure 8.6
54Structure Determination by VSEPR
- Formaldehyde, CH2O
- 1. Draw electron dot structure
2. Count BPs and LPs at C
3. There are 3 electron lumps around C at the
corners of a planar triangle.
The electron pair geometry is PLANAR TRIGONAL
with 120o bond angles.
55Structure Determination by VSEPR
The electron pair geometry is PLANAR TRIGONAL
The molecular geometry is also planar trigonal.
56Structure Determination by VSEPR
Methanol, CH3OH
Define H-C-H and C-O-H bond angles
- H-C-H 109o
- C-O-H 109o
- In both cases the atom is surrounded by 4
electron pairs.
57Structure Determination by VSEPR
Define unique bond angles
H-C-H 109o C-C-N 180o
One C is surrounded by 4 electron lumps and the
other by 2 lumps
58Phenylalanine, an amino acid
60Structures with Central Atoms with More Than or
Less Than 4 Electron Pairs
Often occurs with Group 3A elements and with
those of 3rd period and higher.
61Boron Compounds
- Consider boron trifluoride, BF3
The B atom is surrounded by only 3 electron pairs.
Bond angles are 120o
Geometry described as planar trigonal
62Compounds with 5 or 6 Pairs Around the Central
5 electron pairs
63Molecular Geometries for Five Electron PairsSee
Figure 8.8
64Sulfur Tetrafluoride, SF4
- Number of valence electrons 34
- Central atom S
- Dot structure
Electron pair geometry is trigonal bipyramid
(because there are 5 pairs around the S)
65Sulfur Tetrafluoride, SF4
- Lone pair is in the equator because it requires
more room.
66Molecular Geometries for Six Electron PairsSee
Figure 8.8
67Compounds with 5 or 6 Pairs Around the Central
6 electron pairs
68Bond Properties
- What is the effect of bonding and structure on
molecular properties?
Free rotation around CC single bond
No rotation around CC double bond
69Bond Order of bonds between a pair of atoms
70Bond Order
- Fractional bond orders occur in molecules with
resonance structures. - Consider NO2-
The NO bond order 1.5
71Bond Order
- Bond order is proportional to two important bond
properties - (a) bond strength
- (b) bond length
72Bond Length
- Bond length is the distance between the nuclei of
two bonded atoms.
73Bond Length
- Bond length depends on size of bonded atoms.
Bond distances measured in Angstrom units where 1
A 10-2 pm.
74Bond Length
- Bond length depends on bond order.
Bond distances measured in Angstrom units where 1
A 10-2 pm.
75Bond Strength
- measured by the energy reqd to break a bond.
See Table 8.9
76Bond Strength
- measured by the energy reqd to break a bond.
See Table 8.9. - BOND Bond dissociation enthalpy (kJ/mol)
- HH 436
- CC 346
- CC 602
- C?C 835
- N?N 945
The GREATER the number of bonds (bond order) the
HIGHER the bond strength and the SHORTER the bond.
77(No Transcript)
78Bond Strength
- Bond Order Length Strength
- OO
142 pm
210 kJ/mol
79Using Bond Dissociation Enthalpies
- Estimate the energy of the reaction
- HH(g) ClCl(g) f 2 HCl(g)
- Net energy ?rH
- energy required to break bonds
- - energy evolved when bonds are made
HH 436 kJ/mol ClCl 242 kJ/mol HCl
432 kJ/mol
80Using Bond Dissociation Enthalpies
- Estimate the energy of the reaction
- HH ClCl ----gt 2 HCl
HH 436 kJ/mol ClCl 242 kJ/mol HCl
432 kJ/mol
Sum of H-H Cl-Cl bond energies 436 kJ 242
kJ 678 kJ
2 mol H-Cl bond energies 864 kJ
Net ?rH 678 kJ - 864 kJ -186 kJ
81Using Bond Dissociation Enthalpies
- Estimate the energy of the reaction
- 2 HOOH f OO 2 HOH
- Is the reaction exo- or endothermic?
- Which is larger
- A) energy reqd to break bonds
- B) or energy evolved on making bonds?
82Using Bond Dissociation Enthalpies
- 2 HOOH f OO 2 HOH
- Energy required to break bonds
- break 4 mol of OH bonds 4 (463 kJ)
- break 2 mol OO bonds 2 (146 kJ)
TOTAL ENERGY to break bonds 2144 kJ
TOTAL ENERGY evolved on making OO bonds and 4
O-H bonds bonds 2350 kJ
83Using Bond Dissociation Enthalpies
Net energy 2144 kJ - 2350 kJ - 206 kJ
The reaction is exothermic!
More energy is evolved on making bonds than is
expended in breaking bonds.
84Molecular Polarity
Why do water and methane differ so much in their
boiling points?
- Why do ionic compounds dissolve in water?
85Bond Polarity
- HCl is POLAR because it has a positive end and a
negative end.
Cl has a greater share in bonding electrons than
does H.
Cl has slight negative charge (-d) and H has
slight positive charge ( d)
86Bond Polarity
- Three molecules with polar, covalent bonds.
- Each bond has one atom with a slight negative
charge (-d) and and another with a slight
positive charge ( d)
87Bond Polarity
- This model, calcd using CAChe software for
molecular calculations, shows that H is (red)
and Cl is - (yellow). Calcd charge is or -
88Bond Polarity
- Due to the bond polarity, the HCl bond energy is
GREATER than expected for a pure covalent bond.
BOND ENERGY pure bond 339 kJ/mol calcd real
bond 432 kJ/mol measured
Difference 92 kJ. This difference is
proportional to the difference in
89Electronegativity, ?
- ? is a measure of the ability of an atom in a
molecule to attract electrons to itself.
90Linus Pauling, 1901-1994
- The only person to receive two unshared Nobel
prizes (for Peace and Chemistry). - Chemistry areas bonding, electronegativity,
protein structure
91ElectronegativitySee Figure 8.11
92Electronegativity, ?
See Figure 8.11
- F has maximum ?.
- Atom with lowest ? is the center atom in most
molecules. - Relative values of ? determine BOND POLARITY
(and point of attack on a molecule).
93Bond Polarity
- Which bond is more polar (or DIPOLAR)?
- ? 3.5 - 2.1 3.5 - 4.0
- ? 1.4 0.5
- OH is more polar than OF
and polarity is reversed.
94Molecular Polarity
- Moleculessuch as HI and H2O can be POLAR (or
They have a DIPOLE MOMENT. The polar HCl molecule
will turn to align with an electric field.
95Molecular Polarity
- The magnitude of the dipole is given in Debye
units. Named for Peter Debye (1884 - 1966). Recd
1936 Nobel prize for work on x-ray diffraction
and dipole moments.
96Dipole Moments
Why are some molecules polar but others are not?
97Molecular Polarity
- Molecules will be polar if
- a) bonds are polar
- b) AND the molecule is NOT symmetric
All above are NOT polar
98Polar or Nonpolar?
- Compare CO2 and H2O. Which one is polar?
99Carbon Dioxide
- CO2 is NOT polar even though the CO bonds are
polar. - CO2 is symmetrical.
Positive C atom is reason CO2 and H2O react to
give H2CO3
100Polar or Nonpolar?
- Consider AB3 molecules BF3, Cl2CO, and NH3.
101Molecular Polarity, BF3
B atom is positive and F atoms are negative.
BF bonds in BF3 are polar.
But molecule is symmetrical and NOT polar
102Molecular Polarity, HBF2
B atom is positive but H F atoms are negative.
BF and BH bonds in HBF2 are polar. But molecule
is NOT symmetrical and is polar.
103Is Methane, CH4, Polar?
- Methane is symmetrical and is NOT polar.
104Is CH3F Polar?
CF bond is very polar. Molecule is not
symmetrical and so is polar.
105CH4 CCl4Polar or Not?
- Only CH4 and CCl4 are NOT polar. These are the
only two molecules that are symmetrical.
106Substituted Ethylene
- CF bonds are MUCH more polar than CH bonds.
- Because both CF bonds are on same side of
molecule, molecule is POLAR.
107Substituted Ethylene
- CF bonds are MUCH more polar than CH bonds.
- Because both CF bonds are on opposing ends of
molecule, molecule is NOT POLAR.
108Visualizing Charges and PolarityElectrostatic
Potential Surfaces
- Electrostatic potential surfaces (EPS) can be
used to visualize - Where the charges lie in molecules
- The polarity of molecules
109Visualizing Charges and Polarity
The boundary surface around the molecule is
made up of all the points in space where the
electron density is a given value (here 0.002
e-/A3). The colors indicate the potential
experienced by a H ion on the surface. More
attraction (a negative site) is red, and
repulsion (a positive site) is blue.
110Visualizing Charges and Polarity
As expected, the surface near O in H2O and the
N is CH3-NH2 is red because that is the more
electronegative atom. H2O is polar - with O
more negative and H more positive. CH3-NH2 is
also polar.
111Visualizing Charges and Polarity
The EP surfaces show BF3 is not polar (but the
B is slightly positively charged), whereas Cl2CO
is polar with the O more negative than Cl.
112Visualizing Charges and Polarity
The EP surfaces show cis-C2H2Cl2 (left) is
polar whereas trans-C2H2Cl2 (right) is not polar.