Fundamentals of Cell Biology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fundamentals of Cell Biology


Fundamentals of Cell Biology Chapter 5: The Cytoskeleton and Cellular Architecture Actin found in wide variety of locations and configurations Figure 05.27: A number ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Fundamentals of Cell Biology

Fundamentals of Cell Biology
  • Chapter 5 The Cytoskeleton and Cellular

Chapter Summary The Big Picture (1)
  • Chapter foci
  • Cytoskeletal proteins form a skeleton inside the
  • Intermediate filaments provide the cell with
    mechanical strength
  • Microtubules are associated with cellular
  • Actin is responsible for large-scale movements
  • Eukaryotic cytoskeletal proteins evolved from
    early prokaryotes

Chapter Summary The Big Picture (2)
  • Section topics
  • The cytoskeleton is represented by three
    functional classes of proteins
  • Intermediate filaments are the strongest, most
    stable elements of the cytoskeleton
  • Microtubules organize movement inside a cell
  • Actin filaments control the movement of cells
  • Eukaryotic cytoskeletal proteins arose from
    prokaryotic ancestors

The cytoskeleton is represented by three
functional classes of proteins
  • Key Concepts
  • The cytoskeleton is a complex mixture of 3
    different types of proteins that are responsible
    for providing mechanical strength to cells and
    supporting movement of cellular contents.
  • The most visible form of cytoskeletal proteins
    are long filaments found in the cytosol, but
    these proteins also form smaller shapes that are
    equally important for cellular function.
  • The structural differences between the 3 protein
    types underscores their 4 different functions in

  • occupies large portion of cytosol and appears to
    link organelles to each other and to plasma
  • 3 elements IFs
  • MTs
  • Actin
  • Elements do not form mixed polymers

Figure 05.01 The cytoskeleton forms an
interconnected network of filaments in the
cytosol of animal cells.
IFs are the strongest, most stable elements of
the cytoskeleton
  • Key Concepts (1)
  • Intermediate filaments are highly stable polymers
    that have great mechanical strength.
  • Intermediate filament polymers are composed of
    tetramers of individual intermediate filament
  • Several different genes encode intermediate
    filament proteins, and their expression is often
    cell- and tissue-specific.

IFs are the strongest, most stable elements of
the cytoskeleton
  • Key Concepts (2)
  • Intermediate filament assembly and disassembly
    are controlled by posttranslational modification
    of individual intermediate filament proteins.
  • Specialized intermediate-filament-containing
    structures protect the nucleus, support strong
    adhesion by epithelial cells, and provide muscle
    cells with great mechanical strength.

IFs provide mechanical strength to cells
IFs are formed from a family of related proteins
The primary building block of IFs is a
filamentous subunit
  • a-helices in the central rod domain

Figure 05.04 The central rod domain of
intermediate filament proteins forms an alpha
helix. The head (and tail) regions form globular
IF subunits form coiled-coil dimers
Heterodimers overlap to form filamentous tetramers
  • Coiled-coils align to form antiparallel staggered

Assembly of a mature IF from tetramers occurs in
3 stages
Figure 05.05 A model for intermediate filament
assembly. The coiled coil formed by the dimer
formed the structural basis for the strength of
intermediate filaments.
Posttranslational modifications control the
shape of intermediate filaments
  • Chemical modification of IF controls their shape
    and function
  • Phosphorylation-dephosphorylation
  • Glycosylation
  • Farnesylation
  • Transglutamination of head and tail domains

IFs form specialized structures
  • Keratins in epithelium
  • Costameres

Microtubules (MT) organize movement inside a cell
  • Key Concepts (1)
  • MTs are hollow, tube-shaped polymers comprised of
    proteins called tubulins.
  • MTs serve as roads or tracks that guide the
    intracellular movement of cellular contents.
  • MT formation is initiated at specific sties in
    the cytosol called MT-organizing centers. The
    basic building block of a MT is a dimer of two
    different tubulin proteins.

MTs organize movement inside a cell
  • Key Concepts (2)
  • MTs have structural polarity, which determines
    the direction of the molecular transport they
    support. This polarity is caused by the binding
    orientation of the proteins in the tubulin dimer.
  • The stability of MTs is determined, at least in
    part, by the type of guanine nucleotides bound by
    the tubulin dimers within it.
  • Dynamic instability is caused by the rapid growth
    and shrinkage of MTs at one end, which permits
    cells to rapidly reorganize their MTs.

MTs organize movement inside a cell
  • Key Concepts (3)
  • MT-binding proteins play numerous roles in
    controlling the location, stability, and function
    of microtubules.
  • Dyneins and kinesins are the motor proteins that
    use ATP energy to transport molecular cargo
    along MTs.
  • Cilia and flagella are specialized MT-based
    structures responsible for motility in some

MT cytoskeleton is a network of "roads" for
molecules "pass to and fro"
MT assembly begins at a MT-organizing center
Figure 05.08 The distribution of microtubules in
a human epithelial cell. The microtubules are
stained green and the DNA is stained red.
The MTOC contains the gamma tubulin ring complex
(?TuRC) that nucleates MT formation
  • Centrioles
  • Pericentriolar material
  • gamma (? ) tubulin  

Figure 05.09 The structure and location of the
The primary building block of MTs is an
alpha-beta tubulin dimer
  • a - and ß -tubulin bind together to form stable
  • If purified a-ß  tubulin dimers bound to GTP are
    concentrated enough (critical concentration),
    they spontaneously form MTs  

Figure 05.10 A three dimensional model of the
dimer formed by a- and ß-tubulin.
Figure 05.11 In vitro assembly of microtubules
is spontaneous and GTP-dependent. The graph
represents the turbidity of a solution of a-ß
tubulin dimers over time.
MTs are hollow "tubes" composed of 13
  • Polymers of dimers ? sheet composed of 13
    protofilaments ? folds into a tube
  • GTP binding and hydrolysis regulate MT
    polymerization and disassembly

The growth and shrinkage of MTs is called dynamic
  • Some microtubules rapidly grow and shrink in
    cells dynamic instability
  • Elongation is at the
  • end by GTP-bound dimers

  • What happens when the supply of GTP-bound tubulin
    dimers runs out?
  • 1) MT depolymerizes at the end
  • OR
  • 2) Capping proteins prevent depolymerization

Figure 05.15 Two fates of the plus ends of
Some MTs exhibit treadmilling
  • In cases where neither end of MT is stabilized,
    tubulin dimers are added to the end and lost
    from the - end
  • Overall length of these MTs remains fairly
    constant, but the dimers are always in flux

Figure 05.16 Treadmilling in microtubules.
Benefits of dynamic instability
  • Allows cells to have
  • flexibility with trafficking during cell movement
  • ability to exert force by bonding with cargo

Figure 05.17 Microtubules exert enough force to
move cargo by dynamic instability.
Figure 05.18 Longitudinal and lateral bonds make
microtubules strong.
MT-associated proteins regulate the stability
and function of MTs
  • MAPs capping proteins, rescue-associated
    proteins, and proteins that govern the motion
  • motor protein special type of MAP that
    transports organelles/vesicles
  • Dyneins and kinesins

Cilia and Flagella
  • Axoneme
  • Sliding dynein whip movement

Figure 05.23 The structure of an axoneme.
Actin filaments control the movement of cells
  • Key Concepts (1)
  • Actin filaments are thin polymers of actin
  • Actin filaments are responsible for large-scale
    changes in cell shape, including most cell
  • Actin filament polymerization is initiated at
    numerous sites in the cytosol by actin-nucleating
  • Actin filaments have structural polarity, which
    determines the direction that force is exerted on
    them by myosin motor proteins.

Actin filaments control the movement of cells
  • Key Concepts (2)
  • The stability of actin filaments is deteremined
    by the type of adenine nucleotides bound by the
    actin proteins within them.
  • Actin-binding proteins play numerous roles in
    controlling the location, stability, and function
    of actin filaments.
  • Cell migration is a complex process, requiring
    assembly and disassembly of different types of
    actin filament networks.

The building block of actin filaments is the
actin monomer
  • Smallest diameter of cytoskeletal filaments 7nm
  • Great tensile strength
  • Structural polarity
  • end barbed end
  • - end pointed end
  • Often bound to myosin

Figure 05.25 The general structure of an actin
filament. The lateral and longitudinal bonds
holding actin monomers together are indicated at
Figure 05.26 An electron micrograph of an actin
filament partially coated with mysoin proteins.
Actin found in wide variety of locations and
Figure 05.27 A number of different actin
filament-based structures in cells.
ATP binding/hydrolysis regulate actin filament
polymerization and disassembly
  • ATP polymerization
  • ATP?ADP depolymerization

Actin polymerization occurs in 3 stages
Figure 05.29 The three stages of actin filament
assembly in vitro.
Actin filaments have structural polarity
  • Actin filaments undergo treadmilling

6 classes of proteins bind to actin to control
its polymerization/organization
  1. Monomer-binding proteins regulate actin
  2. Nucleating proteins regulate actin polymerization

Figure 05.31 The structure and function of
profilin, an actin monomer-binding protein.
Figure 05.32 ARP2/3 nucleates the formation of a
new actin filament off the side of an existing
6 classes of proteins bind to actin to control
its polymerization/organization
  • 3. Capping proteins affect the length and
    stability of actin filaments
  • 45. Severing and depolymerizing proteins control
    actin filament disassembly
  • 6. Cross-linking proteins organize actin
    filaments into bundles and networks

Figure 05.34 Three forms of crosslinked actin
filaments created by different crosslinking
Cell Migration
  • Actin-binding motor proteins exert force on actin
    filaments to induce cell movement
  • Cell migration is a complex, dynamic
    reorganization of an entire cell
  • Migrating cells produce three characteristic
    forms of actin filaments filopodia,
    lamellopodia, and contractile filaments

Myosins are a family of actin-binding motor
  • myosins multisubunit proteins organized into 3
    structural domains
  • Motor
  • Regulatory
  • Tail

Figure 05.36 Myosin proteins contain three
funtional domains
Contractile cycle
  • Myosins move towards one end of the actin
  • myosin V crawls towards the - end, all other
    myosins crawl towards the end
  • Allows for movement of cell

Figure 05.37 The contractile cycle of myosin.
Striated muscle contraction is a well-studied
example of cell movement
Figure 05.38 The anatomy of a skeletal muscle.
The sarcomere contains actin and myosin arranged
in parallel bundles.
Eukkaryotic cytoskeletal proteins arose from
prokaryotic ancestors
  • Modern prokaryotic cells express a number of
    cytoskeletal proteins that are homologous to
    eukaryotic cytoskeletal proteins and behave
  • Vimentin (IF)
  • FtsZ (MT)
  • MreB and ParM (actin)
  • Shared properties seem to include protection of
    DNA, compartmentalization and motility.
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