Title: Homogeneous and Homothetic Functions
1Homogeneous and Homothetic Functions
2Homogeneous functions
- A function is said to be homogeneous of degree r,
if multiplication of each of its independent
variables by a constant j will alter the value of
the function by the proportion jr, that is, if
- In general, j can take any value.
- In economic applications the constant j is
usually taken to be positive
- The value of the function is not be affected at
all by equal proportionate changes in all the
independent variables - This makes the function f a homogeneous function
of degree zero.
The function g is homogeneous of degree one (or,
of the first degree) multiplication of each
variable by j will alter the value of the
function exactly j-fold as well.
6Linear Homogeneity
Linear homogeneity," means homogeneity of degree
one Let a production function be of the form,
Q f(K, L) Linear homogeneity means constant
returns to scale
7Properties of Linearly Homogeneous Functions
Property I. Given a linearly homogeneous function
Q f(K, L), the average physical product of
labor (APPL) and of capital (APPK) are functions
of capital-labor ratio (K/L k)
8Property II. Given a linearly homogeneous
function Q f(K, L), the marginal physical
product of labor (MPPL) and of capital (MPPK) are
functions of k alone.
9Property III. Eulers Theorem If Q f(K, L), is
linearly homogeneous, then
10Cobb-Douglas Production Function
11Signs of derivatives
12Special Case a ß 1
13Eulers Theorem
14Homothetic Functions
- Given a set of input prices, homogeneity (of any
degree) of the production function produces a
linear expansion path. - But linear expansion paths can also result from
homothetic functions. - Homotheticity can arise from a composite
function in the form - H hQ(a,b) h'(Q) ?0
- where Q(a, b) is homogeneous of degree r.
- Although derived from a homogeneous function, the
function - H H(a, b) is in general not homogeneous in the
variables a and b. - Nonetheless, the expansion paths of H(a, b), are
linear. - The key to this result is that, at any given
point in the ab plane, the H isoquant shares the
same slope as the Q isoquant
15Homothetic Functions
16Elasticity of Substitution
We are interested in the effect of a change in
the Pa/Pb ratio upon the least-cost input
combination b/a for producing the same given
output Qo (that is, while we stay on the same
17Elasticity of Substitution
For a generalized Cobb-Douglas production