The role of police in harm reduction: experiences from Kyrgyzstan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The role of police in harm reduction: experiences from Kyrgyzstan


In last few years Kyrgyzstan accumulated good practical experience in ... violation of rights of VGP, impertinence, any actions and wording denigrating ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The role of police in harm reduction: experiences from Kyrgyzstan

The role of police in harm reduction experiences
from Kyrgyzstan
  • Aleksandr Zelichenko,
  • police colonel, PhD,
  • Chief of the Center of Police Reform

  • In last few years Kyrgyzstan accumulated good
    practical experience in cooperation of police,
    governmental, non-governmental organizations and
    local communities in HR activities.
  • But this active police involvement had been
    preceded by the decade-long educational campaign
    against police illiteracy in the problem.

  • First steps in police training in basic knowledge
    on HIV/AIDS nature, its prevention, and tolerant
    attitude to the injected drug users - the major
    risk group that time and now - had been made in
    the late 1990th by members of international
    organizations Doctors sans frontiers and Harm
  • The process started in Osh the city in the
    south region of Kyrgyzstan that still maintains
    the position of the center of Afghan
    narcotraffic and thus, the area of the highest
    rate of injected heroin users. That time the
    first in republic HIV infected via the tip of
    the needle patients had been detected there, in
    the south.

  • Later on, in 2000-2001 the HIV-service NGOs and
    non-governmental organizations, helping the
    sex-workers, joined the process of the police
  • The leaders of those organizations completed TOT
    courses (training of trainers) and started to
    educate the police with special focus on the
    units in most probable direct contact with
    HIV/AIDS problem district police, police
    inspection for juvenile offenders, patrol forces,
    road police...

  • The seminars mostly concentrated on the problems
    of sex-workers and injected drug users human
    rights violation, although included some
    information about infection diseases, roots of
    invasion and ways for prevention.
  • It is important to mention that, due to their
    specific professional experience, mentality,
    knowledge and skills obtained in the Police
    Schools, the police officers could hardly accept
    the drug users and sex workers, even former, in
    capacity of trainers...
  • After sustainable changes, this type of training
    still takes place and very actual today.

  • In 2002-2003 various international organizations
    (e.g. AIDS Foundation East-West, Soros
    Foundation, etc.) came back to the area of police
    education, this time on the new higher level.
    In addition, they invited very experienced
    trainers and international experts.

  • Later on, after number of special seminars for
    trainers, the local police officers, some of them
    the high ranked police authorities, also had
    been involved into the teaching process.

  • The next step the educating institutions of the
    Kyrgyz Ministry of Interior started to develop
    and implement the special training programs.
  • A good example is 36-hours training course on
    HIV/AIDS, other common infections (e.g.
    tuberculosis, hepatitis ?) and ways of invasion
    prevention, included into the curriculum of
    Bishkek Police Academy since 2004.

  • The Medical Department of MIA also joined the
    process of police staff educating and actively
    distribute knowledge about HIV/AIDS, other sexual
    transmitted diseases, ways of prevention.
  • They scheduled the special site visits to the
    police stations to give lectures and seminars,
    using video materials, poster presentations, and
    other teaching aids.
  • All these lessons are included into the service
    training plan the curriculum and timetable are
    approved by the chief of the city or regional
    police station.

  • In the year 2005 the police newspapers started to
    publish the corresponding materials in Russian
    and Kyrgyz languages.
  • Almost each weekly issue included digests of the
    international Mass-Media on the problem and
    articles by specialists in infectious diseases,
    science of laws and police practice aimed to
    address needs in police education.

  • In 2005 in support of the Kyrgyz Ministry of
    Interior application, the Open Society
    Institution granted US40,000 and sponsored the
    project aimed on the developing the training
    course in the Police Academy of MIA.
  • The project envisages training for police cadets
    and acting officers (including trainees from
    other republics) in Harm Reduction philosophy and
  • As it becomes clear from the course title, it is
    not limited by the general, basic principles of
    HIV prevention, although this is the large
    component of the program.
  • The ultimate goal is to teach the police
    community in new approaches, to develop the
    tolerant attitude towards drug-users, HIV
    infected people and sex-workers.

  • The training course is developed in the context
    of the police reforming, with great input and
    active participation of NGOs and civil society,
    assigned representatives to the working group.
    The course materials had been regularly reviewed
    and evaluated on the round tabled with
    representatives of civil society and NGOs.
  • In the framework of the project it is also
    developed and going to be published soon a
    textbook, means to place the Harm Reduction
    approaches to the scientific level with
    methodological base developing and prospective
    application of the HR principles on the various
    negative social phenomenon.
  • The training course is scheduled for 36 teaching
    hours, designed for all fourth training year
    cadets, with post-course exam.

  • In 2007 the novels in the national anti-drug
    legislation had been proposed by the Law
    Enforcement structures, in close cooperation with
    international organizations, NGOs and
    representatives of civil society.
  • The new anti-drug law allowed decriminalization
    of minimal doses of drugs possession for personal
    consumption heroin up to 1g, opium up to 5
    g, marihuana up to 20g.
  • We expect that these changes will become an
    effective step towards HIV/AIDS prevention in
    injected drug users (IDU).

  • Basing on The National Act on HIV/AIDS
    Prevention, the Ministry of Interior Affairs
    issued the second edition of Instruction for
    Police Forces for HIV/AIDS prevention in service
    personnel and vulnerable groups of population.
    Id like to stress especially the vulnerable
    groups of population (VGP), who delegated
    representatives into the working group on the
    Instruction design.

Instruction was firmed up by the special order,
laying down that police personnel must
  • Explain to VGP - representatives their rights and
    responsibilities in full accordance with
    correspondent chapters of national legislation
  • To communicate with general population and VGP -
    representatives about ways of HIV invasion and
    preventive measures, to inform them about
    availability of post-contact prevention and
    provide them with correspondent contact

  • To inform VGP - representatives about current
    programs on harm reduction and HIV/AIDS
    prevention needles/syringes exchange units,
    methadone therapy centers, specialized medical
    facilities, rehabilitation centers, social
    services, crisis counseling centers and
    hot-lines, peer-to-peer groups, and to recommend
    the contact addresses

  • To provide available information materials and
    reference literature (posters, booklets, designed
    by the Republican Association HIV/AIDS, NGOs,
    international organizations)

Police personnel, working with VGP, must
  • Avoid all types of discrimination and violation
    of rights of VGP, impertinence, any actions and
    wording denigrating their honor and dignity, to
    treat them with politeness and sensitivity, to
    avoid any hostility demonstration, to keep order
    and self-control in all situations
  • In approach to VGP to identify yourself with
    service ID, inform on your position, rank and
    family name, and about cause and goal of approach

  • In presence of legal reason for VGP personal
    identification and documents inspection, to make
    a written report, to be careful with documents
    and hand it back to owner after inspection, to
    avoid any extralegal documents inspections and

  • To apply to VGPs the necessary procedural
    enforcement measures in full accordance with
    national Administrative and Criminal codes, to
    avoid any actions, violating their rights on
    personal privacy, to warranty the confidentiality
    of information, disclosed in course of official
    duties execution, never misuse the dependence of
    drug-users to obtain evidence or unsubstantiated

  • To avoid unwarranted detention and personal
    search of VGPs and participants of Harm Reduction
    and HIV/AIDS prevention programs
  • To avoid any actions, preventing Harm Reduction
    and HIV/AIDS programs from normal functioning in
    the areas of these programs location

  • Any deliberate disregard of this instruction is
    subject for disciplinary sanctions imposition
  • The police personnel must have skills in first
    medical aid in case of over-dosing and other
    medical emergency conditions, threatening for the
    life and health of VGPs

  • In spite of all above, I must admit that current
    situation is still very far from perfect. Because
    of the high turnover rate of personnel,
    especially on the primary level district
    police, police inspection for juvenile offenders,
    patrol forces, etc., the quantity is not
    converted into quality. We still have reports
    about police ambushes near methadone therapy
    centers, dull detentions of outreach workers,
    engaged in exchanging needles and syringes.
  • But we can also report about equal number of
    cases of effective communication of police
    personnel with injected drug users about danger
    of their risk behaving. Police officers explain
    the VGPs ways of HIV invasion and its prevention,
    direct and in many case bring them into
    HIV-service NGOs, work with families of drug -

  • In May of this year, at the initiative of the
    Ministry of Interior, the concept of HR, as one
    of the basic principles of HIV/AIDS prevention,
    had been included into the Strategy of National
    Security of Kyrgyz Republic that is being
    developed currently.

  • This all means that we have a great challenging
    task ahead
  • Thank you for your attention.
  • Any questions???
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