Jud Hurd - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Jud Hurd


2003 CFMA/CSMA/CIMA Spring Educational Seminar. Presented by. Jud Hurd ... for determining the costs applicable to awards made to educational institutions ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Jud Hurd

Restricted/Sponsored Program Activity
  • Higher Education Session 5

Sponsored Programs
  • Or,
  • Oh my gosh, what have we gotten ourselves into?

  • Adapted from
  • The Other Side of the House What the Pre-award
    Folks Do
  • Presented by Richard N. Keogh and Gunta J.
  • NCURA FRA IV, New Orleans, February 16 - 18,

  • Legal Framework
  • Who Are The Players and How Are Organizations
    Structured To Support Research?
  • The Grant/Contract Life Cycle
  • Typical Pre-award Services
  • Pre/Post-Award Intersection Points (Integration
    or Conflict?)

Assistance vs. Procurement
  • Assistance generally, what the proposer wants
    to do
  • Awards are either grants or cooperative
  • Procurement generally, what the government
    wants to buy (can include research)
  • Awards are contracts

Basic Award Types
  • Grant
  • Awarded to an organization for the conduct of
    research or other programs
  • Used whenever the sponsor anticipates no
    substantial programmatic involvement with the
  • Contract
  • Used to procure a product or service
    (deliverable) with specific obligations for both
    the sponsor and the recipient

Basic Award Types
  • Cooperative Agreement
  • Similar to grant, but sponsor staff usually are
    actively involved in proposal preparation, and
    anticipate having substantial involvement in
    project activities once the award has been made

Basic Award Types
  • Gift
  • Given with few or no conditions specified serve
    only to direct the funds to a programmatic area
  • May be provided to establish an endowment or to
    fund existing programs
  • Frequently used to support developing programs
    for which other funding is no available
  • Usually transmitted via an institutions
    development office
  • Intended to be a charitable, irrevocable donation
  • No rights to reclaim unused portions
  • No expectation of direct economic benefits (may
    include indirect benefits such as tax deduction
    or goodwill)

Rules and Regulations
  • Federal
  • OMB Circulars Instructions or information issued
    by OMB to Federal agencies
  • Does not affect grantees directly
  • Expected to have a continuing effect of two years
    or more
  • Common Rules
  • Addresses both federal agencies and grantees
  • Imposes same rules on both
  • Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)
  • Regulations that are the primary authority for
    government procurement
  • Published via Code of Federal Regulations
  • Provisions implemented and augmented by agency
    supplements (e.g. DFARS)

Rules and Regulations
  • State
  • Public Institutions affected by State Rules
  • Example State Purchasing Guidelines Related to
    Master Price Agreements, Bidding Requirements,
    Minority Business Preferences
  • Institutional
  • Regulations and policies generally conform to
    Federal Guidelines, but usually are more specific
    and may be more restrictive than associated
    Federal Rules

Important OMB Circulars
  • A-21 Cost Principles
  • Establishes the principles for determining the
    costs applicable to awards made to educational
  • A-110 Administrative Requirements
  • Sets forth standards for consistency and
    uniformity among federal agencies

Important OMB Circulars
  • A-133 Audits of State, Local Governments, and
    Non-Profit Organizations
  • Sets forth standards for obtaining consistency
    and uniformity among Federal agencies for the
    audit of States, local governments, and
    non-profit organizations expending Federal awards
  • http//www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/

Procurement Regulations
  • Federal Acquisition Regulations
  • Federal Register, Vol. 48
  • September 19, 1983 pp. 42102 ff as amended
  • Agency supplements thereto
  • Cost Accounting Standards Board Regulations
  • Federal Register, Vol. 59
  • November 8, 1994, pp. 55756 ff

  • Legally binding authorizations that an
    institution or individual is in compliance with
    one or more standards or conditions mandated by a
  • Requires signature of an institutionally
    authorized representative (often a vice president
    for research or director of sponsored programs)

  • Examples
  • Drug free workplace
  • Debarment and suspension
  • Lobbying
  • Federal debt delinquency

Research Institution
  • Who are the players at an Institutional
    Organization for the Research Enterprise?
  • Principal investigators (PI)
  • Academic administrators (chairs, deans, VPs for
    academic affairs, research and finance,
    departmental administrators)
  • Compliance managers (IRB, IACUC, TT, etc.)
  • Administrative personnel
  • Pre-award
  • Post-award finance and non-finance
  • Audit

Research Institution
  • Common Structure of Research Administration
  • Depends largely on scope of activities
  • Pre-award
  • Pre-award and Post-award non-financial
  • Pre-award and Post-award (including financial)
  • Common Reporting Lines
  • Depends largely on focus of office
  • Faculty support (usually via academic VP)
  • Graduate program support (usually via Graduate
  • Control (Financial VP)

Institutional Integration
  • Sponsored programs offices interact with almost
    all institutional organizational units
  • Multiple boundary interface mandates extremely
    effective communication conduits

Life Cycle of An Award
  • Start-up
  • Management
  • Reporting
  • Close-out
  • Funding Search
  • Proposal Development
  • Routing Approval
  • Submission
  • Negotiation

Pre-Proposal Services
  • Information Library (web-based)
  • Funding opportunities databases
  • Individualized funding searches (usually via
    researcher training)
  • Faculty interest profiles
  • Program announcement dissemination
  • Faculty education

Proposal Development
  • Format and editorial Advice (agency guidelines
    and restrictions critical)
  • Budget Review
  • Allowable/Unallowable Costs
  • Correct Rates
  • Cost Sharing and Matching
  • FA Waivers
  • Federal Rules Set Forth in A-21, Section J

Proposal Review Processing
  • Most schools still shuffle paper (and dream of
    electronic processes)
  • Some form of internal review and sign-off of the
    proposal (or part of it) mandatory at all
  • Indicates the commitment of all participating
  • Includes PI certifications and compliance reviews
  • Ensures adherence to institutional and sponsor

Award Negotiations
  • Confirm with PI
  • Budget
  • Work Scope
  • Time
  • Reporting
  • Confirm with Administrative Unit
  • Cost Sharing
  • Matching

Award Negotiations
  • Potential Problems
  • Publications
  • Indemnification and Liability
  • Intellectual Property
  • Non-Applicable Clauses

Award Acceptance
  • Account assignment
  • Subcodes assigned when necessary (remember CAS
  • Produce notice of award and related materials
  • Issue subrecipient agreements where needed
  • Database input

Award Performance
  • Advice on allowable costs, approvals required
  • Is approval needed for equipment, consultants,
    travel, and other expenses
  • Compliance with terms of agreement (reports,
    deliverables, etc.)
  • No-cost extensions
  • Renewal applications
  • Intellectual property management
  • Personnel effort certification

Award Performance
  • Cost sharing and matching documentation
  • Cost transfers
  • Cash drawing, billing and collection
  • Financial reporting
  • Stay within budget and time frame

Intersection Points
  • (Integration or Conflict?)
  • Budgets and Costing
  • Award Negotiation
  • Post-award Issues (prior approvals, expanded
    authorities, subawards, carryforward)
  • FA, Waivers, Application of Rates
  • Award Close-out
  • Audits

Budgets and Costing
  • Budget development and approval by the pre-award
    office will influence account set-up, spending
    and reporting
  • Common costing issues are addressed by both pre-
    and post-award offices

Budgets and Costing
  • Budgeting and Cost-Sharing
  • Controlled by A-110 and A-21, including Cost
    Accounting Standards (CAS)
  • Allowability, allocability, consistency
  • A-21, F.6.b issue
  • Limitation on Departmental administration
  • Use of FA as matching
  • Application of appropriate rate(s)

Budgets and Costing
  • Budgeting and Cost-Sharing
  • Salary and effort issues 1/5/01 OMB
    clarification memo
  • M-01-06, Clarification of OMB A-21 Treatment of
    Voluntary Uncommitted Cost Sharing and Tuition
    Remission Costs
  • http//www.whitehouse.gov/omb/memoranda/m01-06.htm

Budgets and Costing
  • Cost Accounting Standards
  • CAS 501 consistency in estimating, accumulating,
    and reporting costs
  • CAS 502 consistency in allocating costs incurred
    for the same purpose
  • CAS 505 accounting for unallowable costs
  • CAS 506 cost accounting period
  • http//www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/a021/a021.

Budgets and Costing
  • Potential CAS Problems
  • Cost sharing effort included in proposal as
    research (estimate) but recorded in accounting
    system as instruction (actual)
  • Inconsistent use of codes/terminology (research
    proposal budget chemicals but accounting system
    charges materials and supplies)

Budgets and Costing
  • Potential CAS Problems
  • Department charges costs directly that are also
    in the FA rate
  • Telephone equipment costs (normally charged
    indirectly but . . .)

Budgets and Costing
  • Best Practice?
  • Clear institutional policy on
  • Direct vs. indirect costs
  • Allowable costs
  • Cost sharing includes clearly articulated
    approvals and forms
  • Cross-training pre- and post-award staff on
    proposal budget development and accounting for
    actual expenses
  • Education and training on the development of the
    FA rate and the DS-2

Award Negotiation
  • Award negotiation by the pre-award office will
    govern and influence post-award financial
  • Award acceptance with a bankrupt sponsor may
    become post-awards problem
  • Often, pre-award is limited to what it can

Award Negotiation
  • Circular Limitations
  • Use of particular award instruments, A-110, __.11
  • Grant, contract or cooperative agreement?
  • Federal Agency Requirements
  • Order of precedence
  • Statutory requirements
  • Agency implementation of A-110

Award Negotiation
  • Pass-Thru Funding
  • Generally from states or local governments, but
    occasionally from other universities
  • Need for applicable circulars and other
  • May contain unreasonable payments terms
  • Are universities utilizing FDP terms?

Award Negotiation
  • Industry Contract Requirements
  • Are reporting or billing dates reasonable?
  • Are payment terms appropriate?
  • Fixed price vs. cost reimbursable
  • Audits clauses
  • Termination clauses

Award Negotiation
  • Best Practice?
  • Pre-award staff should be apprised of reasonable
    time-lines and dates for reporting and invoicing
  • Pre-award offices should involve post-award in
    drafting institutional standard contracts
  • Clear policies/responsibilities for insolvent

Post Award Issues
  • Pre-award activity (proposal review, agreement
    negotiation) will impact post-award requirements
  • Identification of post-award requirements is
    often a primary responsibility of the pre-award
  • Compliance of post-award requirements is a shared

Post Award Issues
  • Fixed FA Rate for Life of A
  • A-21 G.7
  • Best Practice?
  • Implementation of G.7 should involve both pre-
    and post-award, as well as institutional
  • What can the institution (and its system)

Post Award Issues
  • Program Income
  • A-110 __.24
  • Additive, deductive, matching
  • Agency A-110 Implementation
  • Equipment disposal income exempt
  • Intellectual property income exempt
  • Best Practice?
  • How best to identify program income? The sooner
    the better for post-award . . .

Post Award Issues
  • Travel
  • A-21 J.48
  • Use institutional travel policy
  • Foreign travel and U.S. flag carriers
  • Best Practice?
  • Internal notice of award should clearly indicate
    prior approval requirements
  • Exceptions to institutional policy must have
    consistent application

Post Award Issues
  • Equipment Purchases
  • A-110 __.30 through __.37
  • A-21 J.16
  • Definitions, ownership, dispositions are all
  • Best Practice?
  • Direct communication on award terms to asset or
    property management
  • Access to reporting requirements by property
    management to a common database

Post Award Issues
  • Budget Revisions/Expanded Authorities
  • A-110 __.25
  • Required prior approvals
  • Expanded authorities for research projects
  • Best Practice?
  • Internal notice of award should clearly indicate
    institutional authority for budget revisions
  • What about non-federal sponsors?

Post Award Issues
  • Federal Demonstration Partnership
  • Special terms and conditions expanded
  • Flowdown requirements for other institutions
  • Relatedness
  • What does this mean for post-award?
  • If you are an FDP institution, both offices need
    to know the rules

Post Award Issues
  • Expanded Authorities
  • A-110 allows institutions for (most) research
    awards for assistance activities
  • 90-day pre-award costs at institutional risk
  • 12-month no-cost extensions with notification
  • Carryforward of unexpended funds (award by award
  • Waiver of most prior approval requirements

Post Award Issues
  • Expanded Authorities
  • Prior approval still required for
  • Change in scope
  • Additional funds
  • Absence of PI

Post Award Issues
  • Best Practice?
  • Again, internal notice of award should clearly
    indicate incorporation of expanded authorities
  • Clearly articulated processes for notification of
    pre-award office actions (e.g., how are no-cost
    extensions communicated office to office?)

Post Award Issues
  • Subrecipient Agreements
  • Definitions of subrecipient vs. vendor
  • Why does it matter?
  • What to look for in making the decision
  • Audits of subrecipients
  • Requirements for monitoring
  • Inclusion in A-133 audits (guess whose
  • Appropriate flow-down clauses
  • Close-out of subrecipient agreements

Post Award Issues
  • Best Practice?
  • Common database for subrecipient actions and
    jointly-developed policies
  • Defined roles and responsibilities (e.g., who
    obtains the subs rate agreements?)
  • Jointly developed policy for subrecipient
  • Defined process for payment of final invoice
  • And what about multi-site clinical trials?

FA Considerations
  • Preparing negotiating FA rates
  • Disclosure statement DS-2
  • Animal research facilities rates setting
  • Governs internal service center costing
  • Negotiate fringe benefit rates
  • Importance in proposal budgeting and negotiation

FA Considerations
  • Application of appropriate rates
  • Bases
  • MTDC Modified Total Direct Costs
  • SW Salaries and Wages
  • TDC Total Direct Costs
  • FA waivers
  • Who does it?
  • When?
  • Impact on rate?

Close-out and Reporting
  • A-110 __.70 through __.73
  • 90-day reporting requirements (for federal)
  • Impact of late reporting
  • On individual principal investigator
  • On institution
  • Best Practice?
  • Close-out coordination achieved by common
    database and empowered coordinating individual

Audit and Record Retention
  • A-110 __.53 and A-133 __320
  • For individual awards, 3 years after submission
    of final report
  • For annual renewals, 3 years from date of annual
  • For audit packages, 3 years from submission to
  • But, if you retain records, they are always
    subject to review
  • Best Practice?
  • Simple who retains what? (Really?)

Compliance Education
  • A Significant Issue for This Century
  • In past, compliance education limited to
    regulatory issues, e.g.,
  • Humans
  • Animals
  • Ethics

Compliance Education
  • Impact of CAS and audit findings
  • Movement toward mandatory training and education
  • New focus on guidelines over Responsible Conduct
    of Research

Compliance Education
  • Is There A Best Practice?
  • Affirmation of institutional policies and
    consistent interpretation
  • Allows for formation of partnership with local
    administrators and investigators, as well as pre-
    and post-award staff
  • Will not succeed without support from the top

  • This is an immense field and we have just raised
    issues, didnt provide many answers
  • National conferences 3-4 days, over 1500 people,
    42 concurrent sessions

Summary - Resources
  • Strongly recommend you take advantage of
    resources provided by
  • National Council of University Research
    Administrators (NCURA)
  • http//www.ncura.edu/
  • Council of Governmental Relations (COGR)
  • http//www.cogr.edu/
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