Title: Electron transport through molecules
1Electron transport through molecules
- 1) Molecular conductors/Kondo effect
- 2) Holstein mode
- 3) Phonon in barriers
- 4) Shuttle mode (center of mass)
- 5) future work....
Group C.A. B?sser K.A.
Al-Hassanieh E. Dagotto at
Department of Physics University of Tennessee
and Oak Ridge National Laboratory
2Transport in organic molecules
W. Liang et al, Nature Vol. 417, 725 (2002)
Small gap (1 nm) between the metal tips
3Characteristic of the molecular conductors
gt strong electronic correlations / many body
effects (Coulomb blockade, Kondo).
gt easier to see phonon effects.
Just the elastic terms !!!!!!
4Coulomb Blockade vs Kondo
Kondo regime (TltTk)
CB regime (TgtTk)
5Exact diagonalization Dyson Eq.
1) Divide the system in two parts (cutting two
2) Solve the many-body cluster using exact
diagonalization technique (ground state
3) re-establish the cuted connections using a
Dyson equation
6Holstein mode
Electron-phonon coupling terms are derived from
an expansion of first order in the electron-ion
interaction when the ions are displaced from the
equilibrium position x.
The displacement can be quantized as the Harmonic
7Some systems
8Effective Hamiltonian
Canonical transformation
Anderson impurity Hamiltonian with effective
91 Quantum dot
P. Cornaglia et al, PRL 93 147201 (2004) NRG.
102QDs - Kondo regime
Exact diagonalization calculations
H. Jeong, Science Vol 293, 2221 (2001)
112QD ED embedding
12Barriers modulated by phonon
gt Shuttle mode
Holstein mode
Phonon assisted tunneling
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14 Conductance
15Future work....
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