Title: GRID commands lines
1GRID commands lines
- Original presentation from David Bouvet
2Plan of this presentation
- Job submission
- proxy
- submit command lines
- Data management
- basic command lines
- Data management in the job
- LFC data logical file catalog
3Proxy creation and job submission
- voms-proxy-init -voms egeode
- Cannot find file or dir /afs/in2p3.fr/home/d/dbou
vet/.glite/vomsesYour identity
BouvetEnter GRID pass phraseCreating temporary
proxy ...........................................
DoneContacting cclcgvomsli01.in2p3.fr15001
1.in2p3.fr "egeode" DoneCreating proxy
.................................... DoneYour
proxy is valid until Sat Nov 4 025614 2006 - voms-proxy-info
avid Bouvet/CNproxyissuer
ON/CNDavid Bouvettype proxystrength
512 bitspath /tmp/x509up_u2028timeleft
115853 - voms-proxy-info -all
avid Bouvet/CNproxyissuer
ON/CNDavid Bouvettype proxystrength
512 bitspath /tmp/x509up_u2028timeleft
115825 VO egeode extension information
VO egeodesubject
4JDL job creation
- JDL Job Distinguish Language
- A minimum of files commands and attributs are
specified - The program to be executed by the job and input
arguments - Save output and error messages in files
- Save the output result (OutputSandbox)
- JDL simple example
- Executable "/bin/echo "Arguments "Hello
World "StdOutput "message.txt "StdError
"stderror "OutputSandbox " message.txt",
"stderror " - Ex
- Executable gridTestStdError
stderr.logStdOutput stdout.logInputSandb
ox /home/joda/test/gridTestOutputSandbox
stderr.log, stdout.logInputData
gridftpRequirements other.ArchitectureINT
EL \ other.OpSysLINUX
other.FreeCpus\ gt4Rank
Job attributs
Data attributs
Grid resources attributs
5Job submission commands on the UI
- edg-job-submit
- Submit the job
- Return the job ID
- edg-job-list-match
- Query the RB and list all execution places that
are matching job requirements without executing
the job. - edg-job-cancel
- Just cancel the job
- edg-job-status
- Query the RB and return job status
- edg-job-get-output
- Retrieve and return the job output to the user
- edg-job-get-logging-info
- Return all logging information about the
submitted job, all this information from the WMS
is usefull for debug
6Example edg-job-list-match
ui2 edg-job-list-match myjobJDL.jdlSelected
Virtual Organisation name (from JDL)
egeodeConnecting to host rb1.egee.fr.cgg.com,
port 7772
following CE(s) matching your job requirements
have been found CEId
egeode marseillece01.mrs.grid.cnrs.fr2119/jobman
ager-pbs-egeode polgrid1.in2p3.fr2119/jobmanager
-pbs-egeode scaicl0.scai.fraunhofer.de2119/jobma
nager-lcgpbs-egeode cclcgceli02.in2p3.fr2119/job
manager-bqs-short cclcgceli02.in2p3.fr2119/jobma
nager-bqs-long cclcgceli02.in2p3.fr2119/jobmanag
7RB/WMS match making
- The RB Resource Broker is the main component of
the WMS Workload Management System. - It should find the best computing (CE) and
resource site for the current job - It query the mains information system of the grid
the evaluate this information. - The chosen CE must match to all job requirements
if more than one CE is matching theses
requirements then the CE with the best rank will
be chosen.
8LCG commands to query resources
- lcg-infosites --vo egeode ce CPU Free
Total Jobs Running Waiting
------------------------- 58 15 0
0 0 ce1.egee.fr.cgg.com2119/j
obmanager-pbs-egeode 132 107 0
0 0 grid10.lal.in2p3.fr2119/jobman
ager-pbs-egeode 88 44 0
0 0 polgrid1.in2p3.fr2119/jobmanager-pb
s-egeode 167 62 105 85
20 cclcgceli02.in2p3.fr2119/jobmanager-bqs-lo
ng 484 483 1 0 1
484 436 48 25 23
62 0 0 0 0
-egeode 5 5 0 0
0 hudson.datagrid.jussieu.fr2119/jobmanager-l
cgpbs-egeode 30 1 2 0
2 scaicl0.scai.fraunhofer.de2119/jobmana
ger-lcgpbs-egeode 42 33 13
13 0 gridgate.cs.tcd.ie2119/jobmanager
9DATA management tools
- Replica-Manager tool RM
- LCG File Catalog (LFC) is storing all files
location - Data transfers on the grid are mainly using
gsiftp Its a FTP transfer protocol over the
grid authentication and security layer. It is
using certificates and proxy instead of password. - The replica-manager tool includes all facilities
and interactions between gsiftp and LFC for file
creation and file replication - Resource Broker RB
- the RB can handle small data transfers from/to
jobs - the RB can use the LFC to find data and to send
it to the job
10Data management commands (1)
- How to copy a data file on to the GRID ?
- In this exemple I want to copy the file
/home/myhome/myfile01 on the SE (storage element)
se1.egee.fr.cgg.com and the register it in the
LFC by the name myfile01.test the command to
use is - lcg-cr -d se1.egee.fr.cgg.com -l
lfn/grid/egeode/myfile01.test --vo egeode
file/home/myhome/myfile01 - Storage Element data server on the GRID
- Logical File Name symbolic (or logical) file
name to call and manipulate the file on the grid
without precising the real file location. - The lcg-cr command returns a grid unique ident
GUID - guid76373236-b4c7-11d8-bb5e-eba42b5000d0
- GUID (Global Grid Unique ID) are permanents LFN
names are temporary
11Data management commands (2)
- How to find data with listReplicas (lr)
- lcg-lr --vo egeode lfn/grid/egeode/myfile01.test
via LFN -
- sfn//se1.egee.fr.cgg.com/grid/egeode/tutorial/dat
-eba42b5000d0 - lcg-lr --vo egeode \ via GUID
- guid76373236-b4c7-11d8-bb5e-eba42b5000d0
- sfn// se1.egee.fr.cgg.com/grid/egeode/tutorial/da
e-eba42b5000d0 - replicas means that you can create many copies
of the same file on differents SE on the GRID - LFN and GUID are referencing all file copies on
the GRID
12Data management commands (3)
- How to find information on LFC/DMS/SE (Data
Management System) - lcg-infosites -vo egeode se
Avail Space(Kb) Used Space(Kb) Type
------------181360000 73300000 n.a
se1.egee.fr.cgg.com122076 58659616
n.a grid11.lal.in2p3.fr60240000
715760000 n.a grid05.lal.in2p3.frn.a
n.a n.a
polgrid2.in2p3.fr381870000 2838130000
n.a polgrid4.in2p3.fr1870977288 1594260
n.a cclcgseli01.in2p3.fr103160000
171880000 n.a sedpm.mrs.grid.cnrs.fr
34253292 753684 n.a
567932436 n.a scaise-2.scai.fraunhofer.d
e80648588 143813576 n.a
13Data management commands (4)
- How to query the LFC catalog to get the symbolic
- (logical) view of my datas ?
lfc-ls -l /grid/egeode/DATA/myProject/ -rw-------
1 103 101 7136386 Oct 19
1117 I1133511009100.DAT-rwx------ 1 103
101 213408898 Oct 03 2006
I1133611009100.DAT-rwx------ 1 103 101
213408898 Oct 03 2006
I1133621009100.DAT-rwx------ 1 103 101
213408898 Oct 03 2006
I1133631009100.DAT-rwx------ 1 103 101
181619794 Oct 03 2006
I1133641009100.DAT-rw------- 1 103 101
3226762 Nov 29 1520
I2222221009100.DAT-rw------- 1 103 101
3226762 Nov 29 1536
I3333331009100.DAT-rw------- 1 103 101
10476082 Oct 19 1641
I6666661009100.DAT-rw------- 1 103 101
108305128 Mar 30 1024
I8888881009100.DAT-rw------- 1 103 101
993490 Feb 23 1619
I9999991009100.DAT-rw------- 1 103 101
1574758400 Nov 28 1233
KI.DAT-rw------- 1 103 101
6109200 Oct 19 1639 P7777771009100.DAT
14Local and jobs, data management (1)
- JDL syntaxis to retrieve jobs output data (for
small data files only!) - Output data are generated in the working
directory of the worker node - At the end of the job, output data are located in
the temporary directory of the RB machine. - Just use edg-job-get-output to retrieve data
manually - To do it automatically in the job, you must know
files names to be retrieved for example - OutputSandbox higgs.root", graviton.HDF"
- This method can not be applied to big data files,
output data size must be less than 100 Mb
15Local and jobs, data management (2)
- Job output data will be stored in a local file
- The job program should know the local file name
- lcg-- commands are used to
- transfer and copy output data on a storage
element SE - Register output data as available data on the
GRID ? - Where do the job ouput data will be stored ? On
which SE ? In which directory ? - The 2 possible options are
- ? by default it will be the SE local
- or you have to specify a symbolic (logical) name
and directory? no LFN name is generated by
16JDL syntaxis for data output
- the JDL OutputData attribut specify the place to
store data, if no LFN is precise, the WMS will
choose the closest storage element SE to the
current worker node WN. - At the end of the job output data files are
erased from the WN - In the JDL a file for this operation is added to
the sandbox DSUpload_ltunique jobstringgt.out - OutputData OutputFile
myfile01.out StorageElement
se1.egee.fr.cgg.com LogicalFileName
OutputFile myfile02.out StorageElement
se1.egee.fr.cgg.com LogicalFileName
17JDL syntaxis for data input
- Just use the field InputSandbox
- InputSandbox input-ntuple.root,
job.sh - Again this method can not be used for big data
submission to the input of the job - InputData lfn/grid/cms/myfile01.dat
- For big files you have to query data files from
the LFC, it means that theses data files must
have been previouly loaded to the GRID. - The RB is using the file .BrokerInfo on the
worker node WN to store information about jobs
data files. - In the job execution script you can use
edg-brokerinfo and lcg-- commands to create a
local copy of the file on the WN working directory
18Replication commands
- How to duplicate data from one SE to another SE
- lcg-rep --vo egeode lfn/grid/egeode/myfile01.test
\ d se5.egee.fr.cgg.com - then if you use the list of replicas command
lcg-lr - lcg-lr --vo egeode lfn/grid/egeode/myfile01.test
- sfn//se1.egee.fr.cgg.com/grid/egeode/tutorial/dat
19LFC commands (1)
- For the end user the LFC catalog (LCG File
Catalog) is presented like a local file sytem.
It is possible to create new directory structures
in this catalog, and it is also possible to
create logical links on files. - The default LFC catalog is the central main
catalog of the VO. - lcg-infosites vo egeode lfcreturn the name of
the central main catalog - lcg-infosites vo egeode lfcLocalreturn the list
of local file catalog of the VO - To use a local file catalog, just change LFC_HOST
variable - export LFC_HOSTltLFC new hostnamegt
20LFC commands (2)
- LFC root directory stucture
- /grid/ltVO_namegt
- ( the variable LFC_HOME can be defined to point
on this root ) - Commands to list the content of the catalog
- lfc-ls /grid/egeode/...
- New directory creation
- lfc-mkdir /grid/egeode/.../ltmy_directorygt
- Others commands
- lfc-ln, lfc-rm, lfc-getacl, lfc-setacl...
21Questions ?