The Cosmic Microwave Background and The Relic Neutrino Background - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Cosmic Microwave Background and The Relic Neutrino Background


The Cosmic Microwave Background and The Relic Neutrino Background – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Cosmic Microwave Background and The Relic Neutrino Background

The Cosmic Microwave Background andThe Relic
Neutrino Background
  • Oral Qualifying Exam

Alexandre Bruno Sousa
May 2002
  • Introduction
  • CMBR Properties
  • Recent CMBR Measurements
  • The Standard Cosmology
  • Is The Universe Flat?
  • Future Experiments
  • The Relic Neutrino Background
  • RNB Properties
  • RNB Observation
  • Conclusions

  • The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation was
    originally predicted by George Gamow in the late
    1940s to be a necessary consequence of a Universe
    originated according to the Big Bang model.
  • It was discovered accidentally by Arno Penzias
    and Robert Wilson in 1965, during studies of the
    radio emissions of the Milky Way.
  • The CMBR thermal spectrum is fitted to a high
    degree of accuracy to a Black Body radiation
    spectrum with T3 K

  • The CMBR was emitted 400 000 years after the Big
    Bang when radiation decoupled from matter,
    following recombination of protons and electrons
    to form Hydrogen atoms.
  • Detailed studies of the CMBR allow us to look
    directly into the features of the surface of last
    scattering, providing insights on several
    cosmological parameters, the curvature and the
    large scale structure of the Universe.

CMBR Properties
  • The CMBR Thermal Spectrum follows a Planckian
    distribution to a very high degree of accuracy.
    Current measurements yield the Black Body
  • The current CMBR number density is
  • The CMBR temperature is remarkably uniform over
    a wide range of angular scales.
  • The frequencies of the CMBR anisotropies overlap
    with some galactic emissions which thus
    constitute experimental backgrounds.

CMBR Anisotropies
  • Studies of the small temperature fluctuations in
    the CMBR provide a unique probe of the Universe
    early times. These fluctuations arise due to five
    distinct physical effects
  • 1) Our peculiar velocity with respect to the
    cosmic rest frame
  • (Dipole Anisotropy).
  • 2) Density fluctuations on the last scattering
  • (Sachs-Wolfe effect).
  • 3) Fluctuations intrinsic to the radiation field
    itself on the last scattering surface.
  • 4) The peculiar velocity of the last scattering
  • 5) Additional fluctuations from scattering on hot
    electrons if the Universe should be re-ionized
    after decoupling (Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect).

CMBR Anisotropies
Dipole Anisotropy
  • Our movement with respect to the cosmic rest
    frame Doppler shifts the CMBR. The regions we are
    moving towards to appear hotter.
  • From this measurements it is possible to
    establish that we are moving with v 3711 Km/s
    towards l 264.14 0.15, b 48.26 0.15.

The CMBR Power Spectrum
  • The CMBR temperature fluctuations can be expanded
    into spherical harmonics
  • Dropping the dipole term, the mean square over
    the whole sky is
  • Averaging over all possible positions of a
    randomly placed observer, we find
  • The Cl coefficients provide a complete
    statistical description of the temperature
  • At large l one also finds that the angular size
    of a feature in the sky is inversely
    proportional to the order l of the multipole that
    dominates it

The CMBR Power Spectrum
  • The experimental determination of the Power
    Spectrum follows closely the procedure depicted
    above. One expands a temperature measurement at a
    position p in spherical harmonics
  • Where is a window function that accounts
    for the beam pattern seen by the experiment. The
    correlation between signals from two different
    points in the sky is then
  • Averaging over all directions separated by an
    angle and over all positions as before, we
  • As an example, a gaussian beam profile with FWHM
    qC, transformed into l space, yields the window
  • The Power Spectrum calculated from the
    temperature measurements of the sky is model

Recent Measurements of the CMBR
COBE-COsmic Background Explorer
  • COBE was launched by NASA in 1989. The CMBR
    anisotropy was measured by the Differential
    Microwave Radiometer (DMR) instrument.
  • COBE Angular Resolution
  • DMR Measurements at 31.5, 53 and 90 GHz.
  • 4 years of data taking.

Recent Measurements of the CMBR
COBE Results
  • Precise measurement of the dipole anisotropy
  • First measurement of a CMBR intrinsic anisotropy

  • on a 7º angular scale.

Recent Measurements of the CMBR
BOOMERanGBaloon Observations Of Millimetric
ExtraGalactic Radiation and Geophysics
  • BOOMERanG is a baloon experiment designed to map
    the CMBR over a partial region of the sky with
    increased resolution over COBE/DMR.
  • 10 angular resolution gt (40
    times better than COBE/DMR).
  • 90, 150, 240 and 400 GHz frequency measurements.
  • Sensitivity similar to COBEs
  • 10.5 days flight over Antarctica.
  • 37 Km altitude.
  • Sky coverage 1800 square degrees (3 of the

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Recent Measurements of the CMBR
BOOMERanG Payload
Recent Measurements of the CMBR
BOOMERanG Results-Sky Maps
  • The average scale of the temperature fluctuations
    is around 1 degree.

Recent Measurements of the CMBR
BOOMERanG Results-Power Spectrum
  • The Power Spectrum shows a primary peak at l200,
    corresponding to an angular scale of 1º.
  • The fit to the data is consistent with a flat
    Universe (to be discussed).

Recent Measurements of the CMBR
Other Experiments
  • MAXIMA (Millimiter Anisotropy eXperiment IMaging
  • Very similar to BOOMERanG with shorter flights
    and equivalent angular resolution.
  • DASI (Degree Angular Scale Interferometer)
  • Ground based at the Scott-Amundsen South Pole
  • 20 resolution at 26, 30 and 36 GHz
  • CBI (Cosmic Background Imager)
  • Ground based 13 element interferometer at S.
    Pedro de Atacama, Chile.
  • 5-1º resolution at 26-36 GHz

Recent Measurements of the CMBR
Other Experiments-Results
The Standard Cosmology
  • The Big Bang model, now considered the Standard
    Cosmology, describes a homogeneous and isotropic
    expanding Universe consistent with the
    Cosmological Principle. The line element for any
    space-time consistent with this principle can be
    written on a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker form
  • In spherical coordinates
  • k is the constant curvature and it is determined
    by the spatial geometry of the Universe
  • In such Universe, two particles separated by a
    distance l , which grows proportionally to a(t),
    will have a corresponding recessional velocity
  • We can define a dimensionless density parameter
  • where is the density of a flat

The Standard Cosmology
Shortcomings of the Standard Cosmology
  • 1) Horizon Problem The Universe is homogeneous
    and isotropic on scales much greater than the
    horizon (CMBR measurements are a clear proof).
  • 2) Flatness Problem The density of the present
    universe is within one order of magnitude of the
    critical density . However, it can be
    shown that deviations from grow with
  • In the Standard Cosmology, this means that
    was fine-tuned to within
  • at the Planck time .
  • 3) Density fluctuation Problem It is believed
    that galaxies and clusters of galaxies evolved by
    gravitational instability from small density
    fluctuations in the early universe. The required
    magnitude of fluctuations on galactic scales at
    the Planck epoch is
  • 4) Dark Matter Problem Should the density of the
    Universe be very close to the critical density,
    non-baryonic matter must dominate the Universe.
    The nature of this Dark Matter is still unknown.

Is the Universe Flat?
The Inflationary Paradigm
  • Formulated by Alan Guth in 1981, the Inflationary
    Paradigm postulates that the very early Universe
    underwent a period of very rapid expansion. The
    expansion factor is
  • As a result of Inflation, regions initially in
    causal contact are blown up to sizes much greater
    than the present Hubble radius.
  • The curvature of the Universe is increased by an
    enormous factor, so that it becomes
    indistinguishable from a flat Universe.
  • Both the Horizon and the Flatness problems are
    solved if
  • Small density perturbations are produced due to
    quantum fluctuations of gravitational fields
    during Inflation, a possible solution for the
    density fluctuation problem.

Is the Universe Flat?
Cosmological Parameters
  • The Power Spectrum of the CMBR (i.e. the Cl
    coefficients) depends on several cosmological
  • The total density
    parameter of the Universe.
  • The baryon density
  • The Cold Dark Matter
    density parameter.
  • The Cosmological Constant
    density parameter.
  • The spectral index of
    scalar fluctuations.
  • The Hubble Constant.
  • The following animations show how the variation
    of these parameters affect the angular power

Is the Universe Flat?
  • The current best estimates for the cosmological
    parameters from CMBR measurements come from

Best Fit
  • Either alone or combined with the LSS Survey and
    the Supernovae Survey, the CMBR measurements
    strongly indicate that we live in a flat or
    nearly flat Universe, consistent with the
    inflationary scenarios.

Future Experiments
MAP-Microwave Anisotropy Probe
  • The natural successor of COBE, MAP was launched
    in 2001 to an Earth-Sun lagrangian point orbit.
  • 2 years of data taking.
  • 15 minimum angular resolution over a 22-90 GHz
    frequency range.

Future Experiments
  • Scheduled for launch in early 2007, the PLANCK
    survey of the CMBR will produce its most accurate
    and extensive map.
  • Orbit similar to the MAP orbit.
  • 5 angular resolution
  • 30-850 GHz frequency range (almost complete
    extraction of foregrounds).
  • Very high sensitivity

RF receiver (30-100 GHz)
Planck detector
Future Experiments
PLANCK-Predicted Results
  • Able to monitor and remove galactic and
    extragalactic foregrounds, the PLANCK Survey
    will measure the statistical properties of the
    CMBR to high accuracy, establishing very strong
    cosmological constraints and dramatically
    increasing our knowledge of the early Universe
    and its evolution.

The Relic Neutrino Backgound
  • Neutrinos are probably one of the most abundant
    components of the Universe.
  • A sea of Relic Neutrinos decoupled from the rest
    of the matter within the first seconds after the
    Big Bang.
  • The Universe should also be filled with Relic
    Neutrinos generated by Supernovae explosions.
  • Ultra High Energy Relic Neutrinos could be
    generated by AGNs (Active Galactic Nuclei) and
    sources of Gamma Ray Bursts.

Relic Neutrino Sea decouples
RNB Properties
  • Before neutrino decoupling, the neutrinos are in
    equilibrium through weak interactions such as
  • After decoupling, the neutrinos are expected to
    have a similar temperature to the one from the
    CMBR, but Reheating occurs, changing the value of
  • Before pair annihilation
  • After pair annihilation
  • Since the total entropy density for particles in
    equilibrium is conserved

RNB Properties
  • The present number density of neutrinos for a
    single family is
  • If then the present velocity of
    the relic neutrinos is
  • The neutrino contribution to the total mass
    density in units of the critical density is given
  • The present upper limit on the neutrino mass from
    cosmological considerations arises from CMBLSS
  • This present lower upper limit for the neutrino
    mass obtained in laboratory comes from the
    Heidelberg-Moscow experiment, assuming Majorana

Wang, Tegmark Zaldarriaga (astro-ph/0105091)
m v (0.05 - 0.84) eV (95 C.L.)
RNB Observation
  • Due to the low energies involved, direct
    observation of the relic neutrino sea is beyond
    present technological capabilities. However,
    indirect observation may be possible.
  • Fargion (astro-ph/9710029) and Weiler
    (hep-ph/9710431) envisioned the following
    annihilation process
  • The production rate is greatly enhanced by the
    possible relic neutrino clustering in the
    galactic halo or in our galaxy cluster.
  • If this process occurs, the secondary products
    contribute more than 10 to the observed cosmic
    ray flux above 1019 eV (Yoshida et al.,
  • This excess in the cosmic ray flux, as well as
    the correlation of the UHE neutrino and the
    secondaries directions could be observed by
    the Auger experiment.

  • Great progress has been made in observations of
    the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.
  • The most recent measurements severely constrain
    the cosmological parameters and the cosmological
    models describing the Universe.
  • CMBR, LSS and SCP strongly indicate that the
    density of the Universe is very close to the
    critical density and favor models based on the
    Inflationary Paradigm.
  • Massive relic neutrinos can play an important
    role in understanding the nature of Dark Matter.
  • Indirect observation of the Relic Neutrino
    Background may be possible in the near future.
  • This is not The End, this is just The Beginning!

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