Title: Available Transfer Capability Determination
1Available Transfer Capability Determination
Third NSF Workshop on US-Africa Research and
Education Collaboration Abuja, Nigeria, December
13-15, 2004
- Chen-Ching Liu and Guang Li
- University of Washington
- Background of Available Transfer Capability (ATC)
- Definitions of ATC
- Determination of ATC
- Examples of ATC in Nigerian NEPA 330kV Grid
- Optimization Technique to Calculate ATC
- Stability-Constrained ATC Calculation Method
- Conclusions
- ATC is the transmission limit for reserving and
scheduling energy transactions in competitive
electricity markets. - Accurate evaluation of ATC is essential to
maximize utilization of existing transmission
grids while maintaining system security.
4Transmission Service Types
- Recallable transmission service Transmission
service that a transmission provider can
interrupt in whole or in part. Â - Non-recallable transmission service Transmission
service that cannot be interrupted by a provider
for economic reasons, but that can be curtailed
for reliability.
5ATC Under Operating Constraints
- Transfer capability must be evaluated based on
the most limiting factor.
6Available Transfer Capability (ATC) (North
American Electric Reliability Council)
7Definition of ATC
- ATC TTC TRM Existing Transmission
Commitments (including CBM) - Transmission Transfer Capability Margins
- Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM)
- Capacity Benefit Margin (CBM)
8Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM)
- Uncertainty exists in future system topology,
load demand and power transactions - TRM is kind of a safety margin to ensure reliable
system operation as system conditions change. - TRM could be 8 or 10 of the TTC
9Capacity Benefit Margin (CBM)
- CBM is reserved by load serving entities to
ensure access to generation from interconnected
systems to meet generation reliability
requirements. - Intended only for the time of emergency
generation deficiencies
10State of the Art ATC Methods
11First Contingency Incremental Transfer Capability
(FCITC) First Contingency Total Transfer
Capability (FCTTC)
12Total Transfer Capability (TTC)
- System Conditions
- Critical Contingencies
- Parallel Path Flows
- Non-Simultaneous and Simultaneous Transfers
- System Limits
13Procedure to Calculate TTC
- Start with a base case power flow
- Increase generation in area A and increase demand
in area B by the same amount - Check the thermal, stability and voltage
constraints. - Evaluate the first contingency event and ensure
that the emergency operating limits are met. - When the emergency limit is reached for a first
contingency, the corresponding (pre-contingency)
transfer amount from area A to area B is the TTC.
14Example 1 2-Area NEPA 330kV Grid
152-Area Base-Case Tie Flow
Single transmission line contingency
No thermal limit (assumed 120 base case flow)
First thermal limit reached
4.64 MW
Tie Line Flow
Area 1
Area 2
16Area 1 to Area 2 ATC Calculation
gt 4.64 MW
Increasing Generation DP MW
Increasing Demand DP MW
Area 1
Area 2
Increased Demand 0.32 MW
Increased Generation 0.32 MW
4.96 MW
Area 1
Area 2
17Area 2 to Area 1 ATC Calculation
lt 4.64 MW
Increasing Demand DP MW
Increasing Generation DP MW
Area 1
Area 2
Increased Generation 0.1 MW
Increased Demand 0.1 MW
4.54 MW
Area 1
Area 2
182-Area ATC Calculation
Direction Area 1 to Area 2 Area 2 to Area 1
Critical Contingency Line 7-25 (Delta-Aladja) Line 7-25 (Delta-Aladja)
Thermal Limit Reached Line 2-8 (Jebba G.S.-Jebba T.S.) Line 5-24 (Alam-Aba)
FCTTC 4.96 MW ?4.54MW
FCITC 0.32 MW 0.1 MW
19Example 2 4-Area NEPA 300kV Grid
204-Area Base-Case Tie Flows
Area 1
8.24 MW
8.5 MW
16.6 MW
4.64 MW
Area 4
Area 2
Area 3
21Area 3 to Area 1 ATC calculation (Example of
Parallel Path Flows)
Area 1
FCTTC 9.1 8.65 17.75 MW FCITC 17.75 ? (8.5
8.24) 1.01 MW
Increased Demand 1.01 MW
8.65 MW
9.1 MW
17.2 MW
4.64 MW
Increased Generation 1.01 MW
Area 4
Area 2
Area 3
22Area 4 to Area 2 Simultaneous ATC with a
Pre-existing Area 3 to Area 1 17.75 MW Transfer
Area 1
FCTTC ?16.99 ? (?17.2) 0.21 MW FCITC 4.85 ?
4.64 0.21 MW
8.65 MW
9.1 MW
Increased Generation 0.21 MW
16.99 MW
4.85 MW
Increased Demand 0.21 MW
Area 4
Area 2
Area 3
23Optimization Technique to Calculate ATC
sum of generation in sending area A
- system dynamic behavior - power flow equations
Subject to
- active power output - thermal limit - voltage
profile - energy margin
24Stability-Constrained ATC
25Second-kick-based energy margin computation
Perform time-domain simulation
- Simulation
Obtain system trajectory following a
pre-specified disturbance sequence
- Trajectory
Compute potential energy of first- and
second-kick trajectories
- Potential energy
Potential energy difference at the respective
peaks of the first- and second-kick disturbances
- Energy margin
26Energy margin sensitivity computation
- Determine the search direction with the
Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) method
D is an approximation to the inverse of Hessian
27Generation adjustment
- Adjustment
- Update
282-Area Test System
29Stability-Constrained ATC Results
- ATC provides a reasonable and dependable
indication of available transfer capabilities in
electric power markets. - ATC considers reasonable uncertainties in system
conditions and provides operating flexibility for
the secure operation of the interconnected
network. - The effects of simultaneous transfers and
parallel path flows are studied. - Need for ATC calculation method to incorporate
voltage, angle stability limits as well as
thermal limits.
- 1 North American Electric Reliability Council,
Available Transfer Capability Definitions and
Determination, June 1996. - 2 North American Electric Reliability
Council,Transmission Transfer Capability, May
1995. - 3 S. K. Joo, C. C. Liu, Y. Shen, Z. Zabinsky
and J. Lawarree, Optimization Techniques for
Available Transfer Capability (ATC) and Market
Calculations, IMA Journal of Management
Mathematics (2004) 15, 321-337.