Title: HIV: Human Immunodeficiency Virus A Retrovirus
1HIV Human Immunodeficiency VirusA Retrovirus
2 What is a RETROVIRUS?
- A retrovirus contains RNA
- Retroviruses reverse the usual DNA-to-RNA flow
- of genetic information in transcription.
- Retroviruses contain enzymes to assist in their
work. - One of these is called reverse
3Lets diagram and label the HIV retrovirus.
4How does HIV attack a white blood cell?
- The HIV attacks a white blood cell called the
Helper T-4. - The T-4 has a special receptor on its surface
which - is called a CD-4.
- 3. Watch the video of how an HIV attaches and
replicates - inside the T-4 white blood cell.
5How does HIV attack and replicate in a human T-4
- Share with a partner three things that you
- remember about how HIV attacks and
- replicates in T-4 white blood cell.
- 2. Share with the class.
- Lets review the steps of HIV replication again
- with a different video of the same process.
6HIV Coloring Handout
Now go to Challenge 1, Part 4 and read through
the Section on HIV transmission. It will give
you Instructions to color your HIV Handout as
your read.
7(No Transcript)
8Finding a Cure
Researchers are hard at work to find an
effective drug that will interfere with the
infection and replication of the HIV
retrovirus. Look at your coloring page and
brainstorm at least three places where a drug
might be used to interrupt this cycle. Place an
X where you think the drug may have an effect.
Answer the question at the bottom of your
coloring page and share your answer with one
person next to you.
9Finding a Cure
- Video - When does HIV becomes AIDS?
- Video A possible cure? July 2008
- Video Antiretroviral Drugs
- Video Current State of HIV Research
- New Article Bone Marrow Transplant