Title: Discovering God's Love
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2HOW DO I KNOW God Loves Me?
3Six Proofs of His Love for You
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5The Lord is good to all He has compassion on
all He has madeThe Lord is faithful to all His
promises and loving toward all He has made The
Lord is righteous in all His ways and loving
toward all He has made. Psalm 145 9, 13, 17
God is like a Father to us, tender and
sympatheticHe knows we are but dust. Psalm
God is love. 1 John 416
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7Not one sparrow can fall to the ground without
your Father knowing it.. Matt. 1029
God even knows how many hairs are on your head.
Matt. 1030
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9God I have good plans for you, not plans to
hurt you. I will give you hope and a good
future. Jeremiah 2911
Jesus I came to give lifelife in all its
fullness. John 1010
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11You open Your hand and satisfy the desires of
every living thing
He fulfills the desires of those who fear Him.
Psalm 14516, 19
God richly provides us with everything for our
enjoyment. 1 Tim. 617
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13Greater love has no man than this, that he lay
down his life for his friends. John 1513
God proves His love for us, in that while we
were sinners Christ died for us. Romans 58
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15Yes, all have sinned Romans 323
Yet now God declares us not guilty if we trust
in Jesus Christ, who freely takes away our sins.
Romans 324
16To Spiritual Drifters, Jesus is saying
I want to see a resurrection this Easter
With deep love I will take you back Isaiah
Gods love for you is u !
With deep love I will take you back Isaiah
Gods love for you is unbreakable!
19How Much Does God Love Me Right Now?
I pray that you will be able to feel and
understand how long, how wide, how deep, and how
high his love really is and to experience this
love for yourselves. Eph. 318-19
20Gods Love is
W I D E enough to Include everybody.
21Gods Love is
W I D E enough to Include everybody.
L O N G enough to last forever.
22Gods Love is
W I D E enough to Include everybody.
L O N G enough to last forever.
deep enough to be everywhere.
23Gods Love is
W I D E enough to Include everybody.
L O N G enough to last forever.
deep enough to be everywhere.
High enough to meet your needs.
24Lifes Key Relationships
- 4-23 Discovering Gods Love!
- 4-30 Restoring Broken Bonds!
- 5-07 Making Your Spouse Special!
- 5-14 Keeping Your Family Central!
Rescuing Relationships
- 5-28 from the Jaws of Jealousy!
- 6-04 from the Jaws of Anger!
- 6-11 from the Jaws of Words!
- 6-18 from the Jaws of Selfishness!
25How to get on BASE spiritually
I Believe Jesus died and rose again for me.
26How to get on BASE spiritually
I Believe Jesus died and rose again for me.
I Accept Gods forgiveness for my sins.
27How to get on BASE spiritually
I Believe Jesus died and rose again for me.
I Accept Gods forgiveness for my sins.
I Switch to Gods good plan for my life.
28How to get on BASE spiritually
I Believe Jesus died and rose again for me.
I Accept Gods forgiveness for my sins.
I Switch to Gods good plan for my life.
I Express my desire for Christ to be my life
29Sinners Prayer
Dear God, I believe you sent Jesus to die for my
sins so I can be forgiven Im sorry for my sins
and accept your offer of forgiveness I want to
switch to live the way you want me to Im
expressing my desire to have you be my life
director. Amen.
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