Developed by the JPAS Industry Training Team - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Developed by the JPAS Industry Training Team


Developed by the JPAS Industry Training Team – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Developed by the JPAS Industry Training Team

JCAVS User Training
Developed by the JPAS Industry Training
Team Presented by Toni MacDonald The Boeing
Company Quinton Wilkes L-3 Communications Corp.
JPAS Training Outline
  • Skill Set Training System
  • How to Establish an SMO
  • How to Set up PSM Net
  • How to Search for a Person/Record
  • How to Create a Record
  • How to Create a Person Category
  • How to Modify a Record
  • How to In-Process
  • How to Out-Process
  • How to Indoctrinate
  • How to Debrief
  • How to Separate/Terminate
  • How to Request an Archived Record
  • How to Request an Investigation
  • How to Submit Incident Reports
  • How to Check Notifications
  • How to Generate Reports
  • Mass Personnel Transfers
  • Data / PSM Net Validation
  • JPAS Program Overview
  • User Guides
  • What is JPAS
  • JPAS History
  • JCAVS 101
  • Gateways
  • Disclosure Screen
  • Password Screen
  • Log in Screens
  • User Levels
  • Terms/Definitions
  • System Familiarization
  • Main Screen
  • PID Data
  • PSQ Sent Data
  • Non-SCI/SCI Access History
  • Unofficial Foreign Travel
  • Poly Information

JPAS Program Overview
JCAVS User Guides
Developed by the JPAS Industry Team
What is JPAS?
  • It is a DoD system that will use the Web to
    connect security personnel around the world with
    a database that is managed by DoD Central
    Adjudication Facilities (CAFs).
  • JPAS will provide real-time information
    regarding eligibility (clearance), access and
    investigation status to authorized DoD security
    personnel and other interfacing organizations
    such as Defense Security Service (DSS), Defense
    Manpower Data Center, Defense Civilian Person
    Management System, Office of Personnel Management
    and Air Force Personnel Center.

JPAS History
In the beginning
Each CAF used a different Clearance Management
JPAS History
Then someone had an idea
What about Industry?
ALL adjudications would be maintained on one
common system
JPAS History
Industry was asked to participate in JPAS
Industry Team
Air Force
  • Boeing
  • Northrop Grumman
  • Lockheed
  • Raytheon
  • L3 Communications

The Industry JPAS Team was created
Two Parts to JPAS
Joint Clearance Access Verification System
Joint Adjudication Management System
Used exclusively by CAFs for tracking
adjudication actions
Used to verify a persons eligibility
Joint Personnel Adjudication System
  • Investigation Eligibility Access

Secret Confidential
Top Secret Secret Confidential
Top Secret

DISS Gatewayhttps//
  • The DISS Gateway is the portal to all DSS
  • Click on JPAS Gateway to get to the JPAS
    Homepage. Select JPAS Login and enter your User
    ID and Password. 
  • The JPAS Training System (JTS) is a placeholder
    button until the system is deployed - Date TBD
  • In the future, DISS Gateway will allow single
    sign-on, so once you enter the Gateway, your
    password and user ID will provide access to all
    authorized DSS applications. 

  • The JPAS home page is the entry point to JPAS.
    Access to JPAS requires a User ID and Password
    from your Account Manager.
  • Once your JPAS account has been established,
    single-click on JPAS Login the JPAS Disclosure
    screen will open.

JPAS Disclosure Screen
  • The user must accept the disclosure agreement
    before he or she can have access to the JPAS
    application. If a user clicks the Disagree
    button, they are returned to the JPAS Gateway.
  • The JPAS disclosure screen contains a message
    reminding you that JPAS is a highly secure system
    available only to authorized users. You must
    agree to all of the requirements stated in the
    message in order to gain access to the system.

Log-in Screen
Note If you only have one Category/Level you
will go directly to the main menu screen and will
NOT see this screen. If you have more than one
Category/Level you need to select which
Category/Level you wish to work on.
Change Password Screen
  • Current Password - Enter the current password in
    text box field
  • New Password - The following guidelines will help
    you select a proper password
  • Passwords must contain at least two different
    lowercase letters, two different uppercase
    letters, two different numbers, and two different
    special character
  • The following special characters may be used as
    part of your password _at_
  • Passwords must be changed every 60 days
  • The new password can not be the same as any of
    the previous 10 passwords
  • The new password can not be any password used in
    the previous 18 months
  • Spaces are NOT allowed in the password
  • Verify New Password - Retype the new password you
    just entered

User Levels
  • LEVEL 2 - SCI security personnel at unified
    command, DoD agency, military department or major
    command/equivalent headquarters. PSM - Net is
    determined by the responsible SOIC or designee.
    (Read and Write Access - SSBI)
  • LEVEL 3 - SCI security personnel at echelons
    subordinate to Level 2 at a particular geographic
    location (installation, base, post, naval
    vessel). PSM - Net is determined by the
    responsible SOIC or designee. (Read and Write
  • LEVEL 4 - Non-SCI security personnel at unified
    command, DoD agency, military department or major
    command/equivalent headquarters. PSM - Net is
    determined by the responsible Security Officer or
    designee. (Read and Write Access - NACLC/ANACI)
  • LEVEL 5 - Non-SCI security personnel at echelons
    subordinate to Level 4 at a particular geographic
    location (installation, base, post, naval
    vessel). PSM - Net is determined by the
    responsible Security Officer or designee. (Read
    and Write Access - NACLC/ANACI)
  • LEVEL 6 - Unit security manager (additional duty)
    responsible for security functions as determined
    by responsible senior security official. (Read
    and Write Access - NACLC/ANACI)
  • LEVEL 7 - Non-SCI Entry control personnel.
    Individuals who grant access to installations,
    buildings, etc. Varies according to
    organizations. (Read Access - NACLC/ANACI)
  • LEVEL 8 - SCI Entry control personnel.
    Individuals who grant access to SCIF
    installations, buildings, etc. Varies according
    to organizations. (Read Access - SSBI)
  • LEVEL 10 - Visitor Management. Level 10 users
    will have the same view of the JCAVS Person
    Summary as a JCAVS Level 7 User. They will
    receive Visit Notifications when their SMO is
    being notified of a visit. A Level 10 User may
    not be an Account Manager, create or delete an
    account at any level.
  • LEVEL 11 For DSS Reps Only

Terms Definitions
  • Organization An organization is a unique code
    that has been assigned for each CAGE (Industry)
    and UIC/Passcode/RUC (DoD) within the JPAS
    system. For Industry a hyphenated I was added
    to identify the organization as belonging to
    Industry. For example, CAGE 1D020 is
  • Security Management Office (SMO) A SMO is
    established by your Account Manager and can
    contain one or more CAGEs. Each FSO must
    determine the number of CAGEs they want within
    their PSM Net. For example, if an FSO has four
    (4) different CAGEs, the FSO could either
    establish a separate SMO for each CAGE or
    establish one SMO for all four CAGEs.
  • Personnel Security Management Network (PSM Net)
    Consists of personnel within your SMO whom you
    are responsible for maintaining/updating their
    security status.

Terms Definitions
  • Person Category Tab Within Industry, we will
    only create Industry Tabs (non-DoD) for our
    employees. Each employee should have an
    Industry Tab that is associated with the CAGE
    for which the employee is assigned.
  • A person can have more than one active industry
    tab (i.e., multiple companies).
  • A person can also have other tabs, i.e., Active
    Duty, National Guard, etc.
  • An Industry Tab is made up of three parts
  • Person Category Title (Industry)
  • Person Type (Contractor, Consultant or KMP)
  • Organization (CAGE)

Example Industry (Contractor) 1D020-I Industry
(KMP) 0EK07-I
Terms Definitions
  • Relationships Within JPAS, you must establish a
    relationship with everyone within your SMO
    before you can do anything to their record, i.e.,
    indoctrinate, debrief, separate, submit RRU,
    initiate Investigation, etc.
  • There are two different types of Relationships
  • Owning If you are responsible for maintaining a
    persons eligibility status and submitting their
    investigation request, you should own them.
  • Servicing If you need to be notified of a
    change in a persons eligibility status or if you
    need to update their record, you should service
  • Note You can establish a one day relationship
    by entering both the in date and out date at the
    same time

System Familiarization
  • Main Menu
  • Select Person Screen
  • PID Data
  • PSQ Sent Data
  • Non-SCI/SCI Access History
  • Unofficial Foreign Travel
  • Poly Information
  • AKA
  • Generate/Cancel RRUs
  • Nda/Nds History
  • Incident Reports
  • Suspense Data

Main Menu Screen
User ID
Security Management Office (SMO)
Main Menu
Select Person Screen
Must enter SSN
Cannot search by Name
Person Summary
Add/Modify Screen
Must choose an option
Person Summary Screen
The Person Summary Screen is used to
  • View PID Data
  • Record PSQ Sent Info
  • View Non-SCI and SCI Access History
  • Record Unofficial Foreign Travel (SCI Only)
  • View Polygraph Info
  • View AKA
  • Submit Request for Research Upgrade (RRU)
  • View NdS and NdA History
  • Indoctrinate/Debrief
  • View Person Category Information
  • Submit Incident Reports (Adverse Information)
  • Suspense Data
  • In/Out Process
  • Request Investigations via eQIP
  • Request Indoctrination/Debrief Assistance
  • Remarks
  • View Investigation/Adjudication History
  • View Investigation/Adjudication Summary
  • Perform SII
  • DCII
  • View only Screen for Levels 7, 8, and 10

View PID DataPersonal Identification Section
  • Last, First and Middle Name Individual's name.
  • Person Category Drop Down Menu The "Person
    Category" drop down menu displays a Person
    Category entry.
  • SSN Individual's Social Security Number.
  • Date of Birth Individual's Date of Birth.
  • Open Investigation Displays the individual's
    current open Investigation Type, open
    Investigation Date and Investigation Agency.
  • Marital Status Displays the individual's current
    marital status.
  • PSQ Sent Date. Displays any available date
  • Place of Birth State of Birth, or Country of
    Birth if born outside the United States.
  • Attestation Date Displays the date the
    individual completed an Attestation.
  • Citizenship Displays the individual's
  • Incident Report Displays the date of the
    incident report (in red) if ongoing. Otherwise,
    the field displays "N/A".
  • NdA Signed. Displays "Yes" or "No".
  • SF 713 Fin Consent Date Displays the date of the
    SF 713 Financial Consent. (Future)
  • NdS Signed Displays "Yes" or "No".
  • SF 714 Fin Disclosure Date Displays the date of
    the SF 714 Financial Disclosure. (Future)
  • Polygraph Displays the poly date, agency, type,
    and file number (user must have the Poly
    permission the SMO must be poly designated).
  • Foreign Relation Displays, in a list box, any
    foreign relations, quantity, relation description
    and country.

Record PSQ Sent Info
Used to record that a PSQ has been submitted to
DSS or OPM to initiate an investigation.
Fill in the blanks and save
Date PSQ Sent Date submitted to
DISCO Investigation Type Select from pull
down PSQ Review Date Date PSQ is reviewed by
SMO To Investigating Agency Select from pull
down Local Agency Check Date Will populate from
PSQ form when done via eQIP
Non-SCI and SCI Access History
  • Non-SCI Access History can be viewed by User
    Levels 2 through 6
  • SCI Access History can be viewed by Levels 2 and

Unofficial Foreign Travel
User Levels 2 and 3, can add, update and view
Unofficial Foreign Travel information. Access to
Unofficial Foreign Travel information is required
while a Person is in SCI Access, and for two
years following a Person's debrief from SCI
Polygraph Info
In order to view Polygraph information, the user
must have the Polygraph permission and the SMO
must be polygraph designated. Displayed info
includes polygraph date, agency, type, and file
number as entered by a JAMS or JCAVS User. This
field displays "N/A" if a new record, or if no
Polygraph information exists for the Person.  
The AKA link displays only if there is a recorded
alias for a person.
From the Add Modify Non DoD Person screen,
single-click the AKA hyperlink to display the
(AKA) screen.
Request to Research/Recertify/Upgrade
Eligibility (RRU)
  • Submit an RRU to
  • Request CAF to research, recertify, or upgrade an
    individual's eligibility
  • Request SSN Correction (DISCO may request copy of
    SSN card)
  • You can only submit one RRU per person at a time
  • Any JCAVS user within the same Security
    Management Office (SMO) can cancel an RRU if it
    has not yet been assigned to a JAMS User
  • Once cancelled, a JCAVS user can resubmit another
  • You will receive an "Eligibility Change" or a
    "CAF Response to RRU Request"
  • Industry RRUs should be submitted to DISCO

JCAVS Request to Research/Recertify/Upgrade
To Cancel RRU Select Cancel Request Then
Click Save
NdA and NdS Date History
The NdA and NdS Date History screens allows Users
to view an individual's NdA and/or NdS date
history information.

Incident Reports/Adverse Information
  • Incident Reports allows JCAVS Users to record
    Incidents and submit electronically to the CAF.
  • Only the JCAVS User that submitted the Incident
    Report or those with a PSM Net relationship with
    the Person should be able view the Incident
    Report details.
  • Any User can take on a servicing relationship and
    view Incident Report details.
  • Workaround Submit as Final report. Be sure
    to print copy before submitting, once submitted,
    you will not be able to review the report
  • If you need to submit a Follow-up report,
    initiate another Incident Report and indicate in
    the description that this is a follow-up to the
    Incident Report submitted on yymmdd.

Suspense Data
  • The  Add/Modify Suspense Data screen allows JCAVS
    User Levels 2 through 6 to set a suspense in a
    person's record. If the set suspense becomes
    overdue, the system sends the User a notification
    via the JCAVS Overdue Suspense Notification
  • From the JCAVS Person Summary screen, click the
    "Suspense Data" hyperlink within the Person
    Category Information section to display the
    Add/Modify Suspense Data screen.
  • Once you enter a completion date, the suspense
    notice will be removed from your notifications.

Person Summary Screen
Person Categories
Available Actions
Level Indoctrinated at each facility
Presidential Support Program
Click to Indoctrinate Non-SCI
Click to Debrief Non-SCI
Blank means the Person is not in your PSM Net or
may have been separated
Person Summary Screen (Continued)
SCI Indoctrinations
Person Summary Screen (Continued)
Top line will determine most current
Investigation Date
Top line will determine Eligibility Level
Investigation/Adjudication History
  • Investigation History
  • A summary of all open and closed investigations.
    Lists the investigation type, Investigating
    agency, and Investigation open and close dates.
    Most current investigation is listed first. 
  • Adjudication History
  • A summary of all open and closed adjudications.
    Lists the type of investigation adjudicated, the
    closed date (once the adjudication is completed),
    the adjudicating CAF, and the Person's
    Eligibility and Eligibility Date. Most current
    adjudication is listed first.
  • Indoctrination links on Person Summary Screen
    will be determined by the highest eligibility
    granted on the most current investigation.

Perform SII Search(SII - Suitability/Security
Investigations Index)
  • JPAS Person Information
  • Indicates Last Name, SSN and DOB entered by the
    user to search for a record.
  • SII Person Information
  • Indicates Last Name, SSN and DOB returned by the
  • SII AKA Names
  • Indicates any AKA information returned by the
  • SII Investigation Summary
  • Indicates investigation information returned by
  • SII Clearance Summary
  • Indicates information returned by SII.
  • SII Messages
  • This portion of the screen displays any messages
    returned by SII.
  • Note. If the OPM SII database is down, the
    following text will be displayed under "SII
    Messages"   The OPM CVS/SII System is NOT

The information contained on the e-clearance
screen is read only and is used to verify the
following info
Person Summary ScreenLevel 7, 8, and 10
Users(Read Only Visitor Control)
Ensure correct person category is displayed
SCI Access
Level Indoctrinated
Person Categories
Blank means the Person is not in your PSM Net or
may have separated
NATO Access
Nuclear Access
Corresponds to info selected from pull down menu
See next pg
  • Note User Levels 7, 8, and 10 will display the
    following fields on the JCAVS Person Summary
  • Eligibility Displays the level of Eligibility,
    the date the Eligibility was granted, and the DoD
    CAF (Note User Level 10 will display the actual
  • Investigation Displays the Investigation Type,
    the Closed Investigation Date and the name of the
    Agency issuing the Investigation.

Add/Modify Screen
  • The Add/Modify Screen is used to
  • Create new records
  • No Existing record
  • Current Employee/New Hire no previous clearance
  • Add new Person Category
  • New Hire with an existing Person Category
  • Create or change PID information
  • Add or update AKA information
  • Modify Relationships
  • Add/Modify an existing Person Category
  • Transfer from one facility to another facility
    within the same Industry family (MFT)
  • Separate (terminate) a person

Add/Modify Screen
Must enter SSN
Add/Modify Screen
Add/Modify Screen
Last Name
First Name
Personal Information Data (PID)
Marital Status
List of Available Person Categories
3rd Part of Person Category
1st Part of Person Category
2nd Part of Person Category
Person Category Area
May cause problems
Separation Date
Separation Code
Skill Set Training
Establishing an SMO
Make Account Mgrs
Add Organizations
Identify Users
Name SMO
Reston, VA
Alexandria, VA
Crystal City, VA
Washington DC Security Office
PSM Net 300 Employees
PSM Net 375 Employees
PSM Net 775 Employees
PSM Net 0 Employees
PSM Net 1025 Employees
How to Setup a PSM Net
  • A PSM Net can contain unlimited organizations
  • Select person or organization you wish to add
  • Three Methods from which to choose
  • By Organization (via PSM Net Screen)
  • By SSN (via PSM Net Screen)
  • By In/Out Process link (via Person Summary
  • Add by Organization
  • Two Methods
  • Check box
  • Add All button (The Good, The Bad The Ugly)

How to Search for a Person
  • Main Menu - by Social Security Number
  • No relationship required
  • You cannot search by Name
  • PSM Net - If youre looking for someone within
    your PSM Net you can search by SSN or last name
  • You can look up your own record but you cannot
    modify your own data

How to Request an Archived Record
  • If you enter the SSN for a person who has no
    active Person Categories, if theyve been
    "inactive" for more than two years, a pop-up
    window displays informing you that the record is
    "archived". Click the "OK" button to request to
    reactivate this persons record.
  • Enter justification for having the record
    "reactivated (up to 1,000 characters).
  • Save your actions and the request is sent to the
    JPAS Help Desk (can take 2-3 days).

How to Create a Record
  • Create a record in JPAS when
  • No previous Record exists
  • You must first create PID data
  • Name, DOB, Citizenship are required fields
  • Once PID is created, you must create a Person
    Category tab.
  • Make sure the SSN is correct before you save
  • Once you create a record, YOU cannot remove it!

How to Create a Person Category
  • Create a Person Category tab for a person
  • When an employee transfers in from another
  • After creating a record for a new employee
  • An Industry person can have multiple Person
    Category tabs based on multiple company
  • ONLY create Industry Person Category tabs.
  • You can delete an Industry tab if NO history
    has been associated with the tab.

How to Modify a Person Category
  • Modify Person Category from Add/Modify screen
  • When changing Person Type (Contractor to KMP)
  • When employee transfers from one facility to
  • Only modify Person Category Tabs that are
    associated with YOUR company
  • Notify DISCO if an open investigation is in

How to In-Process (Add to PSM Net)
  • In-process a person into your SMO/PSM Net when
  • You first establish your PSM Net
  • An employee transfers from one SMO to another SMO
  • A new hire or current employee requires access
  • From Person Summary Screen, make sure correct
    category is displayed
  • Click In/Out Process hyperlink
  • Enter date in In Date box
  • Select Owning or Servicing relationship
  • Click Save
  • From PSM Net screen
  • Select Person Category by SSN
  • Enter SSN
  • Click Add
  • Click Search
  • NOTE For a temporary relationship enter both in
    and out dates, the relationship will terminate at
    midnight on the specified date

How to Out-Process (Remove from PSM Net)
  • Out-process a person when they leave your PSM
  • Terminate employment
  • MFT
  • Admin Term
  • Two different methods
  • From PSM Net Select person, check the remove
    button and hit save at bottom of screen
  • From Person Summary Screen Select in/out
    process link, insert current date in appropriate
    box, and save

How to Indoctrinate (Grant Access)
  • Non-SCI
  • Non-disclosure Agreement (NdA) date must be
  • Indoctrinate US at the level the person will be
  • CANNOT indoctrinate higher than eligibility will
    allow or FSC
  • NATO, CNWDI, RD, if the person is briefed
  • COMSEC is NOT recorded in JPAS
  • SCI
  • Must be Level 2 or 3 User
  • Non-disclosure Statement (NdS) date must be

How/When to Debrief
  • To Debrief a Person
  • You must first have a relationship with the
  • Select the debrief link from the correct person
  • Enter the debrief date
  • Select the reason for debrief
  • Save - Cancel - Return to Person Screen
  • When to Debrief a Person
  • When a person is terminating from your company
  • When a person no longer requires an eligibility
    (i.e., admin term)
  • You must debrief a person from one level before
    you can indoctrinate them at another level
    (i.e., Secret to Top Secret)

How To Separate (Terminate)
  • Separate the person if they
  • Terminate employment
  • Admin Term
  • Deceased
  • Once separated, a persons record will remain on
    the Person Summary Screen for 2 years/1day, then
    it will become archived.
  • Two Date Methods
  • Type in date yyyymmdd
  • Calendar
  • Two different methods to separate
  • Add/Modify Screen
  • Mass Personnel Module

How to Request an Investigation
  • To initiate request, click on Investigation
    Request link located below the In/Out Process
  • If the Investigation Request link is NOT there
  • Ensure the Correct Person Category is being
  • Ensure you have a relationship with the person
  • Check Investigation Summary section for an
    active investigation request
  • Investigation Request link will take you to
    Determine Investigation Screen

Signature Pages
  • PSQ Signature Pages became automated as of 5
    March 2007
  • Certification of SF86
  • Authorization for Release of Information
  • Release of Medical Information
  • Required if subject answers Yes to Question 21
  • Two methods to provide Signature pages to JPAS
  • Fax
  • Upload
  • Signature pages must be received in JPAS and
    associated with the Investigation Request before
    Industry can submit Package to DISCO
  • All PSIs initiated and/or revised on or after 5
    March 2007 must follow this process
  • Signature Pages not submitted within 60 days of
    an eQIP submission will cause the eQIP to

PSI Automation Signature Pages - Fax
  • FAX (Fax number 1 866-804-0686)
  • JPAS uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to
    read the investigation request number from the
    signature page and associates each fax to the
    correct Investigation Request and document type.
  • DO NOT USE COVER SHEETS (clogs up the system).
  • JPAS Users can print signature pages from JPAS,
    or the subject can print them from e-QIP once
    theyve certified their SF86.
  • Anyone can fax signature pages, JPAS access not
  • Faxed documents are stored in the JPAS repository
    until the Investigation Request is approved.
    Documents are sent to OPM upon DISCO Approval.
  • Upon DISCO approval, documents are no longer

PSI Automation Signature Pages Upload
  • Upload
  • The JCAVS User can browse and select a document
    from a local or network drive to upload.
    Documents must be scanned and saved individually
    prior to upload.
  • The User identifies the type of document and
    appropriate Investigation Request through
    selections in JPAS.
  • Documents are uploaded directly to JPAS in
    real-time and are not stored in the JPAS document
  • All uploaded documents must be in .pdf format and
    cannot be larger than 1 mg.
  • Only JPAS Users can upload signature pages, JPAS
    access is required.

Add/Modify Invest. Request Ready for Review,
No Documents
Invest. Request Documents Ready for Review, No
  • When you scan a document, you must select
    document type and locate the document. Ensure
    you have a naming scheme which will clearly
    identify the appropriate document to be uploaded.
  • Notice the Submit to DISCO button is not

Add/Modify Investigation Request Documents
Invest. Request Documents Ready for DISCO
  • Signature pages can be viewed and replaced in
    JPAS and are available for review until approved
    by DISCO.
  • JPAS displays History of received documents -
    Method (Fax or Upload), Date and Time, Result
    (Success or Failure)
  • Only documents that could be associated with the
    Investigation Request are displayed in the status

Investigation Request Status Notification Error
Investigation Request Status Notification
displays receipt of currently associated
signature pages.
Investigation Request Documents Transition
Paper Message
  • Check Notifications daily
  • Magnifying Glass will indicate you have a
  • Notifications are removed
  • 30 days from receipt of notification (except for
  • Manually, if you click on Remove from Display
  • Types of Notifications
  • Eligibility Change
  • Incident Updates
  • Investigation Request Status
  • Message from CAF
  • RRU Response
  • Visits (remain for duration of visit)

  • Several different types of reports
  • Personnel Report
  • Periodic Reinvestigations
  • PSM Net
  • On Demand Reports
  • Can select One or All Organizations within a SMO
  • Can Sort by Name or SSN
  • Can be downloaded into either PDF or Excel file

Personnel by Eligibility and Access
Report(Request Screen)
Personnel by Eligibility and Access
Report(Sample of Report)
Mass Personnel Module
  • Four Actions
  • Separate Only
  • Separates ALL or some within an SMO
  • Debriefs ALL Non-SCI Accesses
  • DISCO notified if open investigation
  • Separate and Transfer MFO (within home office)
  • Moves ALL or some within SMO
  • History of Organization and Access is created
  • DISCO notified if open investigation

Mass Personnel Module (continued)
  • Separate and Transfer Non-MFO (outside HO)
  • Moves ALL or some within SMO
  • History of Organization and Access is created
  • Non-SCI Accesses may be downgraded
  • DISCO notified if open investigation
  • Transfer Non-MFO
  • Moves ALL or some from SMO but keeps current
  • Must manually out process from Losing Org
  • Creates NEW Person Category
  • Non-SCI Accesses moved to new Person Category
  • Must manually in process into Gaining Org
  • DISCO notified if open investigation

Mass Personnel Changes Screen Shot
Data Validation
  • Once youve established your PSM Net, youll need
    to validate the data for each persons record
  • Social Security Numbers (RRU)
  • Eligibility (RRU)
  • Investigation Date (RRU)
  • Date of Birth (Change yourself)
  • Place of Birth (Change yourself)
  • Marital Status (Change yourself)
  • Indoctrinations (Change yourself)
  • NdA (Change yourself)
  • NdS (Change yourself)

PSM Net Validation
  • From the Main Menu select PSM Net
  • Will take you to JCAVS Maintain PSM Net Screen
  • Select Person Categories by Organization
  • Click Add - Will take you to PSM Net Add
    Organization Category
  • Hit Select Organization - Will take you to
    organization search
  • Select DoD Contractor Companies
  • Enter your cage code (plus ) in last box
  • Click Search selected cage will show up
  • Click blue link indicating cage code company
    name will move to top line
  • Click OK Will take you back to PSM Net Add
  • Click Search
  • Search result will indicate all persons
    associated with your cage that are not in your
    PSM Net
  • Determine if each person listed should be in your
    PSM Net
  • If Yes In-process and indoctrinate
  • If No In-process and out-process using the same
    date then go to add/modify screen and enter
    separation date and separation code. At midnight
    the person will drop out of your PSM Net and will
    no longer be associated with your Cage

Managing Visits
  • The Visit Module allows users to add, modify, or
    cancel a visit for one or more individuals in
    JPAS. To add multiple visits for multiple
    persons, simply repeat the procedure.
  • Click Create/Modify Visit on the Main Menu. The
    Add/Modify/Cancel A Visit screen appears.
  • Click the Add A Visit button. The Visit
    Information screen is displayed.
  • NOTE Please note visit notifications go away
    once the visit expiration (end date) is reached.

Visit Information Screen
  • From the Reason for Visit drop-down, select the
    appropriate reason.
  • Type the POC and POC Phone number in the text
  • Click the Select SMO button. The Security
    Management Office Selection screen appears.
  • Select the appropriate SMO Code link. The Visit
    Information screen reappears.
  • Type in Visit Dates
  • At the bottom of the page the system defaults to
    Add Visit. Click save button.

Visit Information Screen (Continued)
  • After the visit is saved in the system the Add
    Visitor(s) button is added to the page.
  • Click the Add Visitor(s) button and the Person
    Category Search Screen appears.

Person Category Search Screen
  • Type the SSN in the SSN text box and click
    Search. The Search Result Section is populated.
  • Click the Add box for the SSN.
  • Click the Add button. The Add column now displays
    a Reason button.
  • Click the Cancel button. The Visit Information
    screen reappears with the Visitor List updated.

Person Category Search Screen (Continued)
Visit Information Screen
  • Once the visitor(s) are added the visit is in the
    system and the visiting organization can see the

Modifying a Visit
  • On the Main Menu, click Create/Modify Visit. The
    Add/Modify/Cancel A Visit screen appears,
    showing the visit to be modified.
  • Select the SMO to modify from the Visited SMO
    Name column. The Visit Information screen
  • Modify the necessary information and ensure that
    the Modify Visit radio button is selected.
  • Click SAVE. The updated Visit Notification is
    sent to the organization being visited.

Canceling a Visit
  • On the Main Menu, click Create/Modify Visit. The
    Add/Modify/Cancel Visit screen appears.
  • Select the SMO to modify from the Visited SMO
    Name column. The Visit Information screen
  • Click the Cancel Visit radio button, then click
    SAVE. The visit is cancelled.

Visit Information Screen
  • Add/Modify Cancel Visit Screen

Viewing Visit Information
  • This procedure is used to display visit
    information by accessing the Visit Person
    Summary screen.
  • On the Main Menu, click Select Person. The
    Select Person screen appears.
  • Type the SSN of the individual whose record you
    wish to view.
  • Click the Display Abbrev. Person Summary with
    VISIT Info radio button.
  • Click DISPLAY. The Visit Person Summary screen
    appears. If there is no visit information for the
    SSN, an error message displays stating there is
    no Visit Person Summary screen for the SSN
  • Review the information displayed.
  • Click CLOSE. The Select Person screen is

Select Person Screen
Visit Person Summary Screen
Visit Notifications
  • Visit Notifications provide visit information for
    organizations to be visited and are received by
    the organization that is being visited.
  • On the Main Menu, click Notifications, then
    select Visit. All visit notifications are
  • To view the people who are a part of the visit,
    click the Expand Visit check box, then click
  • When a visit has been expanded, the SSN of the
    individuals are displayed. The Person Summary
    screen appears.
  • Review the information displayed, then click
    CANCEL to return to the previous screen.

Visit Notifications (Continued)
  • To view the people who are a part of the visit,
    click the Expand Visit check box, then click
  • When a visit has been expanded, the SSN of the
    individuals are displayed. The Person Summary
    screen appears.
  • Review the information displayed, then click
    CANCEL to return to the previous screen.

JPAS Error MessagesMost of these error messages
can be corrected by contacting your Account
  • User ID Already In Use
  • This message appears when a user has logged out
    of JPAS incorrectly. The correct way to log out
    is to click Logout from the Main Menu
  • User ID Not Recognized
  • This message appears when a user types his User
    ID incorrectly
  • Login Password Is Invalid
  • This message appears when the user attempts to
    use an expired password
  • Sign-On Password is Invalid
  • This message appears when the user attempts to
    use a wrong User ID
  • Maximum Login Attempts Exceeded
  • This message appears after three unsuccessful log
    in attempts
  • There Is A Lock On Your User ID
  • The system automatically locks a users account
    for the following reasons
  • After three unsuccessful log in attempts
  • The account has been inactive for 60 days

  • JPAS Account Manager Training

JPAS Account Manager Training
  • Outline
  • Procedures Governing Use of JPAS for Contractors
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Parent/child Relationships
  • Establishing a SMO
  • Creating User Accounts

Procedures Governing Use of JPAS by Cleared
  • Contractors are prohibited from placing false
    information in JPAS
  • If the government customer requires the contract
    employee to review or update JPAS records on
    behalf of the government customer, the government
    customer must provide the JPAS account for the
  • Each individual accessing JPAS must have a
    separate and unique account (no sharing accounts)
  • Contractors are authorized to verify prospective
    employees eligibility prior to an offer letter
    being extended
  • Contractors may not use JPAS for recruiting
  • DSS will not grant a facility security clearance
    (FCL) for the purpose of allowing a company or
    its employees to gain access to JPAS

Roles and Responsibilities
  • Maintaining Access Request Forms (ARFs)
  • Creating/Modifying SMOs
  • Establishing Parent/Child Relationships
  • Creating JCAVS User Accounts
  • Updating JCAVS User Accounts
  • Terminating JCAVS User Accounts
  • Logging off JCAVS Users
  • Resetting Passwords
  • Lock/Unlock JCAVS User Accounts
  • Providing JPAS Training to new users
  • Providing JPAS Updates to JCAVS Users

Establishing a SMO
  • On main menu select Maintain SMO
  • Enter Search Criteria on SMO you wish to
  • Click search or add
  • Enter required information
  • e-mail not required but recommended
  • Check designated box if required (i.e., Polygraph)

Parent/Child Relationships
  • On SMO Maintenance screen select Add/Maintain
    Parent Relationships
  • A parent can
  • In/out process children and/or subordinates
  • Run Reports for children and/or subordinates
  • Search for a Parent, enter begin date
  • Click Save

Creating/Updating User Accounts
  • Select correct organization
  • Select User Level
  • Select SMO
  • Select SMO from Search Menu
  • Click add/update level
  • Save
  • Record system generated User ID
  • Record system generated Password

Account Manager Functions
  • Identify Special Privileges
  • Identify Investigation Request Permissions
  • Add/ Modify/Remove JCAVS Accounts
  • Reset User Passwords
  • Lock/Unlock User Account
  • Log off Users

Lock reasons populated by System
JPAS Industry Team Education Training Co-Chairs
  • Toni MacDonald
  • Quinton Wilkes
  • Customer Call Center
  • 888 282-7682
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