Title: Florida
1Floridas Increasing Prevalence of Smoking During
Pregnancy The Impact of Revising the Birth
- Presented by Angel Watson, MPH, RHIA
- Florida State University, Consultant to Florida
Department of Health, - Division of Family Health Services, Office of
Surveillance, Evaluation and Epidemiology
- Although the prevalence of smoking during
pregnancy has declined it remains a major public
health issue. - Smoking during pregnancy is associated preterm
premature rupture of membranes, abruptio
placentae, placenta previa and preterm delivery.
Source The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, Maternal and Infant Health Smoking
During Pregnancy http//www.cdc.gov/reproductivehe
- A Healthy People 2010 goal is to reduce tobacco
use during pregnancy to no more than 1. - In 2005 Floridas Smoking During Pregnancy rate
was 9.6.
4Study Objective
- To what extent does the revision of the birth
certificate and changes in reporting contribute
to Floridas increasing prenatal smoking
- Analyzed Florida Pregnancy Risk Assessment
Monitoring Systems (PRAMS) matched with birth
records (2001-2004). - Examined smoking trends
- Florida Birth Certificate
- Explored other surveillance data trends
- Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
- Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)
62003 Revised Birth Certificate Implementation
- Florida adopted the revised birth certificate
during March, 2004 - The tobacco use question was revised
7U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth, Smoking
PREGNANCY For each time period, enter either the
number of cigarettes or the number of packs of
cigarettes smoked. IF NONE, ENTER 0. Average
number of cigarettes or packs of cigarettes
smoked per day. of cigarettes of
packs Three Months Before Pregnancy
___________ OR __________ First Three Months
of Pregnancy ___________ OR
__________ Second Three Months of Pregnancy
___________ OR __________ Third Trimester of
Pregnancy ___________ OR
Data Source National Center for Health
Statistics, http//www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/dvs/birth
8Floridas Certificate of Live Birth Smoking
- Tobacco Use During Pregnancy?
- Yes (if yes, avg. no. cigarettes/day)
- Yes, but quit
- No
- Lead to a change in the calculation for tobacco
use. -
9Study Questions Examined
- Revised tobacco use question
- Tobacco Use During Pregnancy?
- Yes (if yes, avg. no. cigarettes/day)
- Yes, but quit (Quit)
- No
10Study Questions Examined
- PRAMS Smoking Questions
- In the 3 months before you got pregnant, how many
cigarettes did you smoke on an average day? - In the last 3 months of your pregnancy, how many
cigarettes did you smoke on an average day? - 41 or more
- 21 to 40
- 11 to 20
- 6 to 10
- 1 to 5
- Less than 1
- None (0 cigarettes)
- These data were analyzed with Stata SE 9
- PRAMS percentages were weighted, to reflect the
population of Florida
13Prevalence of Smoking During Pregnancy, Birth
14Prevalence of Smoking During Pregnancy, PRAMS
15Prevalence of Smoking During Pregnancy, Birth
Certificate and PRAMS
16Prevalence of Smoking During Pregnancy, Birth
17Prevalence of Smoking During Pregnancy, PRAMS
18Prevalence of Smoking, Behavioral Risk Factor
Surveillance System, BRFSS
19Prevalence of Smoking, Youth Risk Behavior
Survey, (YRBSS)
20Prevalence of Smoking During Pregnancy, Birth
Certificate by Quarter
21Who are the quitters?
 2004 Birth Certificate Response 2004 Birth Certificate Response 2004 Birth Certificate Response Â
PRAMS Response Yes Quit No Total
Yes, Before Pregnancy 6.4 0.6 2.7 10
Quit, 3rd Trimester 0.3 0.7 11.0 12
No 0.8 0.1 77.4 78
Total 7.5 1.4 91.1 100.0
22Public Health Implications
- Many states are in the process of implementing
the latest birth certificate revision, these
revisions may alter prevalence and trends. - These trends may impact policy and program
decision making.
23Thank you,Angel_Watson_at_doh.state.fl.us