Title: Travel Demand Modeling
1Travel Demand Modeling
- Champaign Urbana Urbanized Area Transportation
Study (CUUATS)
2Champaign County Regional Planning Commission
- Planning agency for county
- Major technical entity for local governments
- Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the
urbanized area - Administrative, intergovernmental policy
development, planning, economic development,
social services and Head Start, regional
(multi-county) services
3Champaign Urbana Urbanized Area Transportation
Study (CUUATS)
- Transportation entity of CCRPC
- Member agencies - Champaign, Urbana, Savoy,
University, CUMTD, Champaign County, IDOT - Primary activities Long Range Transportation
Plan, Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
and Unified Technical Work Program (UTWP) - Other activities traffic impact, travel time,
intersection and corridor studies, crash
analysis, warrant analysis, greenways, pedestrian
and bike plans
4What is travel demand modeling?
- Forecast traffic flows on a transportation system
- Tool for evaluating major infrastructure
investments (roadway improvements or improvements
to bus service) in Long Range Transportation
Plans (LRTPs), regional transportation and
corridor studies - Practiced by regional transportation agencies,
MPOs and State DOTs
5History of travel demand modeling
- Practice of travel-demand forecasting is roughly
35 years old - In U.S., modeling started with area wide
transportation studies in Chicago and Detroit - NCHRP 187 Quick-Response Urban Travel Estimation
Techniques and Transferable Parameters, TRB, 1978 - NCHRP 365 Travel Estimation Techniques for Urban
Planning, TRB, 1998
6Defining Questions
- Why we travel?
- Where we travel?
- When we travel?
- How we travel?
- What direction we travel?
7Four Step Modeling
- Most commonly used and simple modeling process
- Four Steps
- Trip Generation
- Trip Distribution
- Mode Choice
- Trip Assignment
8Major Inputs
- Travel is Spatial
- Define model area
- Define highway network
- Define transit network
9Model Area
10Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs)
- Geographical socio-economic data blocks
- Defined based on land use characteristics
(population and employment), physical boundaries,
census blocks and major roadways - Current CUUATS model has 206 TAZs
12Highway Network
- Highway network
- Node
- Link
- Centroids
- Centroid connectors
- External stations
- Nodes represent intersection points or other
changes in the roadway geometry, functional
classification and operational characteristics - Links represent the roadway segments. There is
one link for each direction of the roadway
13Highway Network
- Centroid is a point which represents the
concentration of population and employment within
the TAZ - Centroids are connected to the major roadways on
the boundary of the TAZ through centroid
connectors. Centroid connectors represent
collection of local access streets - External stations are points of entry and exit
for vehicles entering, exiting or traveling
through the study area. External stations are
located on major highways bringing traffic to the
model area
14CUUATS Model Highway Network
15Transit Network
- Representation of all transit routes in the
region - Transit network
- Transit lines
- Access/egress links
- Stops
- Based on the highway network
- Uses the highway network links for transit lines
and nodes for stops
16CUUATS Model Transit Network
17Socio-Economic Data
- Data at TAZ level
- Data source Census, local survey
- Population data (each TAZ)
- of residents
- of one, two, three and four person households
- Employment Data (each TAZ)
- of retail employees
- of service employees
- of other employees (government, industries and
18CUUATS Model Socio-Economic Data
19CUUATS Model Socio-Economic Data
20Highway Network Data
- Node data
- Turn penalty
- Link data
- of lanes
- Facility type
- Area type
- Distance
- Speed
- Capacity
- External station data
- ADT (Average Daily Traffic)
- Thru trips percentage
- Highway network data
- Node data
- Link data
- External station data
21CUUATS Model Highway Network Data
- Node Data Turn penalty
- from node, thru node, to node and delay
- 3 sec. for right turn and 6 sec for left turn
- Link Data Facility type
- Type of roadway facility
- Eight facility types currently used
- 0 centroid connector
- 1 local roadway
- 2 collector roadway
- 3 minor arterial roadway
- 4 major arterial roadway
- 5 ramp
- 6 interchange ramp
- 7 freeway
22CUUATS Model Facility Type
23CUUATS Model Highway Network Data
- Link Data Area type
- Indicates the area type of the TAZ closest to the
link - Six area types currently used
- 1 very high density commercial/residential
- 2 high density commercial
- 3 moderate density commercial
- 4 high/moderate density residential
- 5 very low density commercial/residential
24CUUATS Model Area Type Data
- TAZ area type is based on one mile radius
floating population/employment density
CUUATS Model TAZ Area Type
25CUUATS Model Area Type Data
26CUUATS Model Speed/Capacity Data
- Link Data Speed/Capacity
- It is based on HCM 2000 chapter 30 and other
similar model literature - Speed and capacity are function of facility type
and area type - Free flow speed and level of service E capacity
27CUUATS Model Speed/Capacity Data
Speed (mph) / Capacity (pcphpl)
28CUUATS Model Transit Network Data
- Mode data
- Mode 1 CUMTD Local System
- Mode 2 CUMTD Express System (used only for
future conditions) - Mode 3 CUMTD Campus System
- Mode 11 Walk Access/Egress
- Vehicle data
- Vehicle Type 1 - 40 ft. New Flyer, seating
capacity 36, standing capacity 25 - Vehicle Type 2 - 60 ft. New Flyer, seating
capacity 45, standing capacity80 - Vehicle Type 3 - 30 ft. EZ Rider, seating
capacity 33, standing capacity15
- Transit network data
- Mode
- Vehicle type
- Headway
- Capacity
- Speed
29Four Step Modeling Process
30CUUATS Model Trip Generation
- Trip is a journey between two points
- Trips are produced at households and attracted
towards employment centers - Production and attraction trips in CUUATS model
are further classified into five different
classes - Home Based Work
- Home Based School
- Home Based Shopping
- Home Based Other
- Non-Home Based
31Production and Attraction Trips Classification
32CUUATS Model Trip Generation
- The household data for each TAZ is converted into
number of trips produced using trip production
rates - Trip production rates used in CUUATS model were
obtained from the household travel diaries
(survey) conducted by CUUATS in 2003 - Trips attraction rates given in NCHRP 365 were
used in CUUATS model to convert employment data
for each TAZ into number of trips
33CUUATS Model Trip Generation
- The number of trips generated from each external
station is based on the ADT data and the trip
generation rates estimated from the
Origin-Destination survey conducted by CUUATS in
2003 - Finally, the number of trips attracted is
balanced to the number of trips produced - The final product of this step is an estimation
of the number of person trips for each zone
34Trip Generation Process
35CUUATS Model Trip Generation
HBWork 0.166.1(X1) 0.149.8(X2)
0.1811.4(X3) 0.1412.7(X4) HBSchool
0.156.1(X1) 0.049.8(X2) 0.0311.4(X3)
0.0412.7(X4) HBShopping 0.086.1(X1)
0.149.8(X2) 0.1311.4(X3) 0.1212.7(X4) HBOth
er 0.276.1(X1) 0.359.8(X2)
0.3111.4(X3) 0.4112.7(X4) NHB
0.346.1(X1) 0.339.8(X2) 0.3511.4(X3)
0.2912.7(X4) Â X1 Total number of 1-person
households X2 Total number of 2-person
households X3 Total number of 3-person
households X4 Total number of 4person
36CUUATS Model Trip Generation
Total Daily Trips by Purpose in 2005
37CUUATS Model Trip Distribution
- Of the trips estimated in step 1, estimate the
number of trips with origin and destination in
each zone - Estimation of the number of trips going from one
TAZ to another TAZ
38CUUATS Model Trip Distribution
- Friction factors are estimates of the reduction
in trips with the increase in trip length - Friction factors in the CUUATS model were
obtained based on the travel time between zones
and the number of trips between zones obtained
from the Origin-Destination survey - A trip matrix or zone to zone person trip table
is generated by this step
39Trip Distribution Process
40Trip Exchange Between Major Areas
41CUUATS Model Mode Choice
- Estimate the mode of travel (car and bus) for the
trip origin and destination estimates created in
step 2 - Person trips between the TAZ pairs are split
between transit and auto - Mode split is based on the ratio of highway
travel time and the transit travel time (utility
coefficient) and the transit percentage
(Diversion Curves) - An existing overall transit percentage of 6 is
used in CUUATS Model
42Mode Choice Curve
43Mode Choice Process
44Transit Trip Distribution
45CUUATS Model Trip Assignment
- The person trips (auto drivers and auto
passengers) are converted to vehicle trips using
an auto-occupancy rate of 1.4 persons per vehicle - The vehicle trips between each zone pair is then
assigned on the highway network - The transit trips are assigned to the transit
46CUUATS Model Trip Assignment
- Equilibrium Assignment
- Wardrop equilibrium principle
- For each origin-destination pair of zones, all
used routes have equal travel times, and no
unused route has a lower travel time. - Iteration Process
- Step 1 Find shortest travel time path between
TAZ pairs - Step 2 Assign some percentage of trips on the
shortest travel time path
47CUUATS Model Trip Assignment
- Step 3 Compute new travel times based on the
initial assignment and BPR (Bureau of Public
Roads) curves - Step 4 Check for convergence, if satisfied end
assignment, else go to step 1 - The final product of this step is estimated
traffic volume on every roadway segment of the
network - BPR curve Congested Speed (Free-Flow
48Trip Assignment Process
49Model Validation and Calibration
- Model outputs have to be validated and parameters
calibrated - Model Validation and Reasonableness Checking
Manual, FHWA-EP-01-023 - Model outputs checked for reasonableness and with
real world data - Real world data obtained from census, traffic
counts, NPTS and other data sources - The best data sources are the ones collected at
the regional level - Every step in the modeling process contains
sources of error
50Model Validation and Calibration
51Model Outputs
- Congestion maps, volume bandwidth maps, trip
purpose maps, trip distribution maps, travel
route maps - Vehicle miles traveled 2,293,050 miles
- Vehicle hours traveled 90,400 hours
- Congested Speed 14.99 mph
52Model Outputs
53Model Outputs
Volume Bandwidth
54Model Outputs
Trip Purpose
55Model Outputs
Trip Distribution
56Model Outputs
Travel Route
57A look into the near future for CUUATS model
- Junction (intersection) modeling
- account for signal delays instead of turn
penalties - include intersection lane configurations and
signal timings into the model - Time of day assignment
- obtain trip percentages by trip purpose for
different times of the day - split trip distribution table for various times
of day based on these trip percentages - Build micro simulation models
- input travel demand model outputs to a micro
simulation model - do micro analysis for smaller areas
- use simulation as a public participation tool
58A look into the near future for CUUATS Model