Title: Assistive Technology: Thinking Beyond High School
1Assistive Technology Thinking Beyond High School
- Caren L. Sax, Ed.D., CRC
- San Diego State University
- Interwork Institute
2- Independence is defined in terms of how much
control a person has over his or her environment,
not in the number of tasks that the person can do
without assistance. - (Enders Leech, 1996)
3- Its a man-machine interface where youre trying
to get someone to operate a device in one or more
environments. You become an investigator, a
detective. You find out what the alternatives
are within the constraints. - From Living in the State of Stuck, Scherer, 2004
4Asking the Right Questions
- What do you want to do?
- Whats preventing you from doing it?
- Will assistive technology help?
- Are there commercial devices available?
- Are additional modifications needed?
5Incentives vs. Disincentives
- Usability
- Comfort
- Ease of use
- Effectiveness
- Improved quality of life
- Sense of control
- Independence
- Ability to participate
- Stigma
- Frustration
- Confusion
- Embarrassment
- Unmet expectations
6Successful integration of AT into life requires
users to
- Explore meanings they assign to devices
- Clarify their expectations of AT
- Consider the anticipated social costs
- Reflect on ways to come to terms with disability
as ONE, but not THE defining, feature of oneself. - (Pape, Kim, Weiner, 2002)
7Plan Early
- Involve the student in the process
- Involve their peers
- Target specific activities -- identify real
outcomes in inclusive settings - Look for people with technical expertise (beyond
education) to build interdisciplinary teams
8Plan with All Aspects in Mind
Continuing Education
Social life
Living options
9Where does AT fit?
IDENTIFICATION OF ACTIVITIES, - e.g., assessment, job exploration, continuing ed.
opportunities, employment, recreation,
independent living
10Assessment From the Latin word -- assidere --
to sit with
11- Working knowledge
- of AT is important as a planning tool What are
the future goals and are they a good match?
- "OK, Mr. Hook. Seems you're trying to decide
between a career in pirating or massage therapy.
Well, maybe we can help you narrow it down."
12MPT Matching Person Technologyhttp//members.a
- Individual needs drive process
- Reduces non-use abandonment of AT
- Focus on person vs. people
- Need to assess document outcomes (e.g., AT
satisfaction, performance, quality of life) - Scherer, 2004
Infoscan from wizcomtech.com 120
- Promotes USE of AT
- Support from family, peers, employer
- Realistic expectations of family, others
- Setting/environment supports rewards use
- Pressure for use from family, others
Trackballs www.enablemart.com
- Promotes USE of AT
- Proud, motivated, optimistic about using AT
- Good coping skills, patient, self-disciplined
- Has skills to use device
- Willing to challenge self perceives discrepancy
between desired current situation
- Promotes USE of AT
- Goal achieved with little or no pain, fatigue,
discomfort, stress - Compatible with other AT
- Safe, reliable, easy to use maintain
- Best option currently available
Customized walker carrier
16Evaluating AT
- Technical features
- Does it work? Is it reliable, durable?
- Is it strong safe
- Is it compatible with other equipment?
- Ergonomic features
- Is there a feeling of security when using it?
- Is it simple to use? Comfortable?
- Is it the correct size? Aesthetically appealing?
17Ask, Listen, Respond
- Establish goals, expectations
- Assess need for level of technology
- Select and fit AT to person according to their
priorities - Train person for AT use
- Assess/evaluate outcomes of AT
- Follow-up
Emotion push rim power assist
18Low-Tech or No-Tech Adaptations
- Simple, homemade
- Not a lot of moving parts or electronics
- Duct tape, velcro, cardboard, plastic, foamboard
- Creative way to do the same activity
19ADLs (adaptations for daily living)
Book holder
Talking tire gauge www.sharperimage.com
Talking Rx bottles www.talkingrx.com
20Low tech communication boards
Low tech picture/word boards
21Controlling your Environment X-10
- ACTIVEHOME Connects lights appliances from PC
- Includes
- 2-Way Universal Computer Interface
- 2 Way Transceiver Module Platinum 5-in-1 Remote
- Lamp Module
- Credit Card Controller
- Download ActiveHome software from website
22Customized Pizza Box Folder
23Customized Computer Access
- Portable, lightweight wrist rest
- Used with laptop, AAC device
- Folds, fits in briefcase
24Customized Ticket Tearer
25High Tech Equipment
- Electronics
- Hydraulics
- Computer-related
- More expensive higher maintenance
- Requires more training more time to integrate
into lifestyle
26Computer Access
Onscreen keyboards
27Using standard accessibility features High
Tech, Low Cost
- Magnifier/zoom options
- Adjust font size, titles, menus
- Control contrast, colors
- Captions with sounds/warnings
- Keyboard options
- Integrating Windows Microsoft Office features
- www.closingthegap.com
28Options for limited hand use
Intellikeys, 395
Maltron keyboard, 495
BAT keyboard, 199
29Low cost option BTC Mini Keyboard
- Smaller keyboard that allows for faster typing
- Looks just like a normal keyboard
- Same amount of keys, just less space between them
- 19.99
- http//www.outpost.com/product/3632305
30Clerical use Customized file holder
- Switch-operated
- Holds 24 individual papers
- Increases independence
31Customized Watering Device
- Demonstrated competency
- Co-worker support
32Led to other devices
33High Tech AAC Augmentative/Alternative
Vantage www.prentrom.com
34High Tech Control Imperium 200Hwww.interactplus
- Complete, integrated system (self-contained)
- Dual switch control
- Configurable to individual preferences
- Multi-level control menus
- Speech scanning (visual voice feedback)
- Built-in hands-free phone
- IR X10 control
- Battery back-up more!
35Recreation self-employment Jet ski
36High TechSailing
www.martin16.com www.ChallengedAmerica.org
- Developmental reading disorder (dyslexia)
- Developmental writing disorder (dysgraphia)
- Developmental receptive language disorder
- Acute, predominately inattentive ADHD
38MPT Results
- All indicators showed positive predisposition for
integrating AT devices - Initial ideas for solutions
- Laptop
- Kurzweil 3000
- Digital tape recorder
39Explored for Dyslexia
- www.freedomscientific.com
- Kurzweil 3000
- www.kurzweiledu.com
- Inspiration software
- www.inspiration.com
40Dysgraphia - high tech
- Word prediction
- www.yak-yak.com
- Electronic dictionary
- www.franklin.com
- QuickLink-Pen Elite
- www.wizcomtech.com
- Digital tape recorder
- www.sylvansoftware.com
- Laptop
- www.apple.com
- Dvorak keyboard
- www.fenteck-ind.com
41Dysgraphia - low tech
- Erasable Highlighter
- PenAgain
- Sta-Pen
42Erasable Highlighter
45Total cost16
- Kurzweil 3000 - 395
- Digital tape recorder - 182.97
- Department of Rehabilitation
- The Center for Special Education Finance
- www.csef-air.org
- HEATH Resource Center
- www.heath-resource-center.org
- Has profound sensorineural hearing loss
- Uses hearing aids for environmental signals
- Significantly limited language and cognitive
49MPT Results
- Timid about technology
- Low language created a barrier
- Could benefit if person centered
- Slower training and reinforced learning
- TTY recommended
- Suggested possibility of mobility limitations in
the future - Peer and family support needs to be increased
50Investigating TTYs
51(No Transcript)
52Cooler option
53Low Tech Support
- Customized Communication Cards
- TTY-Free
- Wireless Pager- Student purchased
- Communication Cards- School funded
55The only thing that limits us is our expectations
our creativity . . .
56Let your imagination run wild!