SubRegional Workshop for the North Pacific: Integrating MDGs into National Development Strategies an - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SubRegional Workshop for the North Pacific: Integrating MDGs into National Development Strategies an


FSM, Kiribati, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Fiji, Solomon Islands ... Fiji 2002/03. Non-Food Basic Needs % of Food Expenditure. Gini Coefficients of Selected PICs ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: SubRegional Workshop for the North Pacific: Integrating MDGs into National Development Strategies an

Sub-Regional Workshop for the North
PacificIntegrating MDGs into National
Development Strategies and Budgets
  • Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia
  • 26 29 June 2007
  • David Abbott
  • Regional Macroeconomic and Poverty Reduction
  • UNDP Pacific Centre, Suva, Fiji

Defining Poverty
  • Poverty has many characteristics
  • Material Poverty
  • Low income
  • Low consumption/expenditure
  • Non-Material Poverty
  • Lack of economic opportunities
  • Poor health and nutrition
  • Poor education and/or illiteracy
  • Poor housing and social environment, including
    access to efficient cost-effective energy sources
  • Social exclusion and/or discrimination
  • Vulnerability and insecurity
  • Lack of freedom, empowerment and participation

Defining PovertyA Suggested Pacific Definition
  • Poverty Hardship
  • An Inadequate Level of Sustainable Human
    Development, manifested by
  • - a lack of access to basic services (eg
    Education, Health, Transport and Communications)
  • - a lack of opportunities to participate fully in
    the socio-economic life of the community
    (employment, economic activities) and
  • - a lack of adequate resources (including cash)
    to meet the basic needs of the household or
    customary obligations to the extended family,
    village community and/or the church.
  • Meeting cultural and family commitments, (Tuvalu
    - Fakalavelave or Fakamolemole Fiji - kerekere
    Samoa - faalavelave Kiribati - bubuti Vanuatu
    and PNG - Wantok), have been cited in many other
    countries as amongst the primary causes of cash
    shortages in households, thereby constraining
    their ability to meet normal day-to-day basic
    needs expenditure.

Pro-poor Policy The Millennium Development Goals
  • 1.Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
  • 2.Achieve universal primary education
  • 3.Promote gender equality and empower women
  • 4.Reduce child mortality
  • 5.Improve maternal health
  • 6.Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria other diseases
  • 7.Ensure environmental sustainability
  • 8.Develop a global partnership for development

Improving Understanding of Hardship and Poverty
  • Measurement of Poverty and Hardship
  • Quantitative Indicators
  • Poverty Lines and Incidence
  • Millennium Development Goals
  • Other country-specific indicators
  • Household Characteristics of the poor
  • Qualitative Participatory Assessments -
    community level
  • Define hardship and poverty
  • Identify causes and characteristics
  • Understand peoples perceptions
  • Poverty of Opportunity
  • Access to Basic Services
  • Gender other Social Issues
  • Identify Priorities of the People
  • Capacity Building
  • Poverty analysis
  • Policy development
  • Incorporating MDGs into national development
  • Formulation of strategies for pro-poor equitable
    growth and hardship alleviation
  • Policy Co-ordination
  • Resource allocation
  • Participation and Consultation

Why Measure Poverty
  • Objectives of Measuring and Analysing Poverty
  • identify the poor (objectively or subjectively)
  • quantify the nature of poverty
  • understand the causes and characteristics
  • design alleviation interventions
  • measure effectiveness of interventions
  • Assessing the Impact of Policies on the Poor
  • Economic growth
  • Pro-poor budgeting and social expenditure
  • Other targeted interventions

Poverty and Policy
  • Poverty analysis can identify
  • who are the poor and disadvantaged
  • why are they poor
  • housing conditions and household assets
  • household characteristics, including energy use
    and access to water and sanitation
  • age, gender and educational attainment of
  • employment status and income sources of
  • proportion of expenditure on food and non-food
    basic needs
  • proportion of food produced from own resources,
    food security, nutritional status

Poverty A Vicious Circle
  • Poverty Can Be Self-perpetuating
  • unemployment or low income leads to a
  • poor diet and frequently
  • poor health resulting in an impaired ability to
    concentrate or work
  • this results in
  • poor educational attainment and lack of skills
  • these conditions together
  • limit ability to take advantage of opportunities,
  • and lead to
  • unemployment
  • low income
  • social exclusion, and thus
  • perpetuate the cycle
  • Pro-poor policies required to break this cycle

Poverty and Hardship as Policy Focus
  • Poverty Alleviation is now a primary policy focus
  • Governments are committed to achieving MDGs
  • Need for better understanding of the extent of
    poverty and hardship
  • Policy development based on analysis and facts
  • Targeted interventions
  • Measured outputs and outcomes
  • Poverty Reduction Strategies
  • Equitable, pro-poor growth
  • Pro-poor and gender sensitive budgets

Measurement of Poverty IncidenceNational Poverty
  • A Poverty Line is a threshold level of income,
    consumption/expenditure, welfare or some other
    measure of living standards
  • Can be defined either
  • relative to some measure of welfare over the
    whole population
  • poverty line would be set relative to a specific
    level of consumption e.g. 50 (EU) or 60 (UK)
    of median (or mean) household income
  • or in absolute terms as the minimum cost of a
    reference standard of living
  • how to determine and measure the reference level
  • Expenditure/consumption or income
  • Defined basket of goods
  • nutrition, welfare, utility
  • Food Energy Method
  • Cost of Basic Needs Method
  • US1 or US2 per day (MDG 1)

Issues of Data Quality for MDG 1
  • Household survey data of variable quality,
    especially for older surveys
  • sample frames and enumerator follow-up
  • measurement of subsistence production
  • variance between income and expenditure estimates
  • Surveys not originally designed with poverty
    analysis as primary objective
  • Analysis often done many years after survey
  • PPP indices not yet available - but by end 2007

Quantifying National Poverty Lines and Poverty
  • Original estimates of National Poverty Lines and
    poverty incidence for
  • FSM, Kiribati, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, Fiji,
    Solomon Islands
  • On-going/planned support for analysis of
    current/new surveys
  • Kiribati, FSM, RMI, Palau, Cook Islands, Nauru,
  • others as required

Latest Available Data on Poverty Incidence
Urban-Rural Comparisons of Poverty Incidence
Indicators of Poverty and Inequality
  • Inequality
  • Poverty measures focus on the situation of those
    at the bottom of the distribution
  • Inequality is a broader concept and measures the
    relative well-being across the whole population
  • Distribution of consumption (or other variables)
    can be shown graphically
  • frequency distribution - bar chart
  • cumulative frequency distribution - cumulative
    bar chart
  • Lorenz Curve

Distribution of Income/Consumption
Lowest Quintile Households Non-Food/Food
Gini Coefficients of Selected PICs
Participatory Assessments of Hardship
  • Ten countries
  • Kiribati, FSM, RMI, PNG, Fiji, Samoa, Solomon
    Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu
  • More than 170 communities, including
  • traditional leaders
  • focus groups
  • womens, youth and other community groups
  • individuals

People Experiencing Hardship
  • Unemployed and landless
  • Children orphans and those living with
  • Youth uneducated teenage couples
  • Women widows single mothers
  • Men widowers elderly without support
  • People own nothing no education or skills
  • no support from relatives
  • Families large and landless families (internal

Priorities of the People From the PAH
  • Thank You
  • David Abbott
  • Regional Macroeconomic and Poverty Reduction
  • UNDP Pacific Centre
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