Title: Information Security and Computer Systems: An Integrated Approach
1Information Security and Computer Systems An
Integrated Approach
- Mark A. Holliday and Bill Kreahling,
- Dept of Mathematics and Computer Science
- Western Carolina University
- Thank-you for financial support from
- Software Producibility, Office of Naval Research,
Award N000140510817, 2005-2006.
- Motivations for Change
- Guidelines ACM, IEEE-CS, ABET-CAC
- New Curriculum Framework
- Initial Information Security Option
- Final Information Security Option
- InfoSec I and Internet Protocols
- InfoSec II and Operating Systems
- Conclusions
4Motivations for Change
- Issue How to create a prominent role for
Information Security in - a B.S. in Computer Science curriculum
- consistent with ACM/IEEE-CS/ABET-CAC guidelines
- a small computer science program
- a way that shows the close connection to computer
systems - Result One Design and Rationale
5Motivations for Change
- Why?
- Information security is of increasing importance
- Want to reinforce the computer systems courses
and the information security courses by showing
their interconnections - Goal is technical insight, not technical skill
per se - Want to provide the students more choices
- in a way that organizes those choices into
coherent themes
6Motivations for Change
- Additional constraints
- Must be consistent with curriculum guidelines for
a B.S. in Computer Science degree - Must be feasible for a small computer science
program (70 majors 10-15 graduates per year) - We present one design and its rationale that
meets these constraints
7Guidelines ACM, IEEE-CS, ABET-CAC
- 2001 ACM/IEEE Computer Society Curriculum
Guidelines for Computer Science - Encourages a small core combined with options
- Body of Knowledge (BoK)
- Subset of BoK that should be in any computer
science curriculum
8Guidelines ACM, IEEE-CS, ABET-CAC
- ABET-CAC (Computing Accreditation Commission)
Accreditation Criteria - IV-6. The core materials must provide basic
coverage of algorithms, data structures, software
design, concepts of programming languages, and
computer organization and architecture.
9(No Transcript)
10New Curriculum Framework The Options
- How many courses and how many prerequisites?
- Ideal
- Many courses in an option to cover the area well
- Student must have completed all of the courses in
the core (with at least a grade of C)
11New Curriculum Framework The Options
- Reality
- Degree needs to be 120 credit hours
- 54 credit hours of Liberal Studies and General
Electives - Student must be able to graduate in four years
(assuming satisfactory progress) - 22 Transfer students with an A.S. degree should
be able to graduate in two years
12New Curriculum Framework The Options
- Compromise
- Major has 40 hours of CS courses and 31 hours of
Mathematics and Sciences - CS Core is 25 hours
- Options are 15 hours (5 courses of 3 credit
hours) - Option courses have as prerequisites
- second programming course (our CS2, locally
CS151) - our intro to computer systems course (for most
option courses)
13New Curriculum Framework The Options
- Three Options
- Computer Systems
- Information Security
- Custom
- All options allow at least one free choice
- Recall goal of more student choices
- gt at most four required courses in an option
14Initial Information Security Option
- Two key computer systems courses
- Operating Systems and Internet Protocols
- Pair each with an information security course
that covers the corresponding security issues - Operating Systems gt Computer Security
- Internet Protocols gt Internet Security
- The two pairs are independent
15(No Transcript)
16Final Information Security Option
- Independence does not work because so many topics
build on cryptography and its security uses - Solution
- Order them with new names
- Information Security I and II
- Internet Protocols co-req first
- Since cryptographic applications are more
naturally developed for internet security
17(No Transcript)
18InfoSec I and Internet Protocols
- Example Cross-Connections
- InfoSec I authentication and example attacks
- Internet Protocols TCP connection establishment
handshake - 3-way, random start sequence numbers, including
random start sequence number for the other side
19InfoSec I and Internet Protocols
- Example Cross-Connections
- InfoSec I message integrity and non-repudiation
- gtDigital signatures and message digests
- gt Hash functions
- Internet Protocols hash functions for error
detection - Checksums in UDP, TCP, and IP
- Cyclic Redundancy Check in Ethernet
20InfoSec I and Internet Protocols
- Example Cross-Connections
- InfoSec I trusted intermediaries, key
distribution, and certification - Internet Protocols development of IPC
(Inter-Process Communication) - Sockets
- Remote Procedure Call/Remote Method Invoc.
- Web services
- Grid computing (Globus, SimpleCA certificate
21InfoSec I and Internet Protocols
- Example Cross-Connections
- InfoSec I firewalls and packet filtering rules
- Internet Protocols IP routing tables and key
packet header fields - IP addresses
- UDP/TCP source and destination ports
- ICMP message type
- Other TCP header bits SYN and ACK
22InfoSec II and Operating Systems
- Example Cross-Connections
- InfoSec II process address space
vulnerabilities - Operating Systems segment protection (read-only
versus read-write), stack overflow, memory
management protection features (segmentation
faults during address translation)
23InfoSec II and Operating Systems
- Example Cross-Connections
- InfoSec II program vulnerabilities, buffer
overflows and software reverse engineering - Operating Systems assembly language, code
analysis, automatic bounds checking
24InfoSec II and Operating Systems
- Example Cross-Connections
- InfoSec II system vulnerabilities
- Operating Systems
- trapping to the kernel (PSW and Interrupt Vector
Table) and changing from user mode to kernel mode
(not allowed machine instructions) - access control, file permission modes, setuid bit
- Issue How to create a prominent role for
Information Security in - a B.S. in Computer Science curriculum
- consistent with ACM/IEEE-CS/ABET-CAC guidelines
- a small computer science program
- in a way that shows the close connection to
computer systems - Result One Design and Rationale