Title: The Government EAuctions Service
1The Government E-Auctions Service
2Central Service for Selling and Purchasing
Equipment by Electronic Auction System
two models Gov. ? citizens Gov. as a supplier
of services Gov. ? Suppliers Gov. as a goods
- Services and information Transparency
- Real Competition free Opportunities
- Expenses reduced
- High Quality of services and purchased goods
4Why not use any other Online Auctions Services
we can find on the web?
- Wide range of different types of Auctions
- Non - repudiation for each given bid
- Complete solution for high security demands
- Connections to other Gov services
- Main Accounting System
- Electronic Payments System
6Auctions Differentiation
- Auction Types
- Each bid can be higher or lower than the
previous bid - Auction Items
- Number of items in each bid
- Item weight calculation
- Time Managing
- Starting time, number and type of time
extensions - Currencies
- More than one winners
7Data Security
- Strong Authentication by SMART CARD
- Protected Communication system
- Electronic sign on each bid
- Saving the screen capture of each signed bid
- Monitoring tools
8Our Customers
- Accountant General
- Government Bonds Sale of Israel Long
Guarantee Bonds by the - big investment banks in the USA. The
total sum of the Bonds - amount was of 1.2 billion (The most
expensive item ever sold - by any electronic system around the
world). - General Purchasing Office
- Services for Government workers
- Cellular phones and network Since
this auction, Gov - workers can talk to
each other for free Internet surfing
9Our Customers (continuation)
General Purchasing Office Desktops,
Laptops, Servers, Printers, Photocopiers
Successful in different auctions by -
very good prices and high quality goods obtained.
Car Leasing Senior Gov workers receive
cars from the Gov as part of
their work conditions. In this auction the Gov
shifted from direct ownership of
vehicles to hiring a car leasing company
to provide cars to workers.
10Our Customers (continuation)
- Seaport Authority
- Diesel Gasoline Auction - Connection to
energy supplier - for purchasing diesel gasoline for
all of the Ashdod seaport - vehicles.
- Tourism Ministry
- Selling tourism packages to American
travel agencies. - Transportation Ministry
- Sale of taxi routes to taxi companies
11The Lobby (entry) Page
12The Customized Bidding Page
Different Number of items In each Auction
Calculate price
13The Signing Bid Page
14Opening Freezing Time Management Bidders
Management Closing Tracing
15Bids Tracing Graph
16Auctions Life Cycle
17Thank You