Title: Stanley J' Choffrey
1The Federal Bridge Certification Authority
Evolving Issues in Electronic Data
Collection January 10, 2000
Stanley J. Choffrey stanley.choffrey_at_gsa.gov (202)
2The Federal Bridge Certification Authority
The Federal Bridge Certification Authority(FBCA)
will be the unifying element to link otherwise
unconnected agency Certification Authoritys
(CAs) into a systematic overall Federal PKI. The
FBCA functions as a non-hierarchical hub allowing
relying party agencies to create a certificate
trust path from its domain back to the domain of
the agency that issued the certificate so that
the levels of assurance honored by disparate PKIs
can be reconciled.
3Federal Bridge Certification Authority
Cross Certified CAs
FIP 140-1 L3 Crypto
FIP 140-1 L3 Crypto
Trust Domain 1
Trust Domain 2
Directory System Agent
Path Discovery
Cert Retrieval Verification
Cert Validation
4FBCA EMA Challenge Configuration
- Eudora E-mail (S/MIME v3)
- Entrust Application with Certificate Path
Validation - CyberTrust Certificate
- Gemplus v1 or DataKey SmartCard
Entrust CA
LunaCA3 Crypto Module
FBCA Directory System
- Dell PowerEdge 2300
- NT 4.0 Server
- 256MB RAM
- 9GB Hard Drives (2)
- Tape Backup
- PeerLogic i500 Directory
CyberTrust Client
Mitretek Border Router
- Bay ASN.1 Router
- CheckPoint Firewall
CyberTrust Enterprise CA
- Dell PowerEdge 2300
- NT 4.0 Server
- 128 MB RAM
- 9GB Hard Drives (2)
- 10BaseT Ethernet NIC
- Tape Backup
- PeerLogic i500 Directory
CyberTrust CA
SafeKeyper Crypto Module
- Sun Ultra 10
- Solaris OS
- 512 MB RAM
- 9.1 GB Hard Drives (2)
- Tape Backup
- Oracle DB
- Eudora E-mail (S/MIME v3)
- Entrust Application with Certificate Path
Validation - Entrust Certificate
- Spyrus Lynks Card
DOD Bridge Demo CA
Entrust Client
5Federal Bridge Certification Authority EMA
Challenge Overview
6Directory Configuration
Federal Bridge Certification Authority (Peerlogic)
cUS oU.S. GovernmentouFBCA IP
address DSP port 102 LDAP
port 389 TSEL TCP/IP
GTRI (Peerlogic)
cUS oPKIL cUS oGeorgia cUS oCISA IP
address DSP port 17003 LDAP
port 389 TCP/IP
NIST (Peerlogic)
GSA/FTS (Peerlogic)
cnEntrustCA IP address DSP
port 17019 LDAP port 389 TSEL TCP/IP
DoD Bridge Certification Authority (Chromatix)
cUS oU.S. Government ouNIST ou Experimental
CA1 IP address DSP port 102 LDAP
port 389 TSEL 0x5000 TCP/IP
cnBCAP BCA Server
cUS oTest BCA cUS oEntrust
ouFederal cUS oU.S. National cUS oU.S.
Government ouDoD IP address DSP
port 20006 LDAP port 406 TCP/IP
cUS oU.S. Government ouNIST ou Experimental
CA2 IP address DSP port 102 LDAP
port 389 TSEL 0x5000 TCP/IP
cnBCAP Spyrus NSA CA-TBR cUS oU.S.
Government, ouDoD, ouNSA
7Federal Organization
8Federal PKI Policy Authority
- Voluntary interagency group - NOT agency
- Six charter members DOJ, DOD, OMB, GSA,
Treasury, DOC - Governing body for FBCA interoperability
- Responsible for Certificate Policy
- Agency/FBCA certificate policy mappings
- Oversees operation of FBCA
- authorizes issuance of FBCA certificates
- Responsible for Certificate Practices Statement
- Under Federal CIO Council
9What will it take to use the FBCA?
- Policy mapping of certificate policies
- Careful management of cross-certs to limit
transitive trust - Directory interoperability
- Client software that does cert path discovery and
processing - Appropriate liability language for
interoperability with non-govt parties
10The current version of this CP does not provide
for interoperability through the FBCA between
Federal Agency PKI domains and those of parties
who are external to the Federal government and
who have no regulatory or contractual
relationship with the Federal government. Such
interoperability will be established when
directed by the FPKIPA and will require changes
to this CP to address issues associated with
liability and other matters. Nonetheless, it is
the ultimate intent of the FPKIPA to make the
FBCA available to support interoperability
between Federal and non-Federal entities.
Moreover, interoperability with entities external
to the Federal government for purposes of
technical testing may be performed when directed
by, and in a fashion determined by, the FPKIPA,
employing the "Test" level of assurance.
Additionally, certificates issued by the FBCA
will ensure that appropriate controls are placed
on the acceptance of certificates issued by CAs
external to the Federal government, for example
through the use of the nameConstraints extension.
X.509 Certificate Policy For The Federal Bridge
Certification Authority (FBCA)