Title: Control of Glucose Concentration by Insulin in the Liver
1Control of Glucose Concentration by Insulin in
the Liver
- 52185 Process Dynamics and Control
- Design Challenge II
- Aiman M. Alam
- Valerie A. Perrin
- December 16th, 2004
- Glucose Regulation
- Model
- Process Variables
- Block Diagrams
- Stability Analysis
- Routh
- Root-locus
- Bode
- Nyquist
- Simulink
- Controller Tuning
- Cohen Coon
- Internal Model Control
- Tyreus-Luyben
- Ziegler-Nichols
- Fine Tuning
- Conclusions
3What is Glucose?
- Monosaccharide commonly found in the human body
- Hexose (six carbon molecule)
- Exists as a pyranose ring
- Molecular formula C6H12O6
C6H12O6 6O2 ? 6CO2 6H2O Energy
- Blood glucose concentrations in a
- healthy adult range from 70-110 mg/dL
Retrieved October 5th, 2004
Nelson, D., Cox, M. (2004). Lehninger Principles
of Biochemistry (4th Ed.). W. H.Publishers.
4How is Glucose Regulated?
- When blood glucose levels are high
- Insulin produced by beta cells in the pancreas
- As blood glucose concentration rises, insulin
concentration rises to allow for increased
glucose uptake by the organs - High blood glucose levels cause the liver to
convert glucose to glycogen
When blood glucose levels are low
- Glucagon produced by alpha cells of the pancreas
- As blood glucose concentration drops, glucagon
concentration increases - Low blood glucose levels cause the liver to
convert glycogen to glucose
Retrieved October 5th, 2004
cn.gif, Retrieved October 5th, 2004
res/insulin-t6_tmb.gif, Retrieved October 5th,
Nelson, D., Cox, M. (2004). Lehninger Principles
of Biochemistry (4th Ed.). W. H.Publishers.
5Overview of Blood Glucose Regulation
.gif, Retrieved October 6th, 2004
- F1 F2 F 1 L/min
- Perfectly mixed CSTR
- Constant density
- Constant volume 1 L
- k1 0.0005 L/mgmin
- k2 0.05 min-1
Cg f(Ci0, Cg0)
Component Balances
7Process Variables
- Controlled variable Cg
- Manipulated variable Ci0
- Disturbance variable Cg0
8Open Loop System
9Closed Loop System
10Closed Loop Transfer Functions
11Stability Analysis
Bode Nyquist
14Bode (Kc -4572)
15Nyquist (Kc -4572)
16Unit Step in Set Point (Cgsp)
Stable system at Kc gt critical Kc
Sustained oscillatory behavior at Kc
critical Kc
Unstable system at Kc lt critical Kc
17Unit Step in Disturbance (Cg0)
Stable system at Kc gt critical Kc
Sustained oscillatory behavior at Kc
critical Kc
Unstable system at Kc lt critical Kc
18Unit Impulse in Set Point (Cgsp)
Stable system at Kc gt critical Kc
Sustained oscillatory behavior at Kc critical
Unstable system at Kc lt critical Kc
19Unit Impulse in Disturbance (Cg0)
Stable system at Kc gt critical Kc
Sustained oscillatory behavior at Kc
critical Kc
Unstable system at Kc lt critical Kc
20Controller Tuning
21Cohen Coon
22Unit Step
Set Point (Cgsp)
Disturbance (Cg0)
23Unit Impulse
Set Point (Cgsp)
Disturbance (Cg0)
24Internal Model Control (IMC)
25Unit Step
Set Point (Cgsp)
Disturbance (Cg0)
26Unit Impulse
Set Point (Cgsp)
Disturbance (Cg0)
28Unit Step
Set Point (Cgsp)
Disturbance (Cg0)
29Unit Impulse
Set Point (Cgsp)
Disturbance (Cg0)
31Unit Step
Set Point (Cgsp)
Disturbance (Cg0)
32Unit Impulse
Set Point (Cgsp)
Disturbance (Cg0)
33Fine Tuning
34Unit Step
Set Point (Cgsp)
Disturbance (Cg0)
35Unit Impulse
Set Point (Cgsp)
Disturbance (Cg0)
Set Point (Cgsp)
Disturbance (Cg0)
37Tyreus-Luyben PID Controller
Unit Step in Disturbance (Cg0)
Unit Impulse Disturbance (Cg0)
- Nyquist is the sweetest method for obtaining
critical Kc values - System is stable at -4752 lt Kc lt 0
- Best controller is PID using the Tyreus-Luyben
method - Fine tuning led to even better results
39Andre 3000
Whats cooler than being cool? ICE-COLD!
- Acknowledgements
- Dr. V.G.J. Rodgers
- The Classes of 04, 05, and 06 Jerry