Title: Horses By: Amber Roberts
1HorsesBy Amber Roberts
Horse Breeds
Parts of a Horse
Web Link
Race Horses
Famous Horses
Picture Collage
2Common Horse Breeds
- Quarter Horse is named for its ability to run
the quarter mile very quickly. - Thoroughbred is well known for being the worlds
supreme racehorse. Originating in England, no
other horse breed can run as far and as fast as
the thoroughbred. - Arabian its origins are shrouded in mystery but
the one thing everyone agrees to is that the
Arabian is the oldest and purest horse breed in
the world. - Morgan With his gentle disposition and
eagerness to perform any task, the true ancestry
of this impressive and wonderful horse really
doesnt matter. - Appaloosa is one of the most recognizable horse
breeds on Earth. With a unique spotted coat, the
Appaloosa is considered one of the few breeds of
horses with an intimate relationship with the
American Indian.
3The Parts of a Horse.
Fet Lock
4Famous Race Horses
Man O War His lifetime record was 21 starts
with 20 wins and a second place and he retired as
the leading money winner in America at the time.
He set 8 records, 3 world records, 2 American
records, and 3 track records and broke most by
several seconds. He carried as much as 138
pounds, conceding as much as 30 pounds to his
rivals and still beat them by large margins.
Seabiscuit By the end of 1938, Seabiscuit had
won 33 races, set 16 track records and equaled
another. He was literally worth his weight in
gold, having earned a world record 437,730,
nearly 60 times his purchase price.
- Secretariat June 9, 1973 Belmont Stakes 1 ½
mile Belmont Park His victory, by one of the
widest margins in the history of the American
turf - 31 lengths ahead of his nearest challenger
and in a world record time for the 1 1/2 miles
distance - 2 minutes 24, remains one of the most
memorable in sports history.
5Famous Horses
Eclipse A decendant of the Godolohin Arabian who
won 18 races in 18 starts.
- Trigger A palomino horse made famous in
American Western Movies with his owner/rider Roy
The Godolphin Arabian Considered to be one of
the three founding horses of modern thoroughbred
Mr. Ed A comedy that featured a
talking horse.
6(No Transcript)
7Helpful Horse Websites
- http//www.frontrangefrenzy.com/horsecaretips.html
- http//www.petplace.com/PetCenters/PetCenter.asp?a