Title: Divide and Conquer
1Divide and Conquer
2Three Steps of The Divide and Conquer Approach
- The most well known algorithm design strategy
- Divide the problem into two or more smaller
subproblems. - Conquer the subproblems by solving them
recursively. - Combine the solutions to the subproblems into the
solutions for the original problem.
3A Typical Divide and Conquer Case
a problem of size n
subproblem 2 of size n/2
subproblem 1 of size n/2
a solution to subproblem 1
a solution to subproblem 2
a solution to the original problem
4An Example Calculating a0 a1 an-1
- Efficiency (for n 2k)
- A(n) 2A(n/2) 1, n gt1
- A(1) 0
5General Divide and Conquer recurrence
- The Master Theorem
- T(n) aT(n/b) f (n), where f (n) ? T(nk)
- a lt bk T(n) ? T(nk)
- a bk T(n) ? T(nk lg n )
- a gt bk T(n) ? T(nlog b a)
6Divide and Conquer Examples
- Sorting mergesort and quicksort
- Tree traversals
- Binary search
- Matrix multiplication-Strassens algorithm
- Algorithm
- The base case n 1, the problem is naturally
solved. - The general case
- Divide Divide array A0..n-1 in two and make
copies of each half in arrays B0.. n/2 - 1 and
C0.. n/2 - 1 - Conquer Sort arrays B and C recursively using
merge sort - Combine Merge sorted arrays B and C into array A
as follows (Example 1 3 7, 2 4 5 9 ) - Repeat the following until no elements remain in
one of the arrays - compare the first elements in the remaining
unprocessed portions of the arrays - copy the smaller of the two into A, while
incrementing the index indicating the unprocessed
portion of that array - Once one of the arrays is exhausted, copy the
remaining unprocessed elements from the other
array into A.
8The Mergesort Algorithm
- ALGORITHM Mergesort(A0..n-1)
- //Sorts array A0..n-1 by recursive mergesort
- //Input An array A0..n-1 of orderable elements
- //Output Array A0..n-1 sorted in nondecreasing
order - if n gt 1
- //divide
- copy A0.. n/2 1 to B0.. n/2 1
- copy A n/2 .. n 1 to C0.. n/2 1
- //conquer
- Mergesort(B0.. n/2 1)
- Mergesort(C0.. n/2 1)
- //combine
- Merge(B, C, A)
9The Merge Algorithm
- ALGORITHM Merge(B0..p-1, C0..q-1,
A0..pq-1) - //Merges two sorted arrays into one sorted array
- //Input Arrays B0..p-1 and C0..q-1 both
sorted - //Output Sorted Array A0..pq-1 of the
elements of B and C - i ? 0 j ? 0 k ? 0
- while i lt p and j lt q do //while both B and C are
not exhausted - if Bi lt Cj //put the smaller element into
A - Ak ?Bi i ? i 1
- else Ak ?Cj j ? j 1
- k ? k 1
- if i p //if list B is exhausted first
- copy Cj..q-1 to Ak..pq-1
- else //list C is exhausted first
- copy Bi..p-1 to Ak..pq-1
10Mergesort Examples
- 8 3 2 9 7 1 5 4
- 7 2 1 6 4
Worst case the smaller element comes from
alternating arrays.
11The Divide, Conquer and Combine Steps in Quicksort
- Divide Partition array Al..r into 2 subarrays,
Al..s-1 and As1..r such that each element of
the first array is As and each element of the
second array is As. (computing the index of s
is part of partition.) - Implication As will be in its final position
in the sorted array. - Conquer Sort the two subarrays Al..s-1 and
As1..r by recursive calls to quicksort - Combine No work is needed, because As is
already in its correct place after the partition
is done, and the two subarrays have been sorted.
- Select a pivot w.r.t. whose value we are going
to divide the sublist. (e.g., p Al) - Rearrange the list so that it starts with the
pivot followed by a sublist (a sublist whose
elements are all smaller than or equal to the
pivot) and a sublist (a sublist whose elements
are all greater than or equal to the pivot ) (See
algorithm Partition in section 4.2) - Exchange the pivot with the last element in the
first sublist(i.e., sublist) the pivot is now
in its final position - Sort the two sublists recursively using
13The Quicksort Algorithm
- ALGORITHM Quicksort(Al..r)
- //Sorts a subarray by quicksort
- //Input A subarray Al..r of A0..n-1,defined
by its left and right indices l and r - //Output The subarray Al..r sorted in
nondecreasing order - if l lt r
- s ? Partition (Al..r) // s is a split position
- Quicksort(Al..s-1)
- Quicksort(As1..r
14The Partition Algorithm
- ALGORITHM Partition (Al ..r)
- //Partitions a subarray by using its first
element as a pivot - //Input A subarray Al..r of A0..n-1, defined
by its left and right indices l and r (l lt r) - //Output A partition of Al..r, with the split
position returned as this functions value - P ?Al
- i ?l j ? r 1
- Repeat
- repeat i ? i 1 until Aigtp //left-right scan
- repeat j ?j 1 until Aj lt p//right-left scan
- if (i lt j) //need to continue with the
scan - swap(Ai, aj)
- until i gt j //no need to scan
- swap(Al, Aj)
- return j
15Quicksort Example
16Efficiency of Quicksort
- Based on whether the partitioning is balanced.
- Best case split in the middle T( n log n)
- C(n) 2C(n/2) T(n) //2 subproblems of size
n/2 each - Worst case sorted array! T( n2)
- C(n) C(n-1) n1 //2 subproblems of size 0 and
n-1 respectively - Average case random arrays T( n log n)
17Binary Search an Iterative Algorithm
- ALGORITHM BinarySearch(A0..n-1, K)
- //Implements nonrecursive binary search
- //Input An array A0..n-1 sorted in ascending
order and - // a search key K
- //Output An index of the arrays element that is
equal to K - // or 1 if there is no such element
- l ? 0, r ? n 1
- while l ? r do //l and r crosses over? cant
find K. - m ??(l r) / 2?
- if K Am return m //the key is found
- else
- if K lt Am r? m 1 //the key is on the left
half of the array - else l ? m 1 // the key is on the right half
of the array - return -1
18Binary Search a Recursive Algorithm
- ALGORITHM BinarySearchRecur(A0..n-1, l, r, K)
- if l gt r //base case 1 l and r cross over?
cant find K - return 1
- else
- m ? ?(l r) / 2?
- if K Am //base case 2 K is found
- return m
- else //general case divide the problem.
- if K lt Am //the key is on the left half of
the array - return BinarySearchRecur(A0..n-1, l, m-1, K)
- else //the key is on the left half of the
array - return BinarySearchRecur(A0..n-1, m1, r, K)
19Binary Search -- Efficiency
- What is the recurrence relation?
- Efficiency
C(n) C(?n / 2?) 2
C(n) ? T( log n)
20Binary Tree Traversals
- Definitions
- A binary tree T is defined as a finite set of
nodes that is either empty or consists of a root
and two disjoint binary trees TL and TR called,
respectively, the left and right subtree of the
root. - Examples.
- The height of a tree is defined as the length of
the longest path from the root to a leaf. - Problem find the height of a binary tree.
21Find the Height of a Binary Tree
- //Computes recursively the height of a binary
tree - //Input A binary tree T
- //Output The height of T
- if T ?
- return 1
- else
- return maxHeight(TL), Height(TR) 1
- Base case?
- Efficiency?
C(n) n x 2n 1
- The following algorithm seeks to compute the
number of leaves in a binary tree. Is it correct? - ALGORITHM LeafCounter(T)
- //Computes recursively the number of leaves in a
binary tree - //Input A binary tree T
- //Output The number of leaves in T
- if T ?
- return 0
- else
- return LeafCounter(TL) LeafCounter(TR)
23Binary Tree Traversals preorder, inorder, and
postorder traversal
- Binary tee traversal visit all nodes of a binary
tree recursively. - Write a recursive preorder binary tree traversal
algorithm. -
Algorithm Preorder(T) //Implement the preorder
traversal of a binary tree //Input Binary tree T
(with labeled vertices) //Output Node labels
listed in preorder if T ? write label of Ts
root Preorder(TL) Preorder(TR)
How many recursive calls ?
24Multiplication of Large Integers (1)
- Multiplication of two n-digit integers.
- Multiplication of a m-digit integer and a n-digit
integer ( where n gt m) can be modeled as the
multiplication of 2 n-digit integers (by padding
n m 0s before the first digit of the m-digit
25Multiplication of Large Integers (2)
- Do we have to make n2 digit multiplications?
- n 2 we only need 3 digit multiplications.
- What about n gt 2?
- Assume n is an even number. (What about the
situations where n is an odd number?) - Recursively compute the product of two integers,
with the integer size ( of digits) reduced by
half each time. - Efficiency of the recursive algorithm
- Recurrence Relation
26Strassens Matrix Multiplication
- Brute-force algorithm
- c00 c01 a00 a01
b00 b01 -
- c10 c11 a10 a11
b10 b11 - a00 b00 a01 b10 a00 b01 a01
b11 -
- a10 b00 a11 b10
a10 b01 a11 b11
8 multiplications
Efficiency class ? (n3)
4 additions
27Strassens Matrix Multiplication
- Strassens Algorithm (two 2x2 matrices)
- c00 c01 a00 a01
b00 b01 -
- c10 c11 a10 a11
b10 b11 -
- m1 m4 - m5 m7 m3 m5
- m2 m4
m1 m3 - m2 m6 - m1 (a00 a11) (b00 b11)
- m2 (a10 a11) b00
- m3 a00 (b01 - b11)
- m4 a11 (b10 - b00)
- m5 (a00 a01) b11
- m6 (a10 - a00) (b00 b01)
- m7 (a01 - a11) (b10 b11)
7 multiplications
18 additions
28Strassens Matrix Multiplication
- Two nxn matrices, where n is a power of two (What
about the situations where n is not a power of
two?) - C00 C01 A00 A01
B00 B01 -
- C10 C11 A10 A11
B10 B11 - M1 M4 - M5 M7
M3 M5 -
- M2 M4
M1 M3 - M2
- M1 (A00 A11) (B00 B11)
- M2 (A10 A11) B00
- M3 A00 (B01 - B11)
- M4 A11 (B10 - B00)
- M5 (A00 A01) B11
- M6 (A10 - A00) (B00 B01)
- M7 (A01 - A11) (B10 B11)
30Efficiency of Strassens Algorithm
- If n is not a power of 2, matrices can be padded
with rows and columns with zeros - Number of multiplications
- Number of additions
- Other algorithms have improved this result, but
are even more complex