Title: Killer Autonomous Programming
1Killer Autonomous Programming
- Make um say Wow!
- Presented By
- Frank Larkin
- Lansdale Catholic Robotics, Team 272
- FIRST Championships Forum, Atlanta Georgia April,
2Autonomous Program Development Cycle
Joy ?
A brief moment of optimism usually followed by a
crushing downfall! Warning DO NOT BE FOOLED!
Pain ?
Time Lots Of It!
- Big Al says
- They put it there for you to use!
- Where does your code go?
- defines can be fun!
- The OI Panel LEDs
- Competition Mode
- Autonomous Setup
- Define Your Steps
- Virtual Operator
- The Autonomous Program
- Using Encoders
- The Gyro Chip is my Friend!
- 2005 Programs
- Fly By Wire System
4Big Al says
5They put it there for you to use!
- Use whatever field objects you can to guide you.
- Walls can be run along.
- Shoes set to glide below obstacles
- Large bearings can easily run along walls or
rails. - Read the rules very carefully to make sure your
hardware solution is legal and will work. - If all else fails
- Hold breathe until you turn blue
- Suggest W W W S!
- Write a position paper
- If you must, write software! ?
6Where They Want You To Put Your Code!
- The Default FRC Code strongly suggests that you
keep your Autonomous Code separatebut do you? - while (1) / This loop will repeat
indefinitely. / -
- ifdef _SIMULATOR
- statusflag.NEW_SPI_DATA 1
- endif
- if (statusflag.NEW_SPI_DATA) / 26.2ms
loop area / -
- / I'm slow! I only execute every 26.2ms
because / - / that's how fast the Master uP gives me
data. / - Process_Data_From_Master_uP() / You edit
this in user_routines.c / - if (autonomous_mode) / DO NOT CHANGE!
/ -
- User_Autonomous_Code() / You edit
this in user_routines_fast.c /
7A Better Way!
- Make your autonomous code part of your normal
code. Yes change where they said DO NOT CHANGE! - while (1) / This loop will repeat
indefinitely. / -
- ifdef _SIMULATOR
- statusflag.NEW_SPI_DATA 1
- endif
- if (statusflag.NEW_SPI_DATA) / 26.2ms
loop area / -
- / I'm slow! I only execute every 26.2ms
because / - / that's how fast the Master uP gives me
data. / - Process_Data_From_Master_uP() / You edit
this in user_routines.c / -
- Process_Data_From_Local_IO() / You edit
this in user_routines_fast.c / - / I'm
fast! I execute during every loop./ - / while (1) /
- void Process_Data_From_Master_uP(void)
- Getdata(rxdata) / Get fresh data from the
master microprocessor. / - LC_Main()
- Generate_Pwms(pwm13,pwm14,pwm15,pwm16)
- Putdata(txdata) / DO NOT CHANGE! /
Get the data from the external inputs
Process Them (LC_Main)
Put the data to the outputs
- void LC_Main(void)
- int_TimeCount
- ShutOffAllLEDs()
- PreCompetitionSetup()
- AutonomousOperation()
- NormalOperation()
- void PreCompetitionSetup()
- unsigned int uint_GyroValue
- if( competition_mode ! TRUE )
- return
- // rest of pre-comp code below here
10Horsepower 2004
11Control Inputsdefine Declarations
- Declarations make it easy to read and follow.
Also they can be used by their normal reference - // Joy sticks and Wheels
- define pot_TowerWinch p1_y
- define pot_TowerTilt p2_y
- define pot_LeftDriverJoystick p3_y
- define pot_RightDriverJoystick p4_y
- define pot_AutTimer1 p1_wheel // used to
determine how far - // robot goes to goal
- define pot_GoalClaw p2_wheel
- // Switches
- define SWITCH_OPEN 0
- define SWITCH_CLOSED 1
- define swt_RightArmDeploy p1_sw_trig
- define swt_RightArmRetract p1_sw_top
- define swt_LeftArmDeploy p2_sw_trig
12Autonomous Programdefine Declarations
- Declaration make it easy to read and follow
- define C_AUT_NO_PROGRAM 0 // do nothing
- define C_AUT_HIT_BALL 2
- define C_AUT_LAST_STEP 99
- define C_AUT_POWER_TILT_UP 255
- define C_AUT_POWER_WINCH_UP 255
13The OI Panel LEDs
- Maim.h definition
- /
/ - define LED_ON 1
- define LED_OFF 0
- define LED_OI_0 txdata.LED_byte1.bitselect.bit1
- define LED_OI_1 txdata.LED_byte1.bitselect.bit0
- define LED_OI_2 txdata.LED_byte1.bitselect.bit3
- define LED_OI_3 txdata.LED_byte1.bitselec
t.bit2 - define LED_OI_4 txdata.LED_byte1.bitselect.
bit4 - define LED_OI_5 txdata.LED_byte1.bitselect.bi
t5 - define LED_OI_6 txdata.LED_byte1.bitselect.
bit6 - define LED_OI_7 txdata.LED_byte1.bitselect.bi
t7 - define LED_OI_8 txdata.LED_byte2.bitselect.b
it0 - define LED_OI_9 txdata.LED_byte2.bitselect.b
it1 - define LED_OI_10 txdata.LED_byte2.bitselect.b
14Competition Mode
- In Competition mode OI inputs will work. These
can be used to - Set your Autonomous Mode
- Center your Joysticks
- Test your sensors
- Set delay timers
Yellow Light
15Competition Mode
- In Competition mode OI inputs will work. These
can be used to - Center your Joysticks
- Test Your sensors
- Set Your Autonomous Mode
- Set delay timers
16Autonomous SetupFunction PreCompetitionSetup
- void PreCompetitionSetup()
- unsigned int uint_GyroValue
- if( competition_mode ! TRUE )
- return
- int_TimeCount 0
- byt_CounterToGoal pot_AutTimer1_IN
- // set the autonomous program mode
- if( p1_sw_trig SWITCH_CLOSED )
- if( p1_sw_top SWITCH_OPEN )
- byt_ButtonWasPressed FALSE
- if( p1_sw_top SWITCH_CLOSED
- byt_ButtonWasPressed FALSE )
17Function PreCompetitionSetupSelecting You Auto
- switch( byt_AutonomousProgram )
- break
- break
- break
- break
18Function PreCompetitionSetup Centering Your
- else if( p2_sw_trig SWITCH_CLOSED )
- if(user_display_mode TRUE) /User Mode is On
/ - txdata.LED_byte1.data byt_CounterToGoal
- else // normal mode in precompetiiton setup is
to zero the axis of joy stick -
- if( p1_y gt 126 )
- if( p1_y lt 128 )
- if( p2_y gt 126 )
- if( p2_y lt 128 )
19Function PreCompetitionSetup Centering Your
- else if( p2_sw_trig SWITCH_CLOSED )
- if(user_display_mode TRUE) /User Mode is On
/ - txdata.LED_byte1.data byt_CounterToGoal
- else // normal mode in precompetiiton setup is
to zero the axis of joy stick -
- if( p1_y gt 126 )
- if( p1_y lt 128 )
- if( p2_y gt 126 )
- if( p2_y lt 128 )
20Function PreCompetitionSetupChecking Other Stuff
- // test and set the gyro chip
- uint_GyroValue Get_Analog_Value(ana_GyroChip_IN
) -
- if( int_GyroNormalSetting 0 uint_GyroValue
gt 500 ) - int_GyroNormalSetting uint_GyroValue
- if( uint_GyroValue gt
- int_GyroNormalSetting - C_GYRO_RANGE
- uint_GyroValue lt int_GyroNormalSetting
- if( dig_Banner_Sees_Line_IN DIGITAL_HIGH )
- //Tower Winch is Going Down
- if( dig_TowerCableLoose_IN DIGITAL_LOW )
21Function PreCompetitionSetupAutonomous Delay
- Why use a delay?
- Allow alliance to go first.
- Keep them out of your way.
- Delay set like program selection.
- Set in 2 second increments
- Clock starts when autonomous period begins.
- Display counts down to allow CBUs to feel warm
and fuzzy that it is all working.
22Function PreCompetitionSetupAutonomous Delay
- Why use a delay?
- Allow alliance to go first.
- Keep them out of your way.
- Delay set like program selection.
- Set in 2 second increments
- Clock starts when autonomous period begins.
- Display counts down to allow CBUs to feel warm
and fuzzy that it is all working.
23Define Your Steps
- Clearly Define what you want to do
- 0) As you do steps below tilt up, then raise
tower. - 1) Drive at 45 degree angle to side bar of field.
- 2) Run along wall on shoe on right side of robot.
- 3) As you pass over white line fire arm to hit
ball and stop. Leave arm out. - 4) Backup a little to avoid hitting other ball
and close arm
24Horsepower 2004
25The Virtual Operator Concept
- In Autonomous Mode controls are set to neutral
positions - buttons set to 0
- joysticks set to 127 or center
- But variables still exist!!!!!!
- Your Autonomous Functions can set these so they
can be processed by your normal code as if an
operator were doing the work. - This eliminates special code for autonomous
operations. - Makes code flow much cleaner
- Uses less variable space
26Autonomous Operation
- void AutonomousOperation()
- if( autonomous_mode ! TRUE )
- byt_AutoState 0
- byt_AutoSearchState 0
- return
- // stop all movement if there is any.
- // actions will be set in the
- // autonomous code if it needs to be
- pot_TowerWinch_IN C_POWER_STOP
- pot_TowerTilt_IN C_POWER_STOP
- pot_LeftDriverJoystick_IN C_POWER_STOP
- pot_RightDriverJoystick_IN C_POWER_STOP
- swt_RightArmRetract_IN SWITCH_CLOSED
27AutoHitBall()Part 0 Postion Tower
- void AutoHitBall()
- // do this independent of what state we are in
- // tilt up first to allow arm to clear
- if( int_TiltCount lt C_AUT_COUNT_TILT_UP )
- pot_TowerTilt C_AUT_POWER_TILT_UP
- int_TiltCount
- else if( int_WinchCount lt C_AUT_COUNT_WINCH_UP
) -
- pot_TowerWinch C_AUT_POWER_WINCH_UP
- int_WinchCount
28Autonomous ProgramPart 1 The State Machine
- We use an integer to tell us what state we are
in. This tells us what part of the code to
process. - switch( byt_AutoState )
- case 0 // Initialization of this state
- int_TimeCount 0
- byt_AutoState
- case 1 // drive straight towards side
- pot_LeftDriverJoystick_IN 12764
- pot_RightDriverJoystick_IN 12764
- if( int_TimeCount gt 20 )
- int_TimeCount 0 // reset for
next state - byt_AutoState // bump to
next state -
- break
29Autonomous ProgramPart 2 Timer Based Actions
- We keep doing one thing until the counter is
exceeded then do another or bump the state - case 2 // run to the side
- swt_GyroNavigate TRUE
- pot_LeftDriverJoystick 12764
- pot_RightDriverJoystick 12764
- if( int_TimeCount gt 150 )
- LED_OI_8 LED_ON // tell CBUs we are
working -
- if( dig_Banner_Sees_Line DIGITAL_HIGH )
- swt_RightArmDeploy
SWITCH_CLOSED - pot_LeftDriverJoystick
C_POWER_STOP - pot_RightDriverJoystick
C_POWER_STOP - int_TimeCount 0 // reset
timer byt_AutoState // bump
to next state -
30Autonomous ProgramPart 3 Stop And Settle
- Inertia can cause all kinds of problems.
Sometimes you must stop and wait a little for the
robot to come to a full stop. - case 3 //stop
- swt_RightArmDeploy SWITCH_CLOSED
- pot_LeftDriverJoystick C_POWER_STOP
- pot_RightDriverJoystick C_POWER_STOP
- if( int_TimeCount gt 30)
- int_TimeCount 0 // reset the timer state
- byt_AutoState // bump to next state
- break
31Autonomous ProgramPart 4 Stop And Settle
- Last two states for this program
- case 4 //back up
- // keep arm deployed to keep it from hitting
other ball - swt_RightArmDeploy SWITCH_CLOSED
- pot_LeftDriverJoystick 60
- pot_RightDriverJoystick 60
- swt_GyroNavigate TRUE
- if( int_TimeCount gt 40)
- int_TimeCount 0 // reset the timer
for next state - byt_AutoState C_AUT_LAST_STEP // set
last state -
- break
- default
32Using Encoders
- Use Optical sensor on Encoder wheel to determine
how far you have gone. - Create encoder wheel mask with program
Encoder_design.exe free on Internet
33Encoder Masks
34Encoder Placement
- Place on wheel, gear, freshman..whatever rotates
that you want to measure. - For best accuracy place on part that rotates the
most. - More rotations more accuracy
- Use 2, one left side one right.
- Create DIRECTION variable when left sensor
changes subtract 1, when right changes add 1. If
Direction 0 you are going straight.
35Encoder Placement
- Place on wheel, gear, freshman..whatever rotates
that you want to measure. - For best accuracy place on part that rotates the
most. - More rotations more accuracy
- Use 2, one left side one right.
- Create DIRECTION variable when left sensor
changes subtract 1, when right changes add 1. If
Direction 0 you are going straight.
36Untested EncoderCode Example
- main.h
- uint compass 5000
- uint direction compass
- uint left_last_state 0
- uint right_last_state 0
- define left_sensor rc_dig_in01
- define right_sensor rc_dig_in02
- normal.c
- // going forward only
- if( left_sensor ! left_last_state )
- direction--
- if(right_sensor ! right_last_state )
- direction
- if( direction lt compass )
- adjust_power_to_left()
37Encoder Issues
- Adjusting power may mean reducing power on side
you want to turn to. - Wheel Slip Gunning motors may make wheels slip
causing sensors to count without moving. Ramp up
speed. - Rotation speed Too fast and counter may not
keep up. - What happens if I change the compass?
- Use the Force Luke!
- Always think what is happening.
- All problems can and should be explained.
38The Gyro Chip
- A solid state Gyroscope. Indicates that we are
tuning and how hard. - Analog Input
- Must use Get_Analog_Value function to retrieve it
- Number at rest is around 536.
- Do Not Hard Code
- Turn left number raises
- Turn right number decreases
- Shock mount unit
- Use with caution because a 130 lb. robot can
cause damage. Especially to you.
39The Gyro Chip
- During Competition Mode read Chip to set
at_rest_value - Then set an at_rest_high (4) and at_rest_low (-
4) - When sensing determine..
- if lt at_rest_high (left)
- If gt at_rest_low (right)
- Difference is amount or severity of turn
- Add or subtract to virtual compass. This
indicates direction you are going.
40The Gyro ChipExample
- main.h
- define straight 10000
- uint compass straight
- uint gyro_value 0
- uint gyro_normal 0
- uint gyro_high 0
- uint gyro_low 0
- uint gyro_diff0
- precompetition.c
- gyro_normal Get_Analog_Value(rc_ana_in01)
- gyro_high gyro_ normal 4
- gyro_low gyro_ normal -4
- normal.c
- gyro_value Get_Analog_Value(rc_ana_in01)
- if(gyro_value lt gyro_high )
412005 Programs
- One program (8 in 1) that can move from any start
position to any loading zone. - Same program just change a few variables to go
different places - Uses encoders to know how far we have gone.
Encoders are calibrated in inches. - Uses automatic positioning of arm to put claw in
best position for loading. - Second program loads a tetra on to side goal.
42Fly By Wire System
- Tower uses potentiometers to know tilt and winch
positions. - Single turn pot for tilt
- 10 turn pot for tower winch
- Operator pushes button to position tower.
- Selectors for start position, tertas on robot and
goal - Automatically repositions as we drive.
43Fly By Wire System
44Final Thought
- Unlike baseball crying is allowed in software
development but - when your done, get back and make it work!