Ethics and Lethality in Autonomous Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ethics and Lethality in Autonomous Systems


Ethics and Lethality in Autonomous Systems – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ethics and Lethality in Autonomous Systems

Ethics and Lethality in Autonomous Systems
  • Ronald C. Arkin
  • Mobile Robot Laboratory
  • Georgia Institute of Technology

Talk Outline
  • Inevitability of the development of autonomous
    robots capable of lethal force
  • Humanitys persistent failings in battlefield
  • Research Agenda (funded by Army Research
  • Artificial Conscience, to yield Humane-oids -
    Robots that can potentially perform more
    ethically in the battlefield than humans

Background Personal Defense Funding Experience
  • Real-time Planning and Control/UGV Demo II
  • Tactical Mobile Robotics
  • Mobile Autonomous Robotics Software
  • Unmanned Ground Combat Vehicle (SAIC lead)
  • FCS-Communications SID (TRW lead)
  • MARS Vision 2020 (with UPenn,USC,BBN)
  • US Army Applied Aviation Directorate
  • U.S. Navy Lockheed Martin (NAVAIR)
  • Army Research Institute
  • Army Research Organization
  • ONR/Navy Research Labs AO-FNC
  • Private Consulting for DARPA, Lockheed-Martin,
    and Foster Miller

Why am I interested?
  • Sense of personal responsibility from basic
  • Need to inform colleagues
  • Important to initiate discussion at all levels
  • 1st Robot and Ethics Symposium, Jan. 2004
  • Pugwash Institute
  • Geneva Convention
  • Vatican
  • Official involvement with IEEE Robotics and
    Automation Society
  • Co-chair Technical Committee on Roboethics
  • Co-chair Human rights and Ethics Committee
  • Video and subsequent discussions at a DOD
  • Apache Rules the Night

Robots in the Battlefield
  • South Korean robot platform is intended to be
    able to detect and identify targets in daylight
    within a 4km radius, or at night using infrared
    sensors within a range of 2km, providing for
    either an autonomous lethal or non-lethal
    response. The system does have an automatic mode
    in which it is capable of making the decision on
    its own
  • iRobot, the maker of Roomba, is now providing
    versions of their Packbots capable of tasering
    enemy combatants.
  • The SWORDS platform developed by Foster-Miller is
    already at work in Iraq and Afghanistan and is
    capable of carrying lethal weaponry (M240 or M249
    machine guns, or a Barrett .50 Caliber rifle).
  • Israel is deploying stationary robotic gun-sensor
    platforms along its borders with Gaza in
    automated kill zones, equipped with fifty caliber
    machine guns and armored folding shields.
  • Lockheed-Martin, as part of its role in the
    Future Combat Systems program is developing an
    Armed Robotic Vehicle-Assault (Light) MULE robot
    weighing in at 2.5 tons. It will be armed with a
    line-of-sight gun and an anti-tank capability, to
    provide immediate, heavy firepower to the
    dismounted soldier.
  • The U.S. Air Force has created their first
    hunter-killer UAV, named the MQ-9 Reaper.
  • The U.S. Navy for the first time is requesting
    funding for acquisition in 2010 of armed
    Firescout UAVs, a vertical-takeoff and landing
    tactical UAV that will be equipped with kinetic
    weapons. The system has already been tested with
    2.75 inch unguided rockets.

Perspective Future Combat Systems
  • 127 Billion program (recently delayed)
  • Biggest military contract in U.S. history
  • Transformation of U.S. Army
  • Driven by Congressional mandate that by 2010 that
    1/3 of all operational deep strike aircraft be
    unmanned and by 2015, 1/3 of all ground combat
    vehicles are unmanned
  • What are the ethical
  • implications of all this?

(No Transcript)
  • Should soldiers be robots?
  • Isnt that largely what they are trained to be?
  • Should robots be soldiers?
  • Could they be more humane than humans?

Will Robots be Permitted to Autonomously Employ
Lethal Force?
  • Several robotic systems already use lethal force
  • Cruise Missiles, Navy Phalanx (Aegis-class
    Cruisers), Patriot missile, even land mines by
    some definitions.
  • Depends on when and who you talk to.
  • Will there always be a human in the loop?
  • Fallibility of human versus machine. Who knows
  • Despite protestations to the contrary from all
    sides, the answer appears to be unequivocally

How can we avoid this?
Kent State, Ohio, Anti-war protest, 4 Dead, May
My Lai, Vietnam
Abu Ghraib, Iraq
Haditha, Iraq
And this? (Not just a U.S. phenomenon)
Germany, Holocaust
U.K., Iraq
Japan, WWII
Generals Office, Mental Health Advisory Team
(MHAT) IV Operation Iraqi Freedom 05-07, Final
Report, Nov. 17, 2006.
  • Approximately 10 of Soldiers and Marines report
    mistreating non-combatants (damaged/destroyed
    Iraqi property when not necessary or hit/kicked a
    non-combatant when not necessary). Soldiers that
  • Well over a third of Soldiers and Marines
    reported torture should be allowed, whether to
    save the life of a fellow Soldier or Marine or to
    obtain important information about insurgents.
  • 17 of Soldiers and Marines agreed or strongly
    agreed that all noncombatants should be treated
    as insurgents.
  • 45 of Soldiers and 60 of Marines did not agree
    that they would report a fellow soldier/marine if
    he had injured or killed an innocent
  • Only 43 of Soldiers and 30 of Marines agreed
    they would report a unit member for unnecessarily
    damaging or destroying private property.
  • Less than half of Soldiers and Marines would
    report a team member for an unethical behavior.
  • Although they reported receiving ethical
    training, 28 of Soldiers and 31 of Marines
    reported facing ethical situations in which they
    did not know how to respond.
  • Soldiers and Marines are more likely to report
    engaging in the mistreatment of Iraqi
    noncombatants when they are angry, and are twice
    as likely to engage in unethical behavior in the
    battlefield than when they have low levels of

Possible explanations for the persistence of war
crimes by combat troops
  • High friendly losses leading to a tendency to
    seek revenge.
  • High turnover in the chain of command, leading to
    weakened leadership.
  • Dehumanization of the enemy through the use of
    derogatory names and epithets.
  • Poorly trained or inexperienced troops.
  • No clearly defined enemy.
  • Unclear orders where intent of the order may be
    interpreted incorrectly as unlawful.
  • There is clear room for improvement and
  • autonomous systems may help

What can robotics offer to make these situations
less likely to occur?
  • Is it not our responsibility as scientists to
    look for effective ways to reduce mans
    inhumanity to man through technology?
  • Research in ethical military robotics could and
    should be applied toward achieving this end.
  • How can this happen?

Underlying Thesis Robots can ultimately be
more humane than human beings in military
situationsIt is not my belief that an unmanned
system will be able to be perfectly ethical in
the battlefield, but I am convinced that they can
perform more ethically than human soldiers are
capable of.
Reasons for Ethical Autonomy
  • In the future autonomous robots may be able to
    perform better than humans under battlefield
  • The ability to act conservatively i.e., they do
    not need to protect themselves in cases of low
    certainty of target identification.
  • The eventual development and use of a broad range
    of robotic sensors better equipped for
    battlefield observations than humans currently
  • They can be designed without emotions that cloud
    their judgment or result in anger and frustration
    with ongoing battlefield events.
  • Avoidance of the human psychological problem of
    scenario fulfillment is possible, a factor
    believed partly contributing to the downing of an
    Iranian Airliner by the USS Vincennes in 1988
    Sagan 91.
  • They can integrate more information from more
    sources far faster before responding with lethal
    force than a human possibly could in real-time.
  • When working in a team of combined human soldiers
    and autonomous systems, they have the potential
    capability of independently and objectively
    monitoring ethical behavior in the battlefield by
    all parties and reporting infractions that might
    be observed..

Reasons Against Autonomy
  • Responsibility whos to blame? (Sparrow,
    Sharkey, Asaro)
  • Threshold of entry lower violates jus ad bellum
  • Risk-free warfare unjust
  • Cant be done right - too hard for machines to
    discriminate (Sharkey, Sparrow, Anderson)
  • Effect on squad cohesion
  • Robots running amok (Sci fi)
  • Refusing an order (military)
  • Issues of overrides in wrong hands
  • Co-opting of effort by military for justification

Objective Robots that possess ethical code
  • Provided with the right of refusal for an
    unethical order
  • Monitor and report behavior of others
  • Incorporate existing laws of war, battlefield and
    military protocols
  • Geneva and Hague Conventions
  • Rules of Engagement

What to Represent
  • The underlying principles that guide modern
    military conflict are
  • Military Necessity may target those things which
    are not prohibited by LOW and whose targeting
    will produce a military advantage. Military
    Objective persons, places, or objects that make
    an effective contribution to military action.
  • Humanity or Unnecessary Suffering must minimize
    unnecessary suffering incidental injury to people
    and collateral damage to property.
  • Proportionality The US Army prescribes the test
    of proportionality in a clearly utilitarian
    perspective as The loss of life and damage to
    property incidental to attacks must not be
    excessive in relation to the concrete and direct
    military advantage expected to be gained. US
    Army 56 , para. 41, change 1
  • Discrimination or Distinction must discriminate
    or distinguish between combatants and
    non-combatants military objectives and protected
    people/protected places.

Architectural Desiderata
  • Permission to kill alone is inadequate, the
    mission must explicitly obligate the use of
    lethal force.
  • The Principle of Double Intention, which extends
    beyond LOW requirement for principle of Double
    Effect, is enforced.
  • In appropriate circumstances, tactics can be used
    to encourage surrender over lethal force, which
    is feasible due to the reduced requirement of
  • Strong evidence of hostility required (fired upon
    or clear hostile intent), not simply possession
    or display of weapon. Tactics can be used to
    determine hostile intent without premature use of
    lethal force (e.g., close approach, inspection).
  • For POWs, the system has no lingering anger after
    surrender, reprisals not possible.
  • There is never intent to target a noncombatant.
  • Proportionality may be more effectively
    determined given the absence of a strong
    requirement for self-preservation, reducing a
    need for overwhelming force.
  • A system request to invoke lethality, triggers an
    ethical evaluation.
  • Adherence to the principle of first, do no
    harm, which indicates that in the absence of
    certainty (as defined by t) the system is
    forbidden from acting in a lethal manner.

(No Transcript)
Ethical Architectural Components
  • Ethical Governor which suppresses, restricts, or
    transforms any lethal behavior ?lethal-ij
    (ethical or unethical) produced by the existing
    architecture so that it must fall within
    Ppermissible after it is initially generated by
    the architecture (post facto). This means if
    ?l-unethical-ij is the result, it must either
    nullify the original lethal intent or modify it
    so that it fits within the ethical constraints
    determined by C, i.e., it is transformed to
  • Ethical Behavioral Control which constrains all
    active behaviors (ß1, ß2, ßm) in B to yield R
    with each vector component roermissible-i as
    determined by C, i.e., only lethal ethical
    behavior is produced by each individual active
    behavior involving lethality in the first place.
  • Ethical Adaptor if a resulting executed behavior
    is determined to have been unethical, i.e.,
    ?l-unethical-ij, then use some means to adapt the
    system to either prevent or reduce the likelihood
    of such a reoccurrence and propagate it across
    all similar autonomous systems (group learning),
    e.g., an artificial affective function (e.g.,
    guilt, remorse, grief)
  • Responsibility Advisor Advises operate of
    responsibilities prior to Mission Deployment and
    monitors for constraint violations during mission

Test Scenarios
  • UAV
  • Scenario 1 ROE adherence
  • Taliban Muster Real World Event
  • Scenario 2 LOW adherence
  • Iraqi IED Deployment Real World Event
  • UGV
  • Scenario 3 Discrimination
  • Near-term Event Korean DMZ
  • Scenario 4 Proportionality and Tactics
  • Fictional Urban Sniper

Example Scenario Military declined to Bomb
Group of Taliban at Funeral AP article

(Left) Reconnaissance Photo showing a Taliban
Muster (Right) Predator UAV
Apache Rules the Night
Samsung Techwin Korean DMZ Surveillance and
Guard Robot
Urban Sniper Scenario
From Full Metal Jacket (1987)
Ft. Benning McKenna Mout Site(2005)
  • Roboticists should not run from the difficult
    ethical issues surrounding the use of their
    intellectual property that is or will be applied
    to warfare, whether or not they directly
    participate. Wars unfortunately will continue and
    derivative technology from these ideas will be
  • Proactive management of these issues is
  • Candidate architecture to be implemented and
    tested in the coming year.

For further information . . .
  • Mobile Robot Laboratory Web site
  • http//
  • Two lengthy tech reports available
  • Survey Results
  • Architectural design (forthcoming book)
  • Contact information
  • Ron Arkin
  • IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Robo-ethics
  • http//
  • CS 4002 Robots and Society Course (Georgia
  • http//
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