Title: The Water Cycle
1The Water Cycle
2The Water Cycle
3What are the most significant impacts on water
quality in Washington?
4What are the most significant impacts on water
quality in Washington?
- Program priorities established by the Washington
State Department of Ecology - Prevent Point Source Pollution
- 2. Reduce Nonpoint Source Pollution
- 3. Control Stormwater Pollution
- 4. Provide Financial Assistance
- 5. Cleanup Polluted Waters
5Water Quality Issues Urban Stormwater
- Where does this water come from?
- Where does it end up?
- What influences the quality of urban stormwater?
6Water Quality Issues Urban Stormwater
7Water Quality Issues Urban Stormwater
8Water Quality Issues Urban Stormwater
What sort of environmental impacts will changes
like this have?
9GIS Can Be Used to Analyze ISA (Impervious
Surface Area)
Figure Seattle area, WA. 1984-1992 TM Hybrid
Change Detection product showing urban expansion
of the metropolitan area. Areas of new urban
cover are shown in red overlain on a true color
TM background.
10Mitigating the Effects of Urban Stormwater
11Remember This?
12Water Quality Testing
- Parameters to Test
- Temperature
- pH
- Total Alkalinity
- Phosphate
- Nitrate and Nitrite
- Dissolved Oxygen
13Our Process
- Outline your hypothesis and research plan.
- Collect water samples and record observations at
collection site(s). - Test water (in class Thursday, 2/1 each group
can test up to 4 samples) - Analyze results.
- Present results to class (Thursday, 2/8)
14Group Task
- In a group of 4, generate a list of questions
about surface water quality in your environment. - Use your questions to generate 3, testable,
hypotheses. - Share your ideas with the class!
- Select the hypothesis you are most interested in
and outline the steps youll need to work through
to test your hypothesis.