Maps - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Proposition: Only connected graphs admit 2-cell embeddings. ... Maps include different, equivalent, cryptomorphic purely combinatorial ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Maps

Graphs on Surfaces
  • We are mainly interested in embeddings of graphs
    on surfaces
  • h G ! S.
  • An embedding should be differentiated from
  • On the left we see some forbidden cases for

Cellular (or 2-cell) embedding
  • Embedding hG ! S is cellular (or 2-cell), if S
    \ h(G) is a union of open disks.
  • A 2-cell embedding is strong (or proper) if the
    closure of each open disk is a closed disk.
  • Proposition Only connected graphs admit 2-cell
  • On the left we see two embeddings of K4 in torus
    S1. The first one is cellular, the second ons is

2-Cell Embeddings and Maps
  • 2-cell embeddings of graphs are also known as
    maps. There is a subtile difference in the point
    of view.
  • In the former the emphasis is given to the graph
    while in the latter the emphasis is in the map, a
    structure, composed of vertices, edges and faces.
    Examples of maps include surfaces of polyhedra.
  • Maps include different, equivalent, cryptomorphic
    purely combinatorial definitions that can be used
    as a foundation of a theory of maps that is
    independent of topology.

Genus of a Graph
  • Let g(G) denote the genus of a graph G. This
    parameter denotes the minimal integer k, such
    that G admits an embedding into an orientable
    surface of genus k.
  • Note ?(G) 0 if and only if G is planar.

Euler Characteristics
  • To each closed surface S we associate a number
    ?(S) called Euler characteristics of S.
  • ?(Sg) 2 2g, for orientable surface of genus
  • ?(Nk) 2 k, for non-orientable surface of
    crosscap number (non-orientable genus) k.

Euler Formula
  • Let G be a graph with v vertices, e edges
    cellularly embedded in surface S with f faces.
  • v e f ?(S).

Rotation Scheme
  • Let G be a connected graph with the vertex set
    V, with arcs S and edges E. For each v 2 V
    define the set Sv s 2 S i(s) v. Let ?
    and ? be mappings
  • r S ! S
  • l S !-1,1.
  • with the property
  • Permutation r acts cyclically on Sv, for each
    v 2 V.
  • l(s) l-1(r(s)), for each s 2 S. Hence ? is a
    voltage assignment. In our case l(s) l(r(s)).
  • The triple (G,r,l) is a called a rotation scheme,
    defining a 2-cell embedding of G into some

Interpretation of Rotation Scheme
  • We follow arcs starting at s0 until we return to
    the initial arc.
  • s à s0,
  • s à ?(s).
  • positive à True.
  • While s ? s0 do
  • If positive then
  • If ?(s) 1 then
  • s à ?(s)
  • else
  • positive à False
  • s à ?(s)-1
  • else
  • If ?(s) 1 then
  • s à ?(s)-1
  • else
  • positive à False
  • s à ?(s)

Rotation Scheme and Rotation Projection
  • Rotation scheme can be represented by rotation
  • Rotation r can be reconstructed from the bottom
    drawing. Each arc s carries l(s) 1.

  • On the left we see the rotation projection of K4.
    The faces are triangles.
  • There is no cycle with an odd nunber of
  • V E F 4 6 4 2.
  • The surface is a sphere!
  • Exercise Analyse the faces of the embedding if
    all crosses are removed from the figure on the

Main Fact
  • Theorem Any 2-cell embedding of a graph G into a
    surface S can be described by a rotation scheme
    (G,?,?). Furthermore, by face tracing algorithm
    the number of faces F can be computed yielding
    ?(S). Finally, S is non-orientable if and only if
    G contains a cycle
  • C (e1,e2, ... , ek) such that
  • ?(C) ?(e1) ?(e2) ... ?(ek) -1

Combinatorial Theory of Maps
  • There are several cryptomorphic definitions of
    maps (graphs on surfaces.)
  • Rotation schemes represent such a tool.
  • Note that we start with a graph G and add
    additional information (G,?,?) in order to
    describe its 2-cell embedding. In some closed
  • We may also start directly from maps or polyhedra.

Flag Systems
  • Let V,E,F be disjoint (finite) sets.
  • F µ V E F is a flag system. Here
  • V vertex set,
  • E edge set
  • F face set.
  • A face that is a polygon with d sides, (a d-gon),
    consists of 2d flags (see figure on the left!)

Flag Systems are General
  • Using flag systems we can describe general
    complexes such as books.
  • Note the a 3-book contains a non-orientable
    Möbious strip.

Flag systems from 2-cell embeddings
  • To a 2-cell embedding we associate a flag system
    as follows. Let V be the set of vertices, E, the
    set of edges and F the set of faces of the
    embedding. Define
  • ? µ V E F as follows
  • (v,e,f) 2 ? if and only if v, e, and f are
    pairwise incident.

The 1-skeleton of a flag system.
  • Given a flag system ? µ V E F, we may study
    its projection to the first two factors
  • A (v,e) (v,e,f) 2 ?.
  • Define
  • iA ! V by i (v,e) ? v and
  • Ve v 2 V (v,e) 2 A.
  • Assume Ve 2, for each e 2 E.
  • We may define rA ! A by
  • r(v,e) (w,e) if Ve v,w and
  • r(v,e) (v,e) if Ve v.
  • The quadruple (V,A,i,r) is a pre-graph. It is
    called the 1-skeleton of ?.
  • Given ? there is an easy test whether the
    1-skeleton is indeed a graph for each e 2 E we
    must indeed have Ve 2.

  • If we replace the role of V and F in a flag
    system ? µ V E F we obtain a 1-co-skeleton.
  • We say that the skeleton and co-skeleton are dual

  • H1 If one of 1-skeleton is a graph is the
    1-co-skeleton a graph too? Prove or find a

  • N1. Determine the flag system describing the
    four-sided pyramid.
  • N2. Determine the 1-skeleton and 1-co-skeleton
    for N1.
  • N3. Define the notion of automorphism of a flag
    system ?. For the case N1 find the orbits of Aut

When does a flag system define a surface?
  • As we have seen in the case of a book we may have
    an edge belonging to more than two faces. This
    clearly violates the rule that each point on a
    surface has a neighborhood homeomorphic to an
    open disk.
  • Therefore a necessary condition is
  • Each for each flag (v,e,f) 2 ? there must exist a
    unique triple (v,e,f) 2 V E F with v ? v,
    e ? e, f ? f such that (v,e,f),
    (v,e,f),(v,e,f) 2 ?.
  • Another obvious condition is that the 1-skeleton
    must be connected.
  • However, a flag system satisfying these two
    conditions may still represent more general
    spaces than surfaces.
  • It may represent a pseudosurface.
  • Let us define
  • ?v (f,e) (v,e,f) 2 ?.
  • ?e (v,f)(v,e,f) 2 ?.
  • ?f (v,e (v,e,f) 2 ?.
  • Each of the three structures defined above can be
    represented as graph. More presicely, each of
    them is regular 2-valent graph.
  • ? is a surface if and only if each graph ?v, ?e
    and ? f is connected.

Limits of flag systems
  • Unfortunately, there are connected graphs whose
    2-cell embeddings cannot be represnted by flag
  • Proposition. Let G be a connected graph. If G
    contains a loop or a bridge no 2-cell embedding
    of G can be described by flag systems.
  • A bridge is an edge whose removal disconnects
    the graph.

Some limits of flag systems
  • On the left we see K4 embedded in torus with one
    4-gon and one 8-con.
  • Green and red flag have all three matching
    components equal.
  • This map cannot be described by flag systems.

Self-avoiding maps
  • Theorem A 2-cell embedding of G in some surface
    can be described by a flag system if an only if
    neither G nor its dual contains a loop.
  • A map that satisifies the conditions of this
    theorem will be called self-avoiding.

Flags, from a different view-point.
  • Let us forget about V,E, F for a moment. Let the
    set of flags F be given.
  • For instance, on the left, we see them as
  • Define the flag graph G(F)
  • V(?) ?.
  • f f if and only if triangles have a common

From flags to flag graph.
  • First the vertices.

From flags to flag graph.
  • First the vertices.
  • Next three kinds of new edges
  • along the edges
  • across the edges.
  • across the angles.

Flag graphs for 2-cell embedded graphs.
  • Flag graph ? is
  • - connected
  • - trivalent
  • - contains a 2-factor of form m C4.

Flag graphs for 2-cell embedded graphs.
  • A practical guide to the construction.
  • The first step when rectangles are placed on each
    edge is shown.

Yet another view to flag graphs.
  • We may start with three involutions
  • t0, t1, t2 F ! F
  • ?02 ?12 ?22 1, each fixed-poit free.
  • t0 t2 t2 t0, also fixed-point free.
  • Each invoultion corresponds to a 1-factor.
    Together they define a cubic graph the flag
    graph ?(?).
  • The group lt?0,?1,?2gt, called monodromy group
    must act transitively on ?. This is eaquivalent
    to saying that ?(?) is connected.
  • These axioms define a (combinatorial) map on a

Combinatorial Map.
  • Combinatorial map is defined by three involutions
    satisfying the axioms from the previous slide.
  • Orbits of lt?2,?1gt acting on ? define V.
  • Orbits of lt?0,?2gt acting on ? define E.
  • Orbits of lt?0,?1gt acting on ? define F.

Orientable Map
  • Theorem A map is orientable if and only if the
    flag graph is bipartite.

Unique Embedding
  • Theorem (Whitney) Each 3-connected planar graph
    admits a unique embedding in the sphere.
  • Theorem (Mani). Let Aut G be the group of
    automorphism of a 3-connectede planar graph G and
    let Aut M be the group of automorphisms of the
    corresponding map. Then Aut G Aut M.

Example - Exercises
  • On the left there is an embedding of Q3 on torus.
  • N1 Determine the rotation scheme for this
  • N2 Determine the flag graph for this embedding.

Example - Exercises
  • On the left there is a different embedding of Q3
    on torus.
  • N1 Determine the rotation scheme for this
  • N2 Determine the flag graph for this embedding.
  • .

Levi graph of a map
  • Levi graph of a map M has the vertex set
  • VM t EM t FM,
  • Edges are determined by the sides of flags (as
  • WARNING The graph on the left is not simple!!

  • Theorem Levi graph of a map is simple if neither
    1-skeleton nor 1-co-skeleton has a loop.
  • Definition A map M is simple,if and only if its
    Levi graph is simple.

  • H1 Given Flag graph of a map M, determine
    whether M is simple! (Prove previous theorem)
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