1(1) Road Traffic Accident
Accidents/ Incidents
(2) Hand Finger Injuries
Industrial Incidents
A total re-launch of the STOP programme. To
ensure that new employees are trained and
receive HSE induction before being sent to
site. Commitment to champion a reward programme
driven by Zero tolerance
(3) Other Industrial Incidents
2Safety Performance 2000 YTD 2006
Updated 30th Sept, 2006
Fatalities X Total (Work related Non-Work
related Third Party) X Work related (PDO
Contractor) X Non work related (PDO
Contractor) X Third Party
3Industrial Accidents Our Assets are Safe
4Problem statements(Common Findings For Many
- Non-compliance with Company Standards Managing
Rule Breaking / Working Safely - Incidents are increasing along with industry
pressures - HM available but are not used where
it could make a difference - - Lack of knowledge and capability to recognise,
understand and respond to hazards, within line
and HSE function Working Safely - Ground level staff lack of ability to recognise
and manage hazards. Workforce not engaged in a
way that makes sense and helps them. (Not
intranets create opportunities to listen)
Working Safely - Contracts commenced in Mode 2 but actually
operation migrates to mode 1, increasing risks.
Competence of contract holders Personal
Responsibility / Managing Rule Breaking - Supervisors are not clear or not acting upon on
their HSE responsibilities. They have not had the
necessary development, - good technical
supervision but a lack of safety leadership,
coaching motivating people to work safety.
Personal Responsibility /Consequence management
/Improving Supervision - HSE critical positions are staffed by people
without necessary HSE competence because of
personnel changes Personal Responsibility