Streams%20and%20File%20I/O - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Keyboard input and screen output deal only with temporary data, which is lost ... A file is opened using something similar to. outputStream = new PrintWriter ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Streams%20and%20File%20I/O

Streams and File I/O
  • Chapter 9

  • become familiar with the concept of an I/O stream
  • understand the difference between binary files
    and text files
  • learn how to save data in a file
  • learn how to read data from a file

  • Overview of Streams and File I/O
  • Text-File I/O
  • Using the File Class
  • Basic Binary-File I/O
  • Object I/O with Object Streams
  • (optional) Graphics Supplement

Objectives, cont.
  • learn how use the classes ObjectOutputStream and
    ObjectInputStream to read and write class objects
    with binary files

Overview of Streams and File I/O Outline
  • The Concept of a Stream
  • Why Use Files for I/O?
  • Differences Between Text Files and Binary Files

The Concept of a Stream
  • Files can be used to store
  • Java classes
  • Java programs
  • output from a program
  • input for a program.
  • File I/O as well as keyboard and screen I/O are
    handled by streams.

The Concept of a Stream, cont.
  • A stream is a flow of data (characters, numbers,
  • Data flowing into a program is called an input
  • Data flowing out of a program is called an output

The Concept of a Stream, cont.
  • A stream is implemented as an object.
  • It delivers data to a destination such as a file
    or a stream or
  • it takes data from a source such as a file or the
    keyboard, and delivers it to a program.
  • System.out is the only output stream we have used
    so far.
  • Objects of class Scanner, used for keyboard
    input, are streams, too.

The Concept of a Stream, cont.
  • This chapter discusses streams that connect
    programs to files.

Why Use Files for I/O?
  • Keyboard input and screen output deal only with
    temporary data, which is lost when the program
  • Files permit data to be stored permanently (or at
    least until a program changes the file).
  • Input files can be used over and over by
    different programs.
  • Files also provide convenient storage and
    retrieval of large quantities of data.

Text Files and Binary Files
  • All data in a file is stored as binary digits.
  • Files with contents that must be treated as
    sequences of binary digits are called binary
    files binary files can be read only by machines.

Text Files and Binary Files, cont.
  • Sometimes, it is more convenient to think of a
    files contents as a sequence of characters.
  • Files with streams and methods to make them look
    like sequences of characters are called text
    files text files can be read by people.

Text Files and Binary Files, cont.
  • Text files usually appear to be the same on all
  • Binary files usually differ from machine to
    machine and from programming language to
    programming language.
  • Normally, the computer and programming language
    used to create the file must be used to read the

Text Files and Binary Files, cont.
  • However, binary files are more efficient to
    process than text files.
  • In Java, binary files are platform- independent.
  • Binary files can be created by one computer and
    read by another, combining portability and

Text Files and Binary Files, cont.
  • Though text files can be read and written using
    an editor, binary files must be read and written
    by a program.

Text-File I/O Outline
  • Text-File Output with PrintWriter
  • Text-File Input with BufferedReader
  • The StringTokenizer Class
  • The Classes FileReader and FileOutputStream

Text-File Output with PrintWriter
  • Class PrintWriter has a method println that
    behaves like System.out.println
  • The package contains the class
    PrintWriter and the other file I/O classes
    discussed in this chapter.

Text-File Output with PrintWriter, cont.
  • class TextFileOutputDemo

Text-File Output with PrintWriter, cont.
Text-File Output with PrintWriter, cont.
  • File out.text now exists and contains
  • 1 A tall tree
  • 2 in a short forest is like
  • 3 a big fish in a small pond.

Text-File Output with PrintWriter, cont.
  • A file is opened using something similar to
  • outputStream new PrintWriter(
  • new FileOutputStream(out.txt))
  • An empty file is connected to a stream.
  • If the named file (out.txt, for example) exists
    already, its old contents are lost.
  • If the named file does not exist, a new empty
    file is created (and named out.txt, for example).

Text-File Output with PrintWriter, cont.
  • Class Printwriter has no constructor that takes a
    file name as an argument.
  • So, we use class FileOutputStream to create a
    stream and can be used as an argument to a
    PrintWriter constructor.
  • Syntax
  • PrintWriter Output_Stream_Name new
  • PrintWriter (new
  • FileOutputStream(File_Name))

Text-File Output with PrintWriter, cont.
  • The FileOutputStream constructor, and thus the
    PrintWriter constructor invocation can throw a
    FileNotFoundException, which means that the file
    could not be created.
  • The PrintWriter object is declared outside the
    try block.
  • If it were declared inside the try block, it
    would be local to the try block.

Some Methods in Class PrintWriter
  • constructor
  • PrintWriter(OutputStream streamObject)
  • to create a new file
  • new PrintWriter(new
  • FileOutputStream(File_Name))
  • to append new text to an old file
  • new PrintWriter(new
  • FileOutputStream(File_Name, true))

Some Methods in Class PrintWriter, cont.
  • to output to the file connected to the stream
  • public final void
  • println(Almost_Anything)
  • public final void
  • print(Almost_Anything)
  • To close a streams connection to a file
  • public void close()
  • To flush the output stream
  • public void flush()

Closing Text Files
  • When a program finishes writing to or reading
    from a file, it should close the file.
  • examples
  • outputStream.close()
  • inputStream.close()
  • If a program does not close a file before the
    program ends, Java will will close it when the
    program ends, provided the program ends normally.

Closing Text Files, cont.
  • The sooner a file is closed, the less likely it
    is to be damaged by being left open when a
    program ends abnormally.
  • If a program writes a file, it must close the
    file before it attempts to read from it.

Spelling File Names
  • The rules for spelling file names depend upon the
    operating system, not upon Java.
  • Operating systems typically allow you to use
    letters, digits, and the dot symbol to spell file
  • A suffix such as .txt indicates a text file, but
    that is just a common convention.

Use toString for Text-File Output
  • Classes typically include a method toString.
  • The methods println and print in class
    PrintWriter behave like System.out.println and
    System.out.print, respectively.

Use toString for Text-File Output, cont.
  • class Species

Use toString for Text-File Output, cont.
  • class TextFileObjectOutputDemo

Use toString for Text-File Output, cont.
  • File species.records now exists and contains
  • Name Calif. Condor
  • Population 27
  • Growth rate 0.02
  • Name Calif. Condor
  • Population 27
  • Growth rate 0.02

Text-file Input with BufferedReader
  • Class BufferedReader is the preferred stream
    class for reading from a text file.
  • Class BufferedReader has no constructor that
    takes a filename as its argument.
  • Class FileReader accepts a file name as a
    constructor argument and produces a stream that
    is a Reader object.
  • The constructor for class BufferedReader accepts
    a Reader object as an argument.

Text-file Input with BufferedReader, cont.
  • syntax
  • BufferedReader Stream_Name new
  • BufferedReader(new
  • FileReader(File_Name))
  • Methods readln and read are used to read from the
  • The FileReader constructor, and thus the
    BufferedReader constructor invocation can throw a

Text-file Input with BufferedReader, cont.
  • class TextFileInputDemo

Text-file Input with BufferedReader, cont.
Text-file Input with BufferedReader, cont.
  • File data.txt existed previously and contained
  • 1 2
  • buckle my shoe.
  • 3 4
  • shut the door.

Some Methods in Class BufferedReader
  • constructor
  • BufferedReader(Reader, readerObject)
  • to create a stream
  • new BufferedReader(new
  • FileReader(File_Name))
  • to read a line of input from the file
  • public String readLine() throws IOException
  • If the read operation goes beyond the end of the
    file, null is returned.

Some Methods in Class BufferedReader, cont.
  • to read a single character from the file and
    return it as an int value
  • public int read() throws IOException
  • If the read operation goes beyond the end of the
    file, -1 is returned.
  • to read a single character from the file and to
    treat it as a character
  • char next (char)(

Some Methods in Class BufferedReader, cont.
  • To read a number from a text file, the number
    must be read in as a string and the string must
    be converted to a number.
  • to close a streams connection to a file
  • public void close()

Programming Example Reading a File Name from the
  • A user may need to enter a file name at the
    keyboard at the time a program is run.

Programming Example Reading a File Name from the
Keyboard, cont.
  • class TextFileInputDemo2

Programming Example, cont.
Programming Example, cont.
  • File data.txt
  • 1 2
  • buckle my shoe.
  • 3 4
  • shut the door.

Java Tip Using Path Names
  • When providing a file name as an argument for
    opening a file, a simple file name may be used if
    the file is in the same directory as the program
    being run.
  • A full or relative path name also can be used.
  • A full path name is the complete path name,
    starting from the root directory.

Java Tip Using Path Names, cont.
  • A relative path name is the path name starting
    from the directory containing the program.
  • The way to specify path names depends upon the
    operating system.

Java Tip Using Path Names, cont.
  • example - UNIX
  • /user/smith/home.work1/data.txt
  • new FileReader (/user/smith/home.work1/data.txt)
  • example - Windows
  • D\homework\hw1\data.txt
  • new FileReader (D\\homework\\hw1\\data.txt)

Java Tip Using Path Names, cont.
  • The \\ would be used if the path name is
    hardcoded, but the \ would be used if the path
    name is entered from the keyboard.
  • A Java program will accept a path name written in
    either Windows or UNIX format, even if a computer
    is using an operating system that does not match
    the syntax.
  • ...(D/homework/hw1/data.txt)...

The StringTokenizer Class
  • Class BufferedReader can read entire lines or
    single characters, but not single words.
  • Class StringTokenizer can take an entire line of
    text and break it into individual words.
  • The class StringTokenizer is in the java.util
  • Individual words are called tokens.

The StringTokenizer Class, cont.
  • Tokens are nonwhitespace characters.
  • example
  • StringTokenizer tokenizer new
  • StringTokenizer(Read my lips!)
  • while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
  • System.out.println
  • (tokenizer.nextToken())

The StringTokenizer Class, cont.
  • This will produce
  • Read
  • my
  • lips!

The StringTokenizer Class, cont.
  • Separators are whitespace characters unless
    otherwise specified.
  • To specify a set of separators, a string
    consisting of all the separator characters is
    given as a second argument to the constructor.
  • example
  • new StringTokenizer(Read my lips!, \n.,!)

Some Methods in Class StringTokenizer
  • constructors
  • public StringTokenizer(String
  • theString)
  • public StringTokenizer(String
  • theString, String delimiters)
  • more tokens?
  • public boolean hasMoreTokens()
  • next token
  • public String nextToken()

Some Methods in Class StringTokenizer, cont.
  • remaining tokens
  • public int countTokens()

Java Tip Testing for the End of a Text File
  • When method readLine in class BufferedReader
    attempts to read beyond the end of a file, the
    method returns the value null.
  • When method read attempts to read beyond the end
    of a file, the method returns the value -1.

Java Tip Testing for the End of a Text File
  • class EOFDemo

The Classes FileReader and FileOutputStream
  • Class FileReader is used with class
    BufferedReader class FileOutputStream is used
    with class Printwriter.
  • Class FileReader and class FileOutputStream
    accept a file name as a constructor argument.

The Classes FileReader and FileOutputStream, cont.
  • Connecting a BufferedReader object to a file
    using a string name requires two steps.
  • First, create an object of the class FileReader.
  • Then use this object to create an object of class

The Classes FileReader and FileOutputStream, cont.
  • example
  • BufferedReader inputStream
  • new BufferedReader
  • (new FileReader(story.txt)

The Classes FileReader and FileOutputStream, cont.
  • Producing a PrintWriter output stream from a file
    using FileOutputStream requires two steps.
  • First, create an object of the class
  • Then use this object to create an object of class

The Classes FileReader and FileOutputStream, cont.
  • example
  • PrintWriter OutputStream
  • new PrintWriter
  • (new FileOutputStream
  • (stuff.txt)

Using the File Class
  • The methods of the class File can check the
    properties of files.
  • Does the named file exist?
  • Is the file readable?
  • Typically, the operating systems lets you
    designate files as not readable or as readable
    only by certain users.

Using the File Class, cont.
  • The File class is like a wrapper class for
    strings which are file names.
  • example
  • new File(treasure.txt)

Using the File Class, cont.
class FileClassDemo
Using the File Class, cont.
  • Method canWrite determines if the operating
    system will let you write to the file.
  • Typically, the operating systems lets you
    designate files as not writeable or as writeable
    only by certain users.

Some Methods in the Class File
  • public boolean exists()
  • public boolean canRead()
  • public boolean canWrite()
  • public boolean delete()
  • public boolean length()
  • public String getName()
  • public String getPath()

Basic Binary-File I/O Outline
  • Output to Binary Files Using ObjectOutputStream
  • (optional) Some Details About writeUTF
  • Reading Input from a Binary File Using
  • The EOFException Class
  • The Classes FileInputStream and FileOutputStream

Binary Files
  • Binary files store data in the same format used
    for main memory.
  • Bytes in main memory and bytes in binary files
    are read similarly, which leads to efficiency.
  • Binary files created by a Java program on one
    computer can read by a Java program on a
    different computer.

Binary Files, cont.
  • Class ObjectInputStream and class
    ObjectOutputStream are used to process binary
  • Data is read or written, one byte at a time.
  • Numbers and characters are converted
    automatically to bytes for storage in a binary
  • Data in files can be treated as Java primitive
    data types, as strings, or as other objects.

Opening a Binary File
  • syntax
  • ObjectOutputStream Output_Stream_Name
  • new ObjectOutputStream
  • (new FileOutputStream(File_Name))
  • example
  • ObjectOutputStream myOutputStream
  • new ObjectOutputStream
  • (new FileOutputStream
  • (myfile.dat))

Output to Binary Files Using ObjectOutputStream
  • class BinaryOutputDemo

Output to Binary Files Using ObjectOutputStream,
  • The numbers are not in human-readable form
    because there are no lines or other separators.

Some Methods in Class ObjectOutputStream
  • to create
  • public ObjectOutputStream(OutputStream
  • streamObject)
  • to create a stream
  • new ObjectOutputStream
  • (new FileOutputStream
  • (File_Name_or_File_Object))
  • to write a primitive type
  • public void writeInt(int n) throws
  • IOException

Some Methods in Class ObjectOutputStream, cont.
  • to write a primitive type, cont.
  • public void writeLong(long n) throws
  • IOException
  • public void writeDouble(double x)
  • throws IOException
  • public void writeFloat(float x)
  • throws IOException

Some Methods in Class ObjectOutputStream, cont.
  • public void writeChar(int n)
  • throws IOException
  • public void writeBoolean(boolean b)
  • throws IOException
  • to write a String
  • public void writeUTF(String aString)
  • throws IOException

Some Methods in Class ObjectOutputStream, cont.
  • To write an object
  • public void writeObject(Object
  • anObject)
  • throws IOException,
  • NotSerializableException,
  • InvalidClassException
  • to close
  • public void close() throws IOException

Some Methods in Class ObjectOutputStream, cont.
  • to flush
  • public void flush() throws IOException

Some Methods in Class ObjectOutputStream, cont.
  • There is no method writeString.
  • Instead, use method writeUTF.
  • UTF stands for Unicode Text Format.
  • UTF provides short, efficient codes for ASCII

Different Types in the Same File
  • Different types can be written to the same file.
  • However, the different types must be read from
    the file just as they were written to the file.

(optional) Some Details About writeUTF
  • Method writeUTF uses different numbers of bytes
    to store strings of different lengths in a file.
  • However, there are no separators between data
    items in a binary file.
  • Java resolves this problem by writing extra
    information at the start of each string (i.e. the
    number of bytes used to write the string).

Reading Input from a Binary File Using
  • A file written using ObjectOutputStream can be
    read using ObjectInputStream.
  • The methods in class ObjectInputStream correspond
    to the methods in class ObjectOutputStream.

Reading Input from a Binary File Using
ObjectInputStream, cont.
Some Methods in Class ObjectInputStream
  • to create
  • ObjectInputStream
  • (InputStream streamObject)
  • to create a stream
  • new ObjectInputStream (new
  • FileInputStream
  • (File_Name_or_File_Object)
  • to read a primitive type
  • public int readInt() throws IOException

Some Methods in Class ObjectInputStream, cont.
  • to read a primitive type, cont.
  • public long readLong()
  • throws IOException
  • public double readDouble()
  • throws IOException
  • public float readFloat()
  • throws IOException
  • public char readChar()
  • throws IOException
  • public boolean ReadBoolean()
  • throws IOException

Some Methods in Class ObjectInputStream, cont.
  • to read a String
  • public String readUTF()
  • throws IOException
  • to read an object
  • public Object readObject()
  • throws ClassNotFoundException,
  • InvalidClassException,
  • OptionalDataException, IOException
  • to close
  • public void close() throws IOException

Opening an Input File
  • syntax
  • ObjectInputStream Input_Stream_Name
  • new ObjectInputStream(new
  • FileInputStream(File_Name))
  • example
  • ObjectInputStream myInputStream new
  • ObjectInputStream(new
  • FileInputStream(myfile.dat))

Reading Binary Files and Text Files
  • Do not attempt to read a binary file as if it
    were a text file (using BufferedReader) or a text
    file as it if were a binary file (using

Defining a Method to Open a Stream
  • public static ObjectOutputStream
  • openFile() throws IOException
  • ObjectOutputStream tempStreamName
  • System.out.println(Enter file name )
  • Scanner keyboard new
  • Scanner(
  • String fileName
  • tempStreamName new
  • ObjectOutputStream(new
  • FileOutputStream(fileName))
  • return tempStreamName

The EOFException Class
  • ObjectInputStream methods that read from a binary
    file throw an EOFException when they try to read
    beyond the end of the file.
  • When using class ObjectInputStream, the class
    EOFException can test for the end of a file.

The EOFException Class
  • class EOFExceptionDemo

The EOFException Class, cont.
Checking for the End of File
  • Different classes with file reading methods check
    for the end of a file in different ways.
  • Binary files throw an exception in the class
  • A text file returns a special value, such as
  • Be sure to test for the end of the file in the
    correct way.

The Classes FileInputStream and FileOutputStream
  • We used stream class FileInputStream when we
    created a stream of class ObjectInputStream.
  • We used stream class FileOutputStream when we
    created a stream of class ObjectOutputStream.

The Classes FileInputStream and FileOutputStream,
  • FileOutputStream and FileInputStream accept a
    file name as a constructor argument.
  • Neither ObjectInputStream nor ObjectOutputStream
    accepts a file name as an argument.

The Classes FileInputStream and FileOutputStream,
  • You connect an ObjectInputStream to a file using
    a string name in two steps.
  • Create an object of class FileOutputStream
  • Use this object of class FileOutputStream to
    create an object of class ObjectOutputStream

The Classes FileInputStream and FileOutputStream,
  • example
  • ObjectOutputStream outputStream new
  • ObjectOutputStream(new
  • FileOutputStream(numbers.dat))

Programming Example Processing a File of Binary
  • Ask the user for two file names.
  • Read the numbers in one file, multiply each
    number by two, and write the results to other

Programming Example Processing a File of Binary
Data, cont.
  • class Doubler

Programming Example Processing a File of Binary
Data, cont.
  • class Doubler, contd.

Object I/O with Object Streams Outline
  • Binary I/O of Class Objects
  • The Serializable Interface
  • Array Objects in Binary Files

Binary I/O of Class Objects
  • Using method writeObject of class
    ObjectOutputStream you can output class objects
    to a binary file, and then read objects from the
    file using method readObject of class
  • However, the class being written and read must be

Binary I/O of Class Objects, cont.
  • To make a class serializable, add implements
    Serializable to the class heading.
  • example
  • public class SomeClass implements
  • Serializable
  • The Serializable interface is available after

Binary I/O of Class Objects, cont.
  • class Species

Binary I/O of Class Objects, cont.
  • class IODemo

Binary I/O of Class Objects, cont.
Files and toString
  • Method toString provides convenient output to the
    screen and to a text file.
  • However, method toString is not needed for object
    I/O to a binary file.

The Serializable Interface
  • A class which is serializable affects how Java
    performs file I/O with objects of the class.
  • Java assigns a serial number to each object of
    the class that it writes to a stream of type
  • If the object is written more than once, Java
    writes only the serial number for the object.

The Serializable Interface, cont.
  • This makes file I/O more efficient and makes
    files smaller.
  • When read with a stream of type
    ObjectInputStream, duplicate serial numbers are
    returned as references to the same object.
  • When a serializable class has instance variables
    of a class type, the class for the instance
    variables should be serializable.

Dont Mix Class Types
  • Its good programming practice to store data of
    only one class type on any one file.

Array Objects in Binary Files
  • An entire array can be saved to a binary file
    using objectWrite, and can be read later using
  • If the base type of the array is a class, the
    class should be serializable.
  • All the data in an array can be outputted to a
    binary file using a single invocation of

Array Objects in Binary Files, cont.
  • class ArrayIODemo

Array Objects in Binary Files, cont.
(optional) Graphics Supplement
  • Programming Example A JFrame GUI for
    Manipulating Files
  • Accept a file and display its first line.
  • Provide an explanatory message if the file does
    not exist or is unreadable.
  • Delete a selected file.
  • Provide an explanatory message if the file does
    not exist or is unwriteable (and hence cannot be

Graphics Supplement
  • class FileOrganizer

Graphics Supplement, cont.
  • class FileOrganizer, cont.

Graphics Supplement, cont.
  • class FileOrganizer, cont.

Graphics Supplement, cont.
  • You have become familiar with the concept of an
    I/O stream.
  • You now understand the difference between binary
    files and text files.
  • You have learned how to save data in a file.
  • You have learned how to read data from a file.

Summary, cont.
  • You have learned how use the classes
    ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream to read
    and write class objects with binary files.
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