Title: Investment in German Property Commercial Investor
1Investment in German Property Commercial
- Peter Fabry
- Baker Tilly Deutschland GmbH, Munich
- 28 February 2008
- The content of this presentation is to outline
tax implications in respect of investing in
German real property - Investment via corporation
- Interest deduction ceiling limit
3Investment via corporation
- Real Estate Transfer Tax
- Generally all purchases of real estate are
subject to RETT - Purchase of domestic premises
- Change of partnerships
- Purchase of company shares (concentration)
- The tax is computed on the value of the
consideration given or the value of the real
estate and is levied at a rate of 3.5
(exception for Berlin 4.5 ).
4Investment via corporation
Taxation of Irish shareholder in case of sale of
In general taxation in Ireland
5Investment via corporation
- tax rates
- 15 corporate income tax trade tax 29.65
6Investment via corporation
- Trade Tax
- Every business establishment with an operational
facility within Germany is a taxable unit. - Commercial real estate companies may apply the
extended deduction for real estate. - Practicable if activity consists only of pure
asset management - Limitation of extended deduction for leasing of
tax fixtures or real estate trader - Possibility structure to avoid trade tax if a
permanent establishment in Germany is prevented
7Investment via corporation
- Value Added Tax
- Rental income is VAT-free ( 4 No. 12a of the VAT
Law) - gt no deduction of input VAT related to tax-free
rental income - Alternative exercise the option to VAT ( 9 of
the VAT Law) - Tenant is a entrepreneur for VAT purposes and
renting the real property is for the
entrepreneurship. - Tenant uses the rented property for taxable sales
which grant the deduction of input VAT.
8Interest deduction ceiling rule Significant
systematic changes
- Interest is not restated as deemed profit
distribution, but disallowance deduction of
business expenses - No corresponding restatement of the payee,
therefore - Double taxation
- Applies to third-party loans
- Considerable extension
- of the scope of application
- Application independent of
- the legal form
9Interest deduction ceiling ruleBasic application
- Rule
- Interest expenses are fully deductible up to the
amount of interest income - A negative interest balance is only deductible up
to 30 of the (taxable) EBITDA - profit
- interest paid
- tax depreciation (low-cost assets, collective
items, s 7 ITA) - - interest income
- (taxable) EBITDA
- Possibility of avoidance
- Interest balance lt 1m (tax-exempt threshold)
- stand-alone clause (exemption shareholder debt
financing) - Equity clause (exemption shareholder debt
10Interest deduction ceiling rule Basic application
11Interest deduction ceiling rule avoidance
- Sphere of influence
- split of companies to use the tax-exempt
threshold of 1m - Example structuring of investments of foreign
12Interest deduction ceiling rule Press commentary
Like a Trojan horse
That would mean that large real estate
portfolios would have to be sold
like a death sentence
threatens the existence of many companies
The interest deduction ceiling limit affects
competitiveness above all of the German real
estate economy.
capital based taxation
13(No Transcript)
- Thank you for your attention
- This presentation is for general information
only. No one should act upon such information
without appropriate professional advice after a
thorough examination of the particular situation.