Title: Pointcuts and Analysis
1Pointcuts and Analysis
- Oege de Moor, Oxford
- on behalf of the abc team
- Pavel Avgustinov, Eric Bodden, Torbjorn Ekman,
Elnar Hajiyev, Laurie Hendren, Ondrej Lhoták,
Oege de Moor, Neil Ongkingco, Damien Sereni,
Ganesh Sittampalam, Julian Tibble
2Swing thread safety (Ramnivas Laddad)
Once a component is visible only the
event-dispatching thread can safely access or
modify the state of the realized component.
(but some methods are exempt)
3Doing it by hand
interface Runnable void run()
asynchronous invocation EventQueue.invokeLater(R
unnable run)
synchronous invocation EventQueue.invokeAndWait(
Runnable run)
4With an aspect
void around() routedMethods()
voidReturnValueCalls() !uiSyncMethodCalls()
Runnable worker new Runnable()
public void run()
only once instead of scatteredover Swing client
5Some of the pointcuts
- pointcut viewMethodCalls()
- call( javax..JComponent.(..))
- pointcut modelMethodCalls()
- call( javax..Model.(..))
- call( javax.swing.text.Document.(..)
) - pointcut uiMethodCalls()
- viewMethodCalls() modelMethodCalls()
- pointcut uiSyncMethodCalls()
- call( javax..JOptionPane.(..))
6Nice example of aspects
- Clean solution to awkward problem
- Instead of polluting application code, describe
policy in one place - Pointcut language is concise and intuitive
7QUIZ pointcuts are intuitive?
Given types with fully qualified
names a.b.c.SomeType a.b.c.SomeType.ANestedType
- In a.b.c.Aspect, which patterns have NO matches?
- SomeType
- ..SomeType
- a.b.c.
- SomeType.ANestedType
- SomeType.
- ANestedType
- Some.ANestedType
- a.b.c..ANestedType
(first prize free copy of abc second prize
free copy of ajc)
8Rules for matching type patterns
- The pattern is matched against the
fully-qualified name of the candidate type, and
matches only if that fully-qualified name is
lexically matched by the type pattern. imports
etc are not taken into account - If the pattern contains no wildcards at all it
matches only the type that would result from
resolving the exact same string using normal Java
scoping rules.
Adrian Colyer Bug 141133.
9This talk
- Semantics of static pointcuts
- Shadow labelling
- Pointcuts are relational queries
- Translating pointcuts to queries
- Queries beyond AspectJ
- Static call graph analysis
- Everything is a joinpoint
- Intercept any instruction
- Aspect interfaces
- Taming the (newly introduced) power
POPL 2007
10Semantics of static pointcuts
- Walker et al. - formalise shadow matching via
explicit labels - - operational semantics for explicit labels
11From static pointcuts to label sets (0)
- public class X
- void f1(int n)
- void f2(int n) f1(n)
- void f3(int n) f2(n)
- public static void
- main(String args)
- X x new X()
- x.f3(0)
- x.f2(1)
aspect A pointcut a (int n) call(
f(..)) args(n) cflowbelow(executio
n( f3(..))) before(int n) a(n)
System.out.println(thisJoinPoint "
12From static pointcuts to label sets (1)
- public class X
- void f1(int n) L1
- void f2(int n) L2 L3 f1(n)
- void f3(int n) L4 L5 f2(n)
- public static void
- main(String args)
- L6 X x L7 new X()
- L8 x.f3(0)
- L9 x.f2(1)
aspect A pointcut a (int n)
label(L3,L5,L8,L9) //call( f(..))
args(n) cflowbelow( label(L4)
//execution( f3(..)) ) before(int n) a(n)
System.out.println(thisJoinPoint "
13Pointcuts are queries (0)
- Store program as a set of primitive relations,
e.g. - methodDecl(MethodId,Name,Sig,DeclType,RetType)
- callShadow(ShadowId,Method,ReceiverType)
- executionShadow(ShadowId,Method)
(Naïve) query for pointcut call( f(..))
p(S) Ã 9 M method, N string
. callShadow(S, M, _), methodDecl(M, N, _,
_, _), regexpmatch(f., N).
14Pointcuts are queries (1)
- Store program as a set of primitive relations,
e.g. - methodDecl(MethodId,Name,Sig,DeclType,RetType)
- callShadow(ShadowId,Method,ReceiverType)
- executionShadow(ShadowId,Method)
(Naïve) query for pointcut execution( f3(..))
p(S) Ã 9 M method, N string
. executionShadow(S, M), methodDecl(M, N,
_, _, _), regexpmatch(f3, N).
15Overview of semantics
- Find shadows, store in database relations
- Take pointcuts, rewrite to queriesset of 90
simple rewrite rules - Run queries
- Results are instrumentation points
16Query language Datalog
- Series of backward implications
- p(X1 t1, X2 t2, , Xn tn) Ã
- q1(Y1, .., Yk), , qm(Z1, .., Zj) .
- Conjunctions indicated by comma
- Disjunctions indicated by semi-colon
- Query itself is formula with free variables
17Powered by Tarski (1902-1983)
- (subject to mild restrictions)
- least solution of implications
- all queries terminate
- all queries have a finite result
- NO surprises
- very deeply investigated in theory of
18Datalog has two kinds of relations
- Primitivestored in database relational
representation of program - Rulesimplication rules written in program
e.g. for testing transitive subtype relation
19Example rule
hasSubtype(T type, T type) . hasSubtype(T
type, S type) Ã 9 U type .
hasSubtype(T, U), hasSubtype(U, S) .
hasSubtype is primitive ( stored in database)
20Mapping pointcuts to queries
- Given pointcut pc
- Define querypcq(Context type, S shadow)
- which is true precisely when shadow Smatches
pointcut pc declared in type Context - Context is needed for name resolution, Quiz 1
21Example call versus execution
class A void m() class B extends A
class C extends B void m()
pointcut c() call( B.m(..)) pointcut e()
execution( B.m(..))
QUIZ 2 Where does c() match? Where does e()
(new A()).m() (new B()).m() (new
22Query for c() call( B.m(..))
c(Context type, Shadow shadow) ? 9 M
method, Recv type, N method .
matchpat(Context, M, Recv) , overrides(N, M)
, callShadow(Shadow, N, Recv) .
reflexive relationoverrides(N,M)
23Matching method patterns
matchpat(Context type, M method, Recv
type) ? ?T type, MD type .
simpleTypeLookup(Context, B , T),
hasSubtype(T, Recv), methodDecl(M, m , _,
MD, _), ( ( hasStrModifier(M, static),
MDT ) ( not(hasStrModifier(M,
static )), hasSubtype(MD, T) ) ) .
24Query for e() execution( B.m(..))
e(Context type, Shadow shadow) ? ? M
method, Recv type, N method .
matchpat(Context, M, Recv), overrides(N,
M), hasChild(Recv, N),
executionShadow(Shadow,N) .
difference with call
25Semantics of static AspectJ pointcuts
All static pointcuts covered Only 90 rewrite
rules Concrete syntax implementation with
26Flavour of rewrite rules (0)
aj2dl(pc1 pc2, C, S) ? aj2dl(pc1,C,S),
aj2dl(pc2,C,S) aj2dl(pc1 pc2,C,S) ?
aj2dl(pc1,C,S) aj2dl(pc2,C,S) aj2dl(not(pc),
C,S) ? not(aj2dl(pc,C,S))
27Flavour of rewrite rules (1)
- fieldmembpat2dl(namepat..snamepat,C,R,X)
- ?
- Y packageOrType, Z type, P type .
- wcnamepat2dl(namepat,Y), hasChild(Y, Z),
- hasSubtype(P, Z), hasChild(P, X), field(X),
- snamepat2dl(snamepat, X),
- hasSubtype(Z, R) .
this is as complex as it gets
relationaldatabase (M SQLServer)
AspectJ program
Shadow Grab (modified abc)
Strip fromsource
Datalog program
CodeQuest compiler
29It works!
30Should all AspectJ users learn Datalog?
But power users will learn it
31Conclusions of pointcut semantics
- Datalog suitable for pinning down semantics
- Directly generating implementation from semantics
is feasible - Datalog at sweet spot between expressiveness and
32Beyond AspectJ
33No calls to UI methods from beans
declare error call( java.awt...(..))
within(Bean) do not call GUI methods from
only catches direct calls
34Catching all errors
maycall(M method, N method)
à maycall(M,N) 9 K method . maycall(M,K),
declare warning at M 9 T type
. bean(T), methodDecl(M,_,_,T,_,_), 9 N
method . maycall(M,N), guiMethod(N) may be
calling a GUI method from this method
35Other applications
- Advise methods that may change the state of
class C - Find security flaws (PQL, Martin et al)
- Many more in LogicAJ papers
BUT we are limited by the joinpoint model of
36Everything is a joinpoint
37The 11 joinpoint kinds of AspectJ
- Method call
- Method execution
- Constructor call
- Constructor execution
- Static initializer execution
- Object pre-initialization
- Object initialization
- Field read
- Field write
- Handler execution
- Advice execution
Why are these the right choice?
38Joinpoints Jimple instructions
int foo(int, int) Example this
int x, y, i0, i1 this
_at_thisExample x _at_parameter0 int
y _at_parameter1 int if x gt y goto
label0 i0 y - x return i0
label0 i1 x - y return
int foo(int x, int y) if (xlty)
return (y-x) else return (x-y)
Jimple a typed, 3-address, stack-less
representation of bytecode
39Advantages of Joinpoints Jimple
- Points-to analysis in Datalog Whaley et al,
- and based on that many more complexanalyses
(like precise predicted cflow) - General dataflow pointcuts Masuhara et al
- Jimple has been designed to make staticanalyses
40Disadvantage of Jimple Joinpoints
complete loss of encapsulation
AspectJ does not have encapsulation, but now the
problem is even worse
41Aspect Interfaces
- User control over visible joinpoints e.g.
hide non-AspectJ joinpoints - Datalog for semantics-based control e.g.
only allow pure aspects to advise
42Open modules
Open module specifieswhat can beadvised by
43An example open module
module FigureModule class Point,Figure adv
ertise call(Figure Figure.translate(int,int))
expose to MoveTrackAspect call(
Point.translate(int,int)) within(Figure)
classes that are affected
only external calls are advised
MoveTrackAspect may advisethe specified
44Opening modules for debugging
module Debug open FigureModule expose to
debug. call( .(..))
another form of module inclusion constrains
included module
45Datalog for semantics-based control
expose to ltaspect-querygt ltevent-querygt
Current abc aspect-query classname pattern
expression event-query pointcut
Using datalog queries, can express pureaspect(A)
As only side effect is writing to
System.err then expose to pureaspect(A) call(
46Hiding non-AspectJ shadows (0)
- Predicate for each AspectJ shadowcallShadow(S,M
,R) setShadow(S,F,R) - These are defined in terms of primitive relations
that store Jimple instructions - Define new predicate
- aspectj(S) ? (? M, R callShadow(S,M,R))
- (? F, R setShadow(S,F,R))
47Hiding non-AspectJ joinpoints (1)
only expose AspectJ joinpoints from an existing
module AspectJVisibility constrain
existingModule expose(S) aspectjShadows(S)
48Discussion points
- Expose Datalog to power users?
- via new syntax rewrite rules
- better Datalog syntax
- Whole program accessible via pointcuts?
- via AST
- via IR such as Jimple
- How do we recover encapsulation?
- Open modules
- Datalog to give semantic hiding conditions