Legal Review and Permitting Requirements WIND ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATIONS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Legal Review and Permitting Requirements WIND ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATIONS


International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. 1. Legal Review and ... U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has developed wind-energy development guidelines. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Legal Review and Permitting Requirements WIND ENERGY DEVELOPMENT AND OPERATIONS

Legal Review andPermitting RequirementsWIND
  • Presentation by M. Carol Bambery
  • Association Counsel

WIND ENERGYThe Fasted Growing Commercial
Energy Source in the World
  • Currently, U.S. wind-energy facilities are
    land-based, but several coastal states are
    exploring development.

Major Steps in Wind Project Development
  • Planning
  • Permitting
  • Financing
  • Power purchases and transmission agreements
  • Construction
  • Operation
  • Decommissioning

  • Wind projects are required to obtain a permit
    from one or more governmental agencies.
  • A wind project typically can be permitted within
    12 months.
  • Permitting entities at the federal, state, and
    local levels may have jurisdiction over a wind
    development. Usually, all three levels of
    government will be involved regardless of where
    the facility is sited.
  • We will look at three situations
  • Permitting a facility on state or private land
  • Permitting a facility on federal land
  • Permitting a facility offshore

State/Private Lands
  • One or more state agencies may have siting or
    review responsibilities for wind developments.
  • State authorities may include
  • Natural resource and environmental protection
  • State historic preservation offices
  • Industrial development and regulation agencies
  • Public utility commissions

Local Laws and Regulations
  • In many states the primary permitting
    jurisdiction for wind farms is the local planning
    commission, zoning board, city council or county
    board of supervisors. Typically, these local
    jurisdictional entities regulate through zoning
    ordinances. In addition to local zoning
    approval, permitting under local jurisdiction may
    require a developer to obtain some form of local
    grading or building permit to ensure compliance
    with structural, mechanical and electrical codes.

Specific Permitting Considerations
  • Considerations that need to be addressed in
    permitting wind project whether they are large
    wind farms which sell power to utilities or
    single turbines to provide power to a single
  • Land use
  • Noise
  • Birds and other biological resources
  • Visual resources
  • Soil erosion and water quality
  • Public health and safety
  • Cultural and fossil resources
  • Solid and hazardous wastes
  • Air quality and climate

Land Use
  • State and local land use planners will consider
    whether a permit is compatible with existing and
    planned adjacent uses, whether it will change the
    overall character of the surrounding area,
    disrupt established communities , or physically
    intrude upon the landscape. Even if the proposed
    project is inconsistent or incompatible with
    existing land use plans, it may still be approved
    if the permitting agency grants a variance.
  • All agencies involved in reviewing and making
    land use decision on projects MUST coordinate and
    communicate with each other throughout the
    project. Essential that staffs work together
    during the permitting process so that any
    conditions or requirements are consistent and are
    monitored throughout the lifetime of the project.

  • Noise is defined, for purpose of permitting
    projects, as any unwanted sound. Due to the wide
    variation in the levels of individual tolerance
    for noise, there is no completely satisfactory
    way to measure the subjective effects of noise,
    or of the corresponding reactions of annoyance
    and dissatisfaction.
  • Useful for comparison purposes to provide sound
    levels associated with common activities and
    situations. For example
  • Civil defense siren 140 decibels Pain threshold
  • Ambulance siren 90 decibels Very
  • Freeway 70 decibels
  • Kitchen with garbage disposal running disposal
    running - Loud
  • Vacuum cleaner 60 decibels
    Moderately Loud
  • Soft whisper 5 ft. 30 decibels
  • Under most conditions, modern turbines are quiet,
    generating primarily broad-band sound levels no
    higher than those of a moderately quiet room at
    distances of 750 to 1000 feet.

Visual Considerations
  • Potential for visual resource impacts is
    considered as part of the evaluation of land use
  • The degree to which aesthetic impacts may become
    an issue during the project permitting process is
    a function of the value people place on the
    visual quality of the project setting.
  • Elements which may influence visual impacts
    include the spacing, design and uniformity of the
    turbines, markings or lighting, roads built on
    slopes and service buildings.

Soil Erosion and Water Quality
  • Land disturbance from construction and operation
    of the facility can remove vegetation and loosen
    soil particles, allowing them to be swept away by
    wind or water.
  • Wind-induced erosion can increase fine
    particulate matter in the air which can adversely
    impact human health and reduce visibility.
  • Water-induced erosion results in sedimentation
    which degrades water quality.
  • Spills resulting from project construction and
    operation activities, such as refueling heavy
    equipment, may also impact water quality.

Where to learn more about controlling erosion and
  • Local conservation districts, the Natural
    Resource Conservation Service, and the
    appropriate city or county can provide guidance
    on development of a storm water management plan,
    calculating runoff flows and selecting control
    practices to ensure water quality is protected.
  • Local planning and permitting departments should
    have information on floodplain locations and
    expected flood levels and frequency.
  • The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
    show foot by foot contours for most river/creek
    systems in U. S. These maps should be available
    at local land use planning agencies.
  • With appropriate precautions, the impact of wind
    projects on soil erosion and water quality should
    be minimal at most sites.

Solid and Hazardous Wastes
  • Waste materials will be generated during
    construction as well as operation of the wind
  • If turbines are not well-designed and maintained,
    fluid leaks (gearbox oils, hydraulic and
    insulating fluids) at the turbine may occur,
    resulting in fluids not only dripping directly
    downward by flying off the tips of the blades and
    contaminating the ground below.
  • Some fluids may become hazardous wastes when
    spilled on the ground.
  • Must dispose of solid and hazardous wastes at a
    licensed disposal facility.
  • Hazardous Materials Management Plan should be
    drawn up to address avoidance, handling, disposal
    and cleanup.
  • Some permits have banned on-site repairs of
    construction and maintenance vehicles. Major
    turbine repairs may be required to be done

Air quality and climate
  • Wind generation is a non-combustion process
    relying on direct conversion of mechanical energy
    into electrical energy. Unlike conventional
    fossil-fired electric power plants there are no
    emissions from the generation process.
  • Federal, state and local air quality plans are
    concerned with particulate matter less than 10
    microns in diameter, known as PM10.
  • Production of particulate matter is the only air
    quality impact likely to occur in conjunction
    with a wind farm, and is primarily associated
    with construction activities.
  • No negative long-term air quality impacts are
    likely to occur.

Federal Lands
  • The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Lands in the
    Western U.S. are being inventoried for
    high-potential wind-energy resources.

Federal Lands
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has developed
    wind-energy development guidelines.
  • Applications for right-of-ways for wind-energy
    facilities must be made under the Federal Land
    Policy and Management Act (FLPMA).
  • FLPMA grants 3 types of wind-energy projects
  • Site specific wind energy testing and monitoring
    right of way grant for individual towers with a
  • Wind energy site testing and monitoring right of
    way grant for 3 years that may be renewed
  • Long-term development grants usually in the range
    of 30 35 years which is the useful life of the
    energy facility
  • Holder of the site testing and monitoring right
    of way grant establishes no right to development
    and is required to submit a separate application
    to BLM for analysis, review and decision.

Freedom of Information issues
  • Wind inventory data collected and held by the
    right of way grant hold is proprietary
    information and will be protected by the Privacy
  • The information may be withheld under the Freedom
    of Information Act.
  • However, detailed wind data will be required to
    be provided to the BLM at the time an amended
    right of way application for development is
    submitted, to support the environmental analysis
    and review of the proposed development.
  • This data becomes public information for analysis
    and decision making purposes related to the
    processing of the amended right of way
    application for the development project.

Rent for right of way
  • Rent for commercial wind energy development right
    of way grant will consist of two components
  • An annual minimum rent which runs around 2,365
    per megawatt on public land and is based on the
    total anticipated installed capacity of the
    project, a capacity factor of 30, a royalty of
    3 and an average purchase price of 3 centers per
    kilowatt hour and
  • An annual production rent once the project is in
    commercial production.

Federal and State Permitting
  • For onshore wind projects on federal public
    lands, the Department of the Interior, through
    the Bureau of Land Management, has created a
    comprehensive regulatory program under the
    Federal Land Policy and Management Act, but no
    similarly comprehensive federal statutory or
    regulatory scheme exists for offshore wind energy
    development at this time, but one may be
    developed soon.
  • The Minerals Management Service, a part of the
    U. S. Department of the Interior, in accordance
    with the recently passed Federal Energy Bill, now
    has authority to grant easements and to charge
    lease payments from commercial offshore wind
    projects and will take over as the lead federal
  • Also, the Army Corps of Engineers has
    undertaken a role in the federal permitting
    process, although some have questioned the Corps
    statutory authority to issue permits for wind
    energy facilities. States may also play a role
    in the permitting process in some.

  • NEW FOCUS Moving away from land-based wind
    energy and looking to coastal projects in
    offshore waters

  • An offshore wind project is more than the
    platform and turbine. It includes cables,
    landfall of cable, substation, grid,
    interconnection and shipping, dredging and
    associated construction activity. Also, ongoing
    operation and maintenance includes the transport
    of employees by ship and helicopter and
    occasional hardware retrofits.

Coastal Water Jurisdiction
  • Strict federal and state laws govern offshore
    wind-farm development. Public concerns will also
    have to be allayed. In addition to any
    permitting requirements unique to offshore wind
    farm installations, the normal regulatory
    procedure for land-based wind farm
    interconnection to utility grids must then be
  • First, mark out the various bodies of water the
    project activities can affect and then delineate
    the activities these projects represent such as
    the necessary permanent structures and various
    effects related to the operation of the project.
  • Bodies of waters are classified by
  • (1) Navigability
  • Navigable Waters all waters that are subject
    to the ebb and flow of the tide, including
    interstate wetlands, lakes, rivers, streams, and
    similar water bodies.
  • (2) Distance from shore usually defined as the
    mean high tide line

Coastal Water Jurisdiction Distance from Shore
  • State Waters individual coastal states have
    jurisdiction over coastal waters that extend from
    the shoreline to 3 nautical miles
  • U.S. Territorial Seas waters extending 3 miles
    seaward to 12 nautical miles
  • Federal Waters waters that extend from the
    3-mile line to the 200-mile economic exclusive
    zone boundary
  • Exclusive Economic Zone 12-200 miles
  • International Waters beyond 200 miles

(No Transcript)
Major Issues AffectingCoastal Jurisdiction
  • Coastal Zone Management Act
  • Leasing Submerged Lands
  • Navigable Waters

Coastal Zone Management Act
  • Federal activities affecting land or water
    resources located in the coastal zone must be
    consistent with the adjacent states federally
    approved state coastal management plan.
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations
    Office (NOAA) administers the Act. 34 coastal
    states have federally approved state coastal
    management plans managing over 99 of the
    nations shoreline.
  • If state declares activity inconsistent, the
    state can disallow the activity.
  • The Secretary of Commerce can override the
    states objection.

Leasing Submerged lands
  • Coastal states own submerged lands up to 3
    nautical miles from the shoreline and can lease
    state-owned submerged lands for a fee.
  • Parties wishing to lease lands beyond the 3-mile
    mark must lease from the Department of the

Navigable Waters
  • State and federal governments share jurisdiction
    over coastal waters. There may also be an
    overlap of authority
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has regulatory
    jurisdiction over U.S. navigable waters, Section
    10, federal Rivers and Harbors Act..
  • Individual coastal states also have jurisdiction
    over activities within the 3-mile zone.
  • Minerals Management Service, Department of
    Interior, lead federal agency.
  • .

Federal Regulatory Agencies
  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
  • National Marine Fisheries Service
  • Minerals Management Service (MMS)
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

  • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). NEPAs
    intent is to have all federal agencies consider
    environmental issues and potential impacts by
    opening the permitting decision making process to
    all stakeholders, including state and local
    agencies, public, private organizations, and
    tribal governments. An offshore wind farm will
    require federal permits so the NEPA process will
    be triggered.
  • First, the federal actions environmental impact
    must be assessed. If there is a significant
    impact, an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
    is needed. All environmental statutes and
    regulations are taken into consideration during
    the preparation of an EIS. These include

Federal Laws and Federal Regulatory Agencies
  • Rivers and Harbors Act
  • Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act
  • Submerged Lands Act of 1953
  • Coastal Zone Management Act
  • Clean Water Act
  • Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act
  • Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act
  • Migratory Bird Treaty Act
  • Endangered Species Act
  • Federal Aviation Administration

State authority over offshore structures
  • In addition to any federal requirements, any
    party interested in developing an offshore
    structure in a particular state needs to comply
    with that states statutes and regulations.

Example North Carolina
  • North Carolina Environmental Policy Act of 1971
  • Coastal Area Management Act
  • North Carolina Dredge and Fill Act
  • North Carolina Public Utilities Act
  • Submerged Land Leases
  • North Carolina Archives and History Act

State Regulatory Agencies
  • States play a significant role. For example,
    under the Coastal Zone Management Act, state
  • designate land and water conservation measure
  • address sources of water pollution

Looking at Oil and Gas Permitting
  • Offshore wind farms share similarities to oil/gas
  • Are energy-related activities
  • Require the installation of
  • structures in U.S. navigable waters
  • Are potentially visible from the
  • shoreline
  • May affect the costal zone

  • There is still much to be learned about the
    economic, social, and environmental impacts of
    wind energy.
  • Wind energy, especially wind energy produced by
    using off-shore platforms, may become a viable
    energy source for the future.
  • Thanks goes to the National Wind Coordinating
    Committee for fine handbook, Permitting of Wind
    Energy Facilities and to North Carolinas
    Offshore Wind Approval Process guidelines.

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