Title: Recent Results from Tevatron
1Recent Results from Tevatron
- Yuri Gershtein
- On behalf of CDF and DØ collaborations
- Introduction
- Status of the Tevatron and the Experiments
- Tevatron physics program
- New Results from the Energy Frontier!
- Too many results to cover all will select
personal favorites - A look ahead
- Summary
3Tevatron Status
Oct 2005
Peak Luminosity
- Current records
- 1.6 1032 cm-2s-1
- 21 pb-1 per week
- 1.4 fb-1 delivered
- Compare to Run 1
- 0.25 1032 cm-2s-1
- 4.9 pb-1 per week
- 120 pb-1 recorded
- Goals
- 8 fb-1 per experiment before LHC starts
publishing physics papers
1.61032 cm-2s-1
Dec 2001
Integrated Luminosity
1.4 fb-1
24 pb-1/week
4CDF Experiment
5DØ Experiment
6Standard Model
LEP EWWG Summer 2005
- Standard Model survived yet another year
- Questions Mass, Unification and Flavor
- EW fits favor light Higgs
- If Higgs is light SM breaks at lt100 TeV
7Tevatron Physics Program
- Electro-weak physics
- Top physics
- W mass
- Direct Higgs Search
- New Phenomena
- SUSY, ED, Exotics
- B physics
- BS mixing
- Diffractive / QCD
LEP experiments set a very high standard in
co-operation between experiments and combination
of results.
CDF and DØ are stepping up to the challenge a
lot of combinations, similar analyses co-ordinate
even before analyses are released to synchronize
8B physics
- Bs mixing
- (CP violation, X(3872), Bc, B, D,?b, masses,
lifetimes, etc)
9CKM Matrix
- Mass eigenstates and weak eigenstates for quarks
are not the same mass states are a mixture of
weak eigenstates - CKM is the mathematics behind the CP violation,
but gives no insight about the nature of it - Unitarity requirements can be visualized as
triangles. Especially useful for
since all sides are about
the same size
Unitary matrix Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa 9
complex numbers - 4 parameters
Measure all angles and sides verify that they
are consistent with a single triangle Test
consistency of the SM
10B-meson Mixing and Oscillations
- Analogously to the K-mesons, neutral B-mesons are
a mixture of two CP eigenstates with different
masses and lifetimes - Bd mixing has been observed by ARGUS in 1987
- Observation of Bs mixing is another test of the
CKM consistency - Combination of Bd and Bs is even more important
- There are large theoretical uncertainties in ?m
calculations (20) - The uncertainty on a ratio, ?ms/?md is much
smaller (3) - Currently, Tevatron is the only accelerator
capable of producing BS
11Bs production and tagging
- Need to reconstruct Bs meson and determine its
initial and final flavor and proper decay time - CDF has better resolution, DØ has better yields
- Main challenge is initial flavor determination
(flavor tagging) - Opposite side lepton charge, lepton-jet charge,
vertex charge - Same side charge of soft kaon from fragmentation
12BS Mixing Results
- After reconstruction and tagging determine
proper decay time and look for flavour
oscillation - Good proper time resolution is essential
- For semileptonic decays the neutrino escapes and
one has to estimate its momentum statistically - For hadronic decay resolution is as good as your
silicon but statistics is much poorer
13Prospects for BS Mixing Observation
14Difference in Bs Lifetimes
- The CP eigenstates not only have different mass,
they have different lifetime observation of
lifetime difference is another test of CKM (and
is indirect evidence for oscillations) - How to measure lifetimes of CP eigenstates? Use
final state with a certain value of CP Bs?J/?
??(ll-) (KK-) - ? meson is a vector, CP depends on polarization
- 2-dimensional analysis polarization v.s.
lifetime in Bs?J/? ?
PRL 95, 171801 (2005)
PRL 94, 101803 (2005)
Both measurements consistent with zero lifetime
difference, but getting close to observation
15Electroweak Physics
- W, top mass and Higgs
- (anomalous coupling limits, top properties, etc)
16W Mass and Width
- W mass measurement is one of the single most
important measurements for Tevatron to make - its also THE hardest, especially at high
luminosity - so far sensitivity studies with errors
approximately the same as in Run I - First step to W mass measurement is W width
measurement - Understand the Breit-Wigner tail of the Jacobian
edge at MW
electron channel only
?W2.010.14 GeV
17Top Production and Decays
- Top discovered by CDF and DØ in 1995
- Tevatron is still the only place where top quarks
are produced - Quark annihilation 85
- Gluon fusion 15
- Top lifetime is smaller than hadronization time
top decays as a free quark!
- Br(t?Wb) ? 100, final stated depend on how W
decays - Both W decays via W?l? 2 leptons, 2 b-jets,
missing ET - dilepton mode - cleanest
- One W decays via W?l? 1 lepton, 2 b-jets, 2
jets, missing ET - leptonjets mode one of the ts can be fully
reconstructed - Both W decay into jets 2 b-jets, 4 jets
- all-jet mode largest yield, but very hard (both
trigger and off-line)
18Top Mass Measurement
- Matrix Element Method
- For each event match observed kinematics to the
partons in the matrix element and find maximum of
the likelihood, which provides the best
measurement of top quark mass
- Template method
- Generate MC for many points in top mass and
determine which fits the data best - Leptonjets channel
Mtop 173.5 3.9/-3.8 GeV
Main source of uncertainty Jet Energy
Scale Calibrated using jets from W in the
signal events
19Top Mass Prospects
20New Top Mass World Average
21Indirect Higgs Constraints
- MH9145-32 GeV
- MHlt186 GeV _at_95CL
22Direct Higgs Searches
- Main production mechanisms gluon fusion and
associated W/Z production - Main decay modes bb,?? for low mass, WW for
high mass
23Higgs Search Channels
- Associated production with W/Z
- W?l? h?bb lepton 2b MET
- Z??? h?bb 2b MET
- W?l? h?WW?l? l? 3 leptons MET
- h?bb is hopeless background too large
- h??? 2 taus
- h?WW?l? l? 2 leptons MET
- MSSM Higgs use enhanced b coupling
- h?bb 4 b
- h??? 2 taus 2 b in the works
24Higgs Searches Summary
- Limits are still orders of magnitude away from
the SM prediction - But setting restrictive limits on models beyond
the SM
25Higgs Discovery Prospects
From T. Junks FNAL WC
Its possible to be lucky or unlucky!
per experiment
per experiment
mH115 GeV assumed
26Beyond the Standard Model
- Supersymmetry
- (many other searches for Extra Dimensions, Z,
W, LQ, excited quarks and leptons, etc)
27Gauge-Mediated SUSY
- GMSB SUSY can manifest itself in final states
with two photons and missing ET - Couple of nice events, but no discoveries
- DØ m(?1) gt 195 GeV PRL 94, 041801 (2005)
- CDF m(?1) gt 167 GeV PRD 71, 031104(R) (2005)
28JetsMissing ET
- Squarks and gluinos produced by strong
interaction, but cross-section is small because
they are heavy - Final state with jet(s) and missing ET
- Few interesting events, improving on LEP and Run I
- Gaugino production at Tevatron leads to
signatures with three leptons in the final state - Most promising signature for Tevatron
- Considered final states so far
- Same sign ?? (DØ)
- ee?/e (CDF)
- ???/e (CDF)
- eetrack (CDF DØ)
- e?track (DØ)
- ??track (DØ)
- e?hadtrack (DØ)
- ??hadtrack (DØ)
- Surpassed LEP sensitivity!
- Note for tan?gt8 3-lepton
signatures are mostly 3-tau
Expect large improvements from taus for high tan ?
30Rare Bs decays
- Decays that go through loops are very sensitive
to new particles running in them
will be able to observe signal and study
M0 GeV
CDFDØ, 8fb-1 2?10-8
current limit 2?10-7
- Run II of the Tevatron is in its peak
- energy frontier the only place for top and Bs
- have 10 times data than in Run I on tape
- detectors are understood (almost) some
upgrades planned - no discoveries yet
- a lot of restrictive upper limits on new physics
- more data is coming!
- keep running till LHC starts churning out papers