Title: The Lost Feather
1The Lost Feather
An er Reading Activity
2When you click the mouse, a word will appear
containing the sound er. Read the word as best
you can. Then click the mouse again and slide
your screen pointer along the underlined words to
check yourself. Click your mouse to move to the
next word or pages of the story. You can click
the feather at any time to read the entire story.
3 f ea th er feather
n e v er never
H ea th er Heather
4 w o n d er wonder
t ur n ed turned
m i rr or mirror
5 s ear ch search
w a n d er ing wandering
c e d ar s cedars
6 c a t er p i ll ar
a n sw er ed answered
w orr ie d worried
7 c ur l y curly
f l ow er flower
p ur p le purple
8 e v er ever
p er h a p s perhaps
h a r b or harbor
9The Lost Feather by Simma Well, I never!!
said little Heather as she turned in the
mirror. Ive lost a feather. No wonder I
cant fly. I must begin a search.
10 Heather hurried to the forest. As she was
wandering through the cedars, she spied a curly
caterpillar hiding under a purple
flower. Excuse me, Mr. Caterpillar, she said
in a worried voice. Ive lost a feather and I
cant fly. Have you seen it in the cedars? I
have never ever seen your feather, answered Mr.
Caterpillar. Perhaps you should search by the
11 s c urr ie d scurried
t ur t le turtle
d ir t dirt
12 r i v er river
a ll i g a t or alligator
w a t er water
13 s l e n d er slender
r a z or razor
f a s t er faster
14 Heather scurried to the harbor. As she wandered
through the tall grasses, she spied a turtle
sleeping in the dirt. Excuse me, Mrs. Turtle,
she said in a worried voice. Ive lost a
feather and I cant fly. Have you seen it in the
harbor? I have never ever seen your feather,
answered Mrs. Turtle. Perhaps you should search
by the river.
15 Heather hurried to the river. As she wandered
along the bank, she spied a slender alligator
resting in the water. Excuse me, Mr.
Alligator, she said in a worried voice. Ive
lost a feather and I cant fly. Have you seen it
in the water?
16 c o n s i d er ing
f l a v or flavor
l ur ch ed lurched
17 I have never ever seen your feather, he
answered through his razor sharp teeth. Silly
bird, youre an ostrich, and youll never ever
fly. But if I were you right now, he added,
licking his lips while considering her flavor,
Id stop searching for my feather and..RUN.
18 As the alligator lurched from the water, Heather
ran faster than ever before. And she never ever
looked back to find her feather.
19(No Transcript)
20Now, read the entire story, The Lost Feather to
yourself, a friend, or your teacher.
21The Lost Feather by Simma Well, I never!!
said little Heather as she turned in the
mirror. Ive lost a feather. No wonder I
cant fly. I must begin a search.
22 Heather hurried to the forest. As she was
wandering through the cedars, she spied a curly
caterpillar hiding under a purple
flower. Excuse me, Mr. Caterpillar, she said
in a worried voice. Ive lost a feather and I
cant fly. Have you seen it in the cedars? I
have never ever seen your feather, answered Mr.
Caterpillar. Perhaps you should search by the
23 Heather scurried to the harbor. As she wandered
through the tall grasses, she spied a turtle
sleeping in the dirt. Excuse me, Mrs. Turtle,
she said in a worried voice. Ive lost a
feather and I cant fly. Have you seen it in the
harbor? I have never ever seen your feather,
answered Mrs. Turtle. Perhaps you should search
by the river.
24 Heather hurried to the river. As she wandered
along the bank, she spied a slender alligator
resting in the water. Excuse me, Mr.
Alligator, she said in a worried voice. Ive
lost a feather and I cant fly. Have you seen it
in the water?
25 I have never ever seen your feather, he
answered through his razor sharp teeth. Silly
bird, youre an ostrich, and youll never ever
fly. But if I were you right now, he added,
licking his lips while considering her flavor,
Id stop searching for my feather and..RUN.
26 As the alligator lurched from the water, Heather
ran faster than ever before. And she never ever
looked back to find her feather.