- Chapters 6 7
- Variables Model Specifications
2Lagged Variables (6.3)
- In a standard simple regression model Yi depends
on Xi -
- When working with time series data, this means
that the value of Y in time period t is (partly)
explained by the value of X in time period t,
i.e. - ,
where T is the last year of available data
3Lagged Variables
- In many cases the value of Y in time period t is
more likely explained by the value taken by X in
the previous time period -
4Lagged Variables
- For example, a farmers current year investment
decisions might be based on the previous year
prices, since the current year prices are not
known when making these decisions. - Investment (Y) is dependent on last years prices
X(t-1) - Here, Y is said to be dependant on lagged values
of the explanatory variable X
5Lagged Variables
- In multiple regression models (i.e. models with
more than one explanatory variable), it can be
assumed that Y is affected by different lags of
X -
6Lagged Variables
- The model
can also be estimated using the OLS method
(i.e. the previously developed formulas for
calculating ( and ) - It is only necessary to rearrange the data in
such a way that the value of Y at time period t
coincides with the value of X at time period t-1
7Lagged Variables
Without Lagged Variables
With Lagged Variables
8Lagged Variables
9Lagged Variables
- Notice of course that the first observation on
and the last observation on will not
be used - Multiple regression models can include lagged
values of one or more of the independent
10Lagged Variables
11Lagged Variables
Suppose we want to estimate cotton acres planted
in the US (Y) as a function of the last 3 years
price of cotton lint (Xt), cents/lb.
What's the interpretation of 1.2 ?
It means that if the price of cotton lint three
years ago (t-3), changed by 1 cent per pound the
acres of planted cotton today (time, t) would
increase by 1.2 acres, while holding all the
other Xs constant.
12First Differences of a Variable (6.3)
- The first difference of a variable is its change
in value from one time period to the next - A common specification in time series models
involves letting the dependent or the independent
variable, or both, be specified in first
13First Differences of a Variable
- First difference on Y
- First difference on X
- The only reason you do this is if you believe
that it is not the previous year that affects Yt
but the difference between the previous year and
current year that affects Yt.
14First Differences of a Variable
- An example of a first difference model is
, or -
- In this case, the researcher has a reason to
believe that it is the change in X which affects
the value taken by Y, in a linear fashion
15First Differences of a Variable
Suppose you wanted to estimate the function where
investment is a function of the change in GNP
(i.e. first difference).
16First Differences of a Variable
17Examples of First Difference Models
- In economics, the demand for durable goods could
be more directly affected by the change in
interest rates than by the interest rate level (a
first difference in the independent variable) - In forestry, deforestation (i.e. the change in
the forest cover from one year to the next) could
be more directly related to the price of wood
than total forest cover (a first difference in
the dependent variable)
18Examples of First Difference Models
- Notice that one observation is always lost when
using first difference models
19Alternative Model Specifications (6.3)
- The regression models studied so far assume that
the relationships between Y and the independent
variables are linear - However, in many cases theory or experience
indicates some of the individual Y-Xj
relationships are likely non-linear where Xj
represents any of the independent variables in
the model
20Alternative Model Specifications
- Non-Linear Specifications
- Simplifying a model from a fitted plane to a
fitted line, we multiply then mean of X2 times
and add it to the intercept ( )
holding X2 at the mean
21Alternative Model Specifications
22Alternative Model Specifications
- Non-Linear Specifications
- Simplifying a model from a fitted plane to a
fitted line, we multiply then mean of X1 times
and add it to the intercept ( )
holding X1 at the mean
23Alternative Model Specifications
24Alternative Model Specifications
True Relationship
25Alternative Model Specifications
- When there is marked non-linearity in a given
Y-Xj relationship, it is not appropriate to
assume a linear relationship between Y-Xj - Fortunately, some non-linear Y-Xj relations can
also be estimated using the OLS method (i.e.
26The Polynomial Specification (7.4)
- A polynomial model specification (with respect to
only) is -
27The Polynomial Specification
28The Polynomial Specification
- In a polynomial specification, as Xj increases, Y
can increase or decrease at an increasing or at
a decreasing rate it is a very flexible
non-linear model specification
29The Polynomial Specification
Increasing at a decreasing rate
30The Polynomial Specification
Increasing at an increasing rate
31The Polynomial Specification
Decreasing at a decreasing rate
32The Polynomial Specification
Decreasing at an increasing rate
33The Polynomial Specification
- An advantage of the polynomial model
specification is that it can combine situations
in which some of the independent variables are
non-linearly related to Y while others are
linearly related to Y - The reciprocal model specification (to be
discussed next) also has this advantage
34The Polynomial Specification
- A polynomial model can be estimated by OLS,
viewing as any other independent variable
in the multiple regression - In the example before j1, i.e. a polynomial
specification with respect to is desired
both ( and would be included as
independent variables in the data set given to
the Excel program for OLS (linear regression)
35The Polynomial Specification
- Polynomial models with respect to more than one
of the independent variables can be similarly
estimated by OLS
36The Polynomial Specification
- Y513.03 - 1.35X1 0.058X12 24.34X2
- Provide an example in Excel
- Change signs between X1 and X12
- Slope
37The Reciprocal Specification (6.4)
- The reciprocal model specification is
38The Reciprocal Specification
- A reciprocal model specification, for example,
fits Y-Xj relations that look like in the
previous graph - As Xj (X1 in the graph) increases, Y increases or
decreases, but always at a decreasing rate - In all cases, as Xj gets large Y approaches a
limit value (which equals 4 in the graphed
39The Reciprocal Specification
- The slope of a reciprocal model specification
is - ,which can be
positive or negative depending on the sign of - Unlike the linear model specification, the slope
is different depending on the value of
(give numerical example with
and )
40The Reciprocal Specification
- In other words, the relationship between Y and
the transformed independent variable
is linear - (
41The Reciprocal Specification
- Therefore, the standard OLS method (i.e.
formulas) can be used to fit this line - Instead of is used
as the jth independent variable in the OLS
formulas or in the data set given to the Excel
program for calculating the OLS parameter
42The Log-Linear Specification (6.5)
- A special type of non-linear relations become
linear when they are transformed with logarithms - Specifically, consider
43The Log-Linear Specification
44The Log-Linear Specification
- Note that is the anti-natural
logarithm of
therefore is simply a multiplicative
constant - For example, if
and ( , the model
is(note that
) - In Excel (EXP(4)(101.5))X10.5
45The Log-Linear Specification
- This is also known as the Log-Log or Double-Log
specification, because it becomes a linear
relation when taking the natural logarithm of
both sides - (notice that and, thus, the
intercept above is )
46The Log-Linear Specification
- The former implies that the usual OLS formulas
(or the standard Excel program) can be used to
estimate the coefficients of a Log-Linear model
specification, but they are applied to
and ( ,
instead of and ,
( (i.e. let
and ( ,
for all is and then use the OLS formulas or the
Excel program)
47The Log-Linear Specification
- A disadvantage of the log-linear specification is
that one has to assume that all of the Y-Xj
relations in the model conform to this type of
non-linear specification (i.e. one needs to take
the ln of Y and of all of the independent
variables in the model)
48The Log-Linear Specification
49The Log-Linear Specification
- In short, in the Log-Linear model specification
- If as increases
decreases at a decreasing rate - If as increases
increases at a decreasing rate
50The Log-Linear Specification
- If , as increases, Y increases
at a constant rate (i.e. Y is a linear function
of ( , but with no intercept) - If , as increases, Y increases
at an increasing rate
51The Log-Linear Specification
- Also note that in a Log-Linear specification all
( and values must be positive, since
the natural logarithm of a non-positive number is
not defined - An important feature is that directly
measures the elasticity of Y with respect to Xj
i.e. the percentage change in Y when Xj changes
by one percent
52The Log-Linear Specification
- Notice in this model specification the slope
(i.e. the unit change in Y when Xj changes by one
unit) is not constant (it varies for different
values of Xj), but the elasticity is constant
53The Log-Linear Specification
Elasticity is Constant and Equals 1.75
Increasing Slope
- Using your class project data, estimate a
multiple regression model using a polynomial
specification with respect to phosphorous and
irrigation water use. - Estimate a model using a polynomial
specification with respect to phosphorous and a
reciprocal specification with respect to
irrigation water use.
- Estimate a multiple regression model using the
log-linear model specification, and fully
interpret each of the estimated parameter values
- Graph the following estimated reciprocal models
for values of from 1 to 10 and
( -
- Graph the following estimated log-linear models
for values of from 1 to 10 and (
- Interpret the estimated parameter values
associated to ln(X2i) in each case from 5.