Title: <Company name> <Sales team name>
1(No Transcript)
2ltCompany namegtltSales team namegt
- Introduction
- Sales Situation
- Strategic Positioning
- Sales Objectives
- Sales Forecast
- Sales Model
- Sales Budget
- Timeline
- Key Success Factors
- Next Steps
- Questions
ltyeargt Sales Plan
ltyeargt Sales Plan
5IntroductionSales Team Mission
ltAdd mission statement here.gt
ltyeargt Sales Plan
6IntroductionSales Team Organization
ltyeargt Sales Plan
7ltyeargt Sales Situation
ltyeargt Sales Plan
8ltyeargt Sales SituationSales Highlights
- ltItem 1gt
- ltItem 2gt
- ltItem 3gt
ltyeargt Sales Plan
9ltyeargt Sales SituationSales Lowlights
- ltItem 1gt
- ltItem 2gt
- ltItem 3gt
ltyeargt Sales Plan
10ltyeargt Sales SituationCombined Results
Quarter Estimated Actual
Q1 xx M xx M
Q2 xx M xx M
Q3 xx M xx M
Q4 xx M xx M
Total xx M xx M
ltyeargt Sales Plan
(link active in slide show view)
12(No Transcript)
13(No Transcript)
14Big Mistakes You Must Avoid Making You say I am
afraid to lose my job. Truth Every company wants
amazing results. Every company also wants
employees who are learning, growing, and happier.
Its good for you and great for the business. We
have never had anybody lose their job. Just the
opposite, they are more highly valued. You say
We have no budget. Truth Even in tough times
companies spend money on initiatives that bring
impressive results that help their top and bottom
line. Companies still also spend on unproductive
meetings, wasted travel, and many other
questionable areas. There is clearly room for
this investment. It is very small in comparison
to the huge upside it delivers. Big ROI for the
company and a great booster for you resulting in
a clear win-win all around. You say I can get
something acceptable for free. Truth You should
know better. Nothing of value is ever truly free.
You get what you pay for. As the saying goes,
"garbage in, garbage out". Ask yourself this. If
a free template is all that one needs for
success, then wouldn't everybody be a star? You
must focus on excellence and impressive results.
Use our proven templates and tools. Nobody else
offers the breadth and quality that we do. This
is the right choice to make you stand out from
the crowd.
15Big Mistakes You Must Avoid Making
You say Can I really trust you? Truth Yes, you
can. We are a 100 verified vendor by VISA,
MasterCard, PayPal, and Authorize.Net. We have
been a provider since 1995. There are no
complaints about us, anywhere. Furthermore, we
offer a 100 satisfaction guarantee. You say I
will do this later. Truth Later usually means
never. Besides, your initiative is so important
that it is best to not risk waiting. Do it now!
Putting things off is a bad idea that causes you
to eventually settle for less and do last minute
work. Naturally, most last minute work lacks
quality and ends up being a big disappointment
for everyone. As Warren Buffett says, "It takes
20 years to build a reputation and five minutes
to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do
things differently".
16(No Transcript)
17Click link in slide view mode