Title: Diapositive 1
1- Usage Statistics at INIST
- Institute for Scientific and Technical
Information - Magali Colin Usage Statistics Project Manager
- Dominique Lechaudel Database Administrator
3INIST-CNRS Missions
- To collect and analyze the results and findings
of worldwide research in Science, Technology,
Medicine, Humanities and Social Sciences. - To widely disseminate these results and findings
through various activities using traditional and
new technological means available today.
4INIST-CNRS Activities
- Production of multilingual, multidisciplinary
bibliographic databases FRANCIS, PASCAL, ISD. - Production of freely available online article
catalogues article_at_INIST - http//services.inist
.fr (over 10 million records) and CatSearch
http//catsearch.inist.fr (16 million records to
date) searchable via Google and Google Scholar. - Document delivery services Leading supplier in
France (350 000 copies delivered in 2007).
5INIST-CNRS Activities
- Customized scientific and technical information
services for the scientific community (current
awareness, newsletters, training, electronic
publishing, etc.) - Research partnerships within the ICT community
- Negotiation on behalf of CNRS for the acquisition
of electronic resources - Partnership in Open Access initiatives
- Creation and design of interdisciplinary and
subject-oriented portals.
Portals dedicated to CNRS research communities
- Life Sciences
- BiblioVIE http//bibliovie.inist.fr
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- BiblioSHS http//biblioshs.inist.fr
- Chemical Sciences
- TitaneSciences http//titanesciences.inist.fr
- Engineering Sciences
- BiblioST2I http//bibliost2i.inist.fr
- Earth Sciences
- BiblioPl_at_nets http//biblioplanets.inist.fr
- and
- BiblioSciences - http//bibliosciences.inist.fr
- BiblioInserm - http//biblioinserm.inist.fr
- BiblioCNRS (beta version), http//bibliocnrs.inist
.fr - The new generation portal
- TermSciences http//www.termsciences.fr
- The terminology portal
8Key Figures
- About 30 INIST-CNRS staff members involved
(about 350 FTE days for new portal creation, 600
FTE days for current portal management) - Access to 6 000 journals, 50 databases
- Over 80 000 authorized users
- Portal-specific user communities management,
surveys, discussion lists - Internal usage statistics production based on
publishers figures, internal logfiles, CNRS
- Information on BiblioVIE ressources
- News
- Finding a journal or searching a database
- 3650 journal subscriptions
- 1200 open access
- journals
10Projects objectives
- Know how electronic resources are used and
quantify their usage. - Optimize acquisitions, match user expectations
and negotiate with publishers. - Streamline expenditures and provide budget
requests with hard data.
11Publishers statistics
- Monthly download of publishers usage data (from
the publishers site via identification) - Drawbacks of this type of statistics
- incomplete
- not homogenous
- not always available
- no links to users (1 IP/portal)
12Workgroup Creation
- January 2006 Creation of a work group on
statistics at INIST-CNRS associating - INIST-CNRS users
- INIST-CNRS IT specialists
13The need for internal statistics
- Homogenous and detailed data
- On every publisher
- Quickly available
- With links to user laboratories
14 Internal Statistics Retrieval
15Specificity of internal statistics
- User identification
- Dated transactions
- Special processing
- Controlled results
- Fault detection
16Technical Aspects
The prototype Quantitative score card on
journal subscription prices, for some 3 600
titles and 40 publishers present on the BiblioVie
portal Submitted to INIST-CNRS head office
in December 2007
18Sample outputs
19Examples of indicator production
- Number of monthly accesses
- By laboratory
- By journal and by portal
- By publisher and by portal
- By scientific field
- By scientific department
- Average price of a journal
- By portal
- By publisher
- Total subscription costs
- By publisher
- By scientific department
- Average cost of access
- By journal
- By laboratory
- By researcher
- By publisher
- By scientific field
- By CNRS scientific department
- Identification at laboratory level only
- Free of charge queries are not counted
- Possibility of different accesses to resources
- Identification not possible for some platforms
- Possibility of different interpretations
- Access to publishers statistics
- In house
- Feed the data from other INIST portals into the
portail_stat database. - Update usage statistical reports by integrating
evolutions over several periods. - Enhance usage statistical reports with
qualitative data (impact factor).
22Thank you for your attention Magali Colin Usage
statistics project manager magali.colin_at_inist.fr
Dominique Lechaudel Database administrator dominiq