Title: The School of Niederanven
1The School of Niederanven
- presentation, projects, evolution
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5The school children
- 400 children (14-22 children per class)
- 2 Precoce classes (3 years old)
- 4 Preschool classes (aged 4-5)
- 16 Primary School classes (aged 6-12)
- Precoce Preschool Luxemburgish
- Primary School German, from the middle of
the 2nd year French
7Recent stages
- 1998 school webpage
- 1999 school network (LAN)
- 2001 Unesco School project Contacts
- 2004 New school building precoce classes,
Computer room, Learning Workshop, - 2006 Maison relais (canteen, keep children
before and after the school)
8Unesco Project Contacts
- Education for tolerance, openness through the
contact to other cultures - Douzelage
- COMENIUS PROJECT Improve mind and body by
movement in nature
9Tous différents-Tous égaux
Semaine du handicap du 01.12.03-10.12.03
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12Mir sin eis bewosst gin, dass och ee Mensch am
Rollstull e normalt Liewen mat enger Famill féire
kann. Des Persounen hun all ee Recht drop fir
dLiewen esou agreabel ewéi méiglech gestallt ze
13Leau-or bleue
Construction de deux réservoirs deau au Sertaõ
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17- Participation to the Children Parliament in
Bellagio - International school colonies in Engreux
- Visit of artists from different countries
(musicians, theatre companies, writers)
18AmitiéAm Sand-Amizero
19Le Centre scolaire Amizero à Ruhango, Rwanda
20Visite du représentant de lassociation Turere
Ibibondoen décembre 2004
21Marché de Noël au profit du Centre scolaire
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232006 Inauguration of our Extranet
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