Chapter 3 The Simple Keynesian Model - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 3 The Simple Keynesian Model


T = T0 tY, t = marginal tax rate. Causes of Net Exports (NX = Exports - Imports) ... Budget = (T0 tY*) - G. Note that Y* Budget. The Economy and the Balance ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 3 The Simple Keynesian Model

Chapter 3 -- The Simple Keynesian Model
  • Fundamental inflexibility assumptions
  • W -- inflexible
  • P -- inflexible
  • i -- inflexible
  • Overriding theme -- Production Responds to
    Economic Activity (focus on goods and services

Simplifying Assumptions
  • Business Saving 0 (All private saving is
    personal saving)
  • Taxes dont depend upon income.
  • T G (Balanced Budget)
  • NX 0
  • Assumptions imply that Macro Identity is now S

Causes of Consumption (C)
  • Disposable Income (YD Y - T)
  • YD? ? C?
  • Real GDP, or Total Income (Y)
  • Y? ? YD? ? C?
  • Net Taxes (T)
  • T? ? YD? ? C?
  • Consumer Confidence (CC)
  • CC? ? C?

More Causes of Consumption (C)
  • Real Interest Rate (r i - ?e)
  • r? ? C?
  • Nominal Interest Rate (i)
  • i? ? r? ? C?
  • Expected Inflation Rate (?e)
  • ?e? ? r? ? C?
  • Real Wealth (A)
  • A? ? C?

Measures -- YD ? C
  • Average Propensity to Consume (APC)
  • APC C/YD
  • Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC)
  • MPC ?C/?YD

Handling Multiple Causes of Consumption
  • Causes of Consumption -- Y, T,
    CC, i, ?e, A.
  • We generally graph C versus Y.
  • Autonomous Consumption (C0) -- changes in C due
    to causes other than Y.
  • Changes in C0 -- described as shifts of the
    consumption graph (versus Y).

Causes of Investment (I)
  • Business Confidence (BC)
  • BC? ? I?
  • Business Taxes (BT)
  • BT? ? I??

More Causes of Investment
  • Real Interest Rate (r i - ?e)
  • r? ? I?
  • Nominal Interest Rate (i)
  • i? ? r? ? I?
  • Expected Inflation Rate (?e)
  • ?e? ? r? ? I?
  • Note Investment does not depend upon current
    income (Y)

Government Purchases of Good and Services (G)
  • Government purchases of goods and services is a
    policy variable, controlled by the government ?
    no causing variables.
  • The previous properties imply that I and G are
    completely autonomous.

A Numerical Example
  • Y T YD C S I G
  • 5 5 0 10 -10 10 5
  • 25 5 20 25 -5 10 5
  • 45 5 40 40 0 10 5
  • 65 5 60 55 5 10 5
  • 85 5 80 70 10 10 5
  • 105 5 100 85 15 10 5
  • 125 5 120 100 20 10 5

The Saving-Investment Relationship
  • Recall -- macro identity
  • S (T - G) -NX I
  • With simplifying assumptions
  • S I
  • Why doesnt S I in numerical example?

Intentions Versus Actual Occurrences
  • Must distinguish between intended, desired,
    planned S and I versus actual or realized S and
  • Intended S and I -- strategies, described by
    schedules and graphs.
  • Actual S and I -- the numbers after the period is

Planned Expenditure (EP)
  • Planned Expenditure (EP) -- The total intended
    spending for various levels of income.
  • In equation form,
  • EP C I G.

Planned Expenditure in the Numerical Example
  • Y T YD C S I G EP
  • 5 5 0 10 -10 10 5 25
  • 25 5 20 25 -5 10 5 40
  • 45 5 40 40 0 10 5 55
  • 65 5 60 55 5 10 5 70
  • 85 5 80 70 10 10 5 85
  • 105 5 100 85 15 10 5 100
  • 125 5 120 100 20 10 5 115

An Equilibrium Level of Real GDP EP Y
  • Y T YD C S I G EP
  • 5 5 0 10 -10 10 5 25
  • 25 5 20 25 -5 10 5 40
  • 45 5 40 40 0 10 5 55
  • 65 5 60 55 5 10 5 70
  • 85 5 80 70 10 10 5 85
  • 105 5 100 85 15 10 5 100
  • 125 5 120 100 20 10 5 115

Why is Y 85 an Equilibrium?
  • Example 1 Suppose Y 105.
  • Intended Actual
  • C 85 C 85
  • S 15 S 15
  • I 10 I 10 5 15
  • G 5 G 5
  • EP 100
  • Note -- Actual S Actual I

Why is Y 85 an Equilibrium? (Continued)
  • Example 2 Suppose Y 65.
  • Intended Actual
  • C 55 C 55
  • S 5 S 5
  • I 10 I 10 -5 5
  • G 5 G 5
  • EP 70
  • Note -- Actual S Actual I

Why is Y 85 an Equilibrium? (Finally)
  • Example 3 Suppose Y 85.
  • Intended Actual
  • C 70 C 70
  • S 10 S 10
  • I 10 I 10
  • G 5 G 5
  • EP 85
  • Note -- Actual S Actual I

Properties of Equilibrium
  • No unintended inventory accumulation or
  • All intentions are realized.
  • Intended Saving Intended Investment (only at
  • EP Y

Equilibrium and the Natural Level of Real GDP
  • Fundamental Prediction of Keynesian models -- Y
    is not necessarily equal to YN.
  • Classical Prediction Self-correcting economy ?
    Y YN. (Business cycle represents deviations
    from equilibrium)

Keynesian Prediction -- State of the Economy
  • Y lt YN (sluggish economy)
  • Y gt YN (accelerating inflation)
  • Y YN (desired state of economy)
  • If Y ? YN, then one needs economic policy to
    achieve a new equilibrium closer to YN.

The Keynesian Prescription
  • Achieve a new equilibrium by shifting the Ep
  • If Y lt YN, seek to increase expenditure,
    described by shifting the EP curve upward.
  • If Y gt YN, seek to decrease expenditure,
    described by shifting the EP curve downward.

Shifting the EP Curve
  • Key -- Change Autonomous Consumption, Autonomous
    Investment, or Government Purchases (or, later,
    Autonomous Net Exports).
  • Change C0 -- change T, CC, i, ?e, A
  • Change I0 -- change BC, BT, i, ?e
  • Change G0.

Economic Policy
  • Purpose -- to move Y closer to YN.
  • Method -- change autonomous expenditure (C0, I0,
  • If economy is sluggish (Y lt YN), increase
    autonomous expenditure.
  • If economy has accelerating inflation (Y gt YN),
    decrease autonomous expenditure.

Strategies for Policy
  • Expansionary Policy -- Policy designed to address
    a sluggish economy (Y lt YN).
  • Contractionary Policy -- Policy designed to
    address an overstimulated, or accelerated
    inflation economy (Y gt YN).

Quantitative Effects -- Changes in C0, I0, or G0
  • Y T YD C S I G EP
  • 5 5 0 10 -10 10 5 25
  • 25 5 20 25 -5 10 5 40
  • 45 5 40 40 0 10 5 55
  • 65 5 60 55 5 10 5 70
  • 85 5 80 70 10 10 5 85
  • 105 5 100 85 15 10 5 100
  • 125 5 120 100 20 10 5 115

  • Note MPC ?C 25 - 10 0.75
  • ?YD 20 - 0
  • Example -- If autonomous government purchases are
    changed by 5, how much will Y change as a result?

Solution -- Numerical Example
  • Y EP EP (?G0 5)
  • 5 25 30
  • 25 40 45
  • 45 55 60
  • 65 70 75
  • 85 85 90
  • 105 100 105
  • 125 115 120

The Multiplier Effect
  • The Multiplier Effect -- Given an initial change
    in autonomous consumption, autonomous investment,
    or government purchases of goods and services,
    the resulting change in equilibrium output will
    be a multiple of the initial change.

The Multiplier Effect in Equation Form
  • ?Y m (?C0, ?I0, ?G0, or ?NX0),
  • where m the multiplier.
  • m 1/(1 - MPC)
  • Our Example (?G0 5 ? ?Y 20)
  • (20) (4)(5)
  • MPC 0.75 ? m 1/(1 - 0.75) 4

Tracing the Effect on ?Y ?G0 5, with MPC
  • Added Added
  • Round Spending Income
  • 1 5
  • 2 5(0.75) 5(0.75)
  • 3 5(0.75)2
  • ... ...
  • ?Y 20 20

Properties Multiplier Effect
  • The multiplier varies positively with the MPC,
    i.e. MPC? ? m?.
  • Applies for either increases or decreases in C0,
    I0, G0, or NX0.
  • Applies to changes both policy-induced and
  • Changes in autonomous net taxes (T0) have a
    multiplier effect, but not the same multiplier.

Changing G0 Versus Changing T0, MPC 0.75
  • Added Spending
  • Round ?G0 5 ?T0 -5
  • 1 5
  • 2 5(0.75)
  • 3 5(0.75)2
  • ... ...
  • ______________________________
  • ?Y 20 15

The Net Taxes Multiplier
  • ?Y -MPC ?T0
  • 1 - MPC
  • The Net Taxes Multiplier is smaller than the
    regular multiplier (less of an impact on Y for
    the same initial change).
  • Tax or transfer policy is not as powerful as G
    policy, but less likely to overshoot YN.

The Simple Keynesian Model -- The Algebra
  • The model in equation form.
  • (1) EP C I G,
  • (2) C C0 b(Y - T),
  • (3) I I0,
  • (4) G G0,
  • (5) T T0,
  • (6) At equilibrium, EP Y.

Solving for Y
  • Substitute equations (2), (3), (4), (5), and
    (6) into (1)
  • ? Y C0 b(Y - T0) I0 G0.
  • Solve for Y
  • ? Y 1 C0 I0 G0 -b T0.
  • (1 - b)
    (1 - b)

Removing the Simplifying Assumptions
  • Investment depends upon current output or income
  • I I0 dY,
  • d marginal propensity
  • to invest
  • Income Tax
  • T T0 tY,
  • t marginal tax rate

Causes of Net Exports (NX Exports -
  • Foreign output or income (Yf)
  • Yf? ? Exports? ? NX?
  • US output or income (Y)
  • Y? ? Imports? ? NX?
  • Barriers to Trade
  • Real exchange rate (e)
  • e? ? NX?

A Model for Net Exports in Equation Form
  • NX NX0 - fY
  • NX0 Autonomous Net Exports
  • (made up of causes other
  • than Y)
  • f marginal propensity to import

The Model Without the Simplifying Assumptions
What Results Are The Same?
  • Answer -- All the qualitative results are the

The Model Without the Simplifying Assumptions
What Results Are Different?
  • More possibilities for policy.
  • -- autonomous net taxes (T0)
  • -- marginal tax rate (t)
  • -- trade policy (NX0)
  • Different multipliers for autonomous spending and
    net taxes.

The Economy and the Federal Budget
  • Recall that the Federal Budget is given by
  • Budget T - G.
  • Substitute income tax function for T (with Y
  • Budget (T0 tY) - G.
  • Note that Y? ? Budget?

The Economy and the Balance of Trade
  • Recall that the Balance of Trade (BOT) is
    approximated by Net Exports (NX).
  • Also recall that the Net Exports equation is (Y
  • NX NX0 - fY.
  • Note that Y? ? BOT?
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