Title: The BTeV Vertex Trigger
1The BTeV Vertex Trigger
- Beauty 2002, June 17-21
- Charles Newsom, The University of Iowa
- for
- The BTeV Collaboration
2BTeV detector
3Simulated B Bbar event-including neutrals
4Silicon pixel detector
14,080 pixels (128 rows x 110 cols)
total of 23Million pixels in the full pixel
380,160 pixels per half-station
5BTeV trigger block diagram
200 MB/s (4x compression)
6Level 1 vertex trigger architecture
30 station pixel detector
7L1 vertex trigger algorithm
FPGA Segment Finder (Pattern Recognition)
- Find beginning and ending segments of tracks from
hit clusters in 3 adjacent stations (triplets) - beginning segments required to originate from
beam region - ending segments required to project out of pixel
detector volume
DSP Tracking and Vertexing
- Match beginning and ending segments found by FPGA
segment finder to form complete tracks. - Reconstruct primary interaction vertices using
complete tracks with pTlt1.2GeV/c. - Find tracks that are detached from
reconstructed primaries.
8L1 vertex trigger algorithm
Execute Trigger
9L1 trigger efficiencies
10L1 vertex trigger work-in-progress
- Status of L1 track finding vertexing code
- C version of full tracking vertexing code
running on a TI C6711 based daughter card on the
prototype board. - Goal is to avoid hand optimized assembly for the
TI DSP in order to simplify code maintenance and
achieve greater portability. - Incorporating various optimizations in C use of
intrinsics, in-line code vs. external function
calls, single precision arithmetic, etc. - Current code speed tests are 4x slower than in
the proposal using todays technology.
11Level 1 Vertex Code Benchmarks
Pentium III
PowerPC G4
BTeV Proposal
Execution speed in units normalized to TI C6711
speed (longer bars are better)
12L1 trigger 4-DSP prototype board
13Level 2 Trigger
- Start with the Level 1 tracks from the
triggering collision within the crossing. - Search for pixel hits along these tracks.
- Refit the tracks using a Kalman Filter.
Resultant momenta are improved to about 5-10. - Resultant event must satisfy one of the two
following criteria - A secondary vertex must be present or
- The collection of tracks must satisfy a minimum
pT cut. - The combined L1 and L2 rejection is 1000-1.
- Overall Efficiency is roughly 50 for most B
decays of interest.
14Fault tolerant trigger DAQ system
- Summary
- The L1/L2 vertex trigger is a major component in
the larger framework of the Global BTeV trigger
and DAQ system. - This larger framework is a massive and complex
real-time system involving thousands of FPGAs,
DSPs, and PCs analyzing detector data generated
at 1.5 Terabytes/s. - BTeV will benefit from an NSF grant to develop a
semi-autonomous, self-monitoring, fault-tolerant
/ adaptive system for this purpose. - Project involves collaboration of computer
scientists and physicists from Vanderbilt,
Illinois, Syracuse, Pittsburgh, and Fermilab
known as the Real Time Embedded Systems (RTES)
Research Group. - The BTeV trigger can be built with currently
existing technology and will only improve as
computing technology advances.