1.%20Joint%20withA.Ta-shma%20 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Resolve into one value on the line. Repeat using the new points, until all Fd is evaluated ... for many x in the support of X and requires few advice strings ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 1.%20Joint%20withA.Ta-shma%20

Extractors via Low-degree Polynomials

1. Joint withA.Ta-shma D.Zuckerman2.
Improved R.Shaltiel and C. UmansSlides Adi
  • Def The min-entropy of a random variable X over
    0, 1n is defined as
  • Thus a random variable X has min-entropy at least
    k if PrXx2-k for all x. Maximum possible
    min-entropy for such a R.V. is n
  • Def (statistical distance) Two distributions on
    a domain D are e-close if the probabilities they
    give to any A?D differ by at most e (namely, half
    the norm-1 of the distance)

  • Def A (k, e)- extractor is a function E 0,1n
    ? 0,1t ? 0,1ms.t. for any R.V. X with
    min-entropy k E(X,Ut) is e-close to Um(where
    Um denotes the uniform distribution over 0,1m)

  • The relevant parameters are
  • min entropy of the weak random source
    k.Relevant values log(n)? k ? n (seed length is
    t log(n) hence no point consider lower min
  • seed length t log(n)
  • Quality of the output e
  • Size of the output mf(k). The optimum is mk.

High Min-Entropy distribution
Uniform-distribution seed
Close to uniform output
Next Bit Predictors
  • Claim to prove E is an extractor, it suffices to
    prove that for all 0ltiltm1 and all predictors
  • Proof Assume E is not an extractor then exists
    a distribution X s.t. E(X,Ut) is not e-close to
    Um, that is

  • Now define the following hybrid distributions

  • Summing the probabilities for the event
    corresponding to the set A for all distributions
  • And because ?ai ?ai there exists an index
    0ltiltm1 for which

The Predictor
  • We now define a function f0,1i-1 ? 0,1 that
    can predict the ith bit with probability at
    least ½e/m (a next bit predictor)
  • The function f uniformly and independently draws
    the bits yi,,ym and outputs
  • Note the above definition is not constructive,
    as A is not known!

  • And f is indeed a next bit predictor
  • Q.E.D.

Next-q-it List-Predictor
  • f is allowed to output a small list of l possible
    next elements

q-ary Extractor
  • Def Let F be a field with q elements.
  • A (k, l) q-ary extractor is a function E 0,1n
    ? 0,1t ?Fms.t. for all R.V. X with min-entropy
  • and all 0ltiltm
  • and all list-predictors fFi-1 ? Fl

  • Def Define the generator matrix for the vector
    space Fd as a matrix A?dd, s.t. for any non-zero
    vector v?Fd
  • (that is, any vector 0?v?Fd multiplied by all
    powers of A generates the entire vector space Fd
    except for 0)
  • Lemma Such a generator matrix exists and can be
    found in time qO(d).

Strings as Low-degree Polynomials
  • Let F be a field with q elements
  • Let Fd be a vector space over F
  • Let h be the smallest integer s.t.
  • For x? 0,1n, let x denote the unique d-variate
    polynomial of total degree h-1 whose coefficients
    are specified by x.

The SU Extractor
  • The definition of the q-ary extractor E
    0,1n ? 0,1d log q ? Fm

seed, interpreted as a vector v? Fd
Generator matrix
Main Theorem
  • Thm For any n,q,d and h as previously defined,
    E is a (k, l) q-ary extractor if
  • Alternatively, E is a (k, l) q-ary extractor if

Whats Ahead
  • counting argument and how it works
  • The reconstruction paradigm
  • Basic example lines in space
  • Proof of the main theorem

Extension Fields
  • A field F2 is called an extension of another
    field F if F is contained in F2 as a subfield.
  • Thm For every power pk (p prime, kgt0) there is
    a unique (up to isomorphism) finite field
    containing pk elements. These fields are denoted
    GF(pk)and comprise all finite fields.
  • Def A polynomial is called irreducible in GF(p)
    if it does not factor over GF(p)
  • Thm Let f(x) be an irreducible polynomial of
    degree k over GF(p). The set of degree k-1
    polynomials over Zp, with addition
    coordinate-wise and multiplication modulo f(x)
    form the finite field GF(pk)

Extension Fields - Example
  • Construct GF(25) as follows
  • Let the irreducible polynomial be
  • Represent every k degree polynomial as a vector
    of k1 coefficient
  • Addition over this field

Extension Fields - Example
  • And multiplication
  • And now modulo the irreducible polynomial

Generator Matrix Existence Proof
  • Denote by GF(qd) the multiplicative group of the
    Galois Field GF(qd).
  • This multiplicative group of the Galois Field is
    cyclic, and thus has a generator g
  • Let j be the natural isomorphism between the
    Galois Field GF(qd) and the vector space Fd,
    which matches a polynomial with its vector of

Generator Matrix Existence Proof
  • Now define the generator matrix A of Fd as the
    linear transformation that corresponds to
    multiplication by the generator in GF(qd)
  • A is a linear transformation because of the
    distributive property of both the vector space
    and the field GF(qd), according to the
    isomorphism properties

Generator Matrix Existence Proof
  • It remains to show that the generator matrix A of
    Fd can be found in time qO(d).
  • And indeed
  • The Galois Field GF(qd) can be constructed in
    time qO(d) using an irreducible polynomial of
    degree d over the field Zq (and such a polynomial
    can also be found in time qO(d) by exhaustive
  • The generator of GF(qd) can be found in time
    qO(d) by exhaustive search
  • Using the generator, for any basis of Fd, one can
    construct d independent equations so as to find
    the linear transformation A. This linear equation
    system is also solvable in time qO(d) .

Counting Argument
  • For Y?? X, denote ?(Y)?y?YPry (the weight of
  • Assume a mapping R0,1a ? 0,1n, s.t.
    PrxX?z R(z)x ? ½
  • Then
  • for X uniform over a subset of 2n, X ? 2 R(S)
  • for an arbitrary distribution X, ?(X) ? 2 ?(R(S))
  • If X is of min-entropy k, then ?(R(S)) ? 2a2-k
    2a-k and therefore k ? a 1(1 ?(X) ?
    2?(R(S)) ? 21a-k)

Reconstruction Proof Paradigm
  • Proof sketch
  • For a certain R.V. X with min-entropy k, assume
    by way of contradiction, a predictor f for the
    q-ary extractor.
  • For altltk construct a function R0,1a ? 0,1n
    --the reconstruction function-- that uses f as
    an oracle and
  • By the counting argument, this implies X has
    min-entropy much smaller than k

Basic Example Lines
  • Construction
  • Let BCF?0,1s be a (inefficient) binary-code
  • Given
  • x, a weak random source, interpreted as a
    polynomial xF2?F and
  • s, a seed, interpreted as a random point (a,b),
    and an index j to a binary code.
  • Def

Basic Example Illustration of Construction
  • x ? x, s ((a,b), 2)
  • E(x,s)01001

(inefficient) binary code
Basic Example Proof Sketch
  • Assume, by way of contradiction, thereexists a
    predicator function f.
  • Next, show a reconstruction function R, s.t.
  • Conclude, a contradiction!(to the min-entropy
    assumption of X)

Basic Example Reconstruction Function
h n1/2 j lgn m desired entropy
Random line
advice Few red points amjO(h)
Repeat using the new points, until all Fd is
List decoding by the predictor f
Resolve into one value on the line
Problems with the above Construction
  • Too many lines!
  • Takes too many bits to define a subspace

Proof Sketch
  • Let X be a random variable with min-entropy at
    least k
  • Assume, by way of contradictionexists a next
    bit predicator function f.
  • Next, show a reconstruction function R
  • Conclude, a contradiction!(to the min-entropy
    assumption of X)

Main Lemma
  • Lemma Let n,q,d,h be as in the main theorem.
    There exists a probabilistic function
    R0,1a?0,1n with a O(mhd logq) such that
    for every x on which
  • The following holds (the probability is over the
    random coins of R)

The Reconstruction Function (R)
  • Task allow many strings x in the support of X to
    be reconstructed from very short advice strings.
  • Outlines
  • Use f in a sequence of prediction steps to
    evaluate z on all points of Fd,.
  • Interpolate to recover coefficients of z,
  • which gives x
  • Next We Show there exists a sequence of
    prediction steps that works for many x in the
    support of X and requires few advice strings

  • Let rQ(d),
  • Pick random vectors and values
  • 2r random points y1,,y2r?Fd, and
  • 2r values t1,,t2r?F, and
  • Define degree 2r-1 polynomials p1,p2
  • p1F?Fd defined by p1(ti)yi, ?i1,..,2r.
  • p2F?Fd defined by p2(ti)Ayi, ?i1,..,r, and
    p2(ti)yi, ?ir1,..,2r.
  • Define vector sets P1p1(z)z?F and
  • ?igt0 define P2i1AP2i-1 and P2i2AP2i(Pi,
    the sequence of prediction steps are low-degree
    curves in Fd, chosen using the coin tosses of R)

Simple Observations
  • A is non-singular linear-transform, hence ?i
  • Pi is 2r-wise independent collection of points
  • Pi and Pi1 intersect at r random points
  • zPi is a univariate polynomial of degree at most
  • Given evaluation of z on Av,A2v,,Amv, we may use
    the predictor function f to predict z(Am1v) to
    within l values.
  • We need advice string 2hr coefficients of zPi
    for i1,,m. (length at most mhr log q a)

Using N.B.P.
Cannot resolve into one value!
Using N.B.P.
Can resolve into one value using the second curve!
Using N.B.P.
Can resolve into one value using the second curve!
Open Problems
  • Is the SU extractor optimal? Just run it for
    longer sequences
  • Reconstruction technique requires interpolation
    from h (the degree) points, hence maximal entropy
    extracted is k/h
  • The seed --a point-- requires logarithmic number
    of bits

Main Lemma Proof Cont.
  • Claim with probability at least 1-1/8qd over the
    coins tosses of R
  • Proof We use the following tail bound
  • Let tgt4 be an even integer, and X1,,Xn be
    t-wise independent R.V. with values in 0,1. Let
    X?Xi, ?EX, and Agt0. Then

Main Lemma Proof Cont.
  • According to the next bit predictor, the
    probability for successful prediction is at least
  • In the ith iteration we make q predictions (as
    many points as there are on the curve).
  • Using the tail bounds provides the result.
  • Q.E.D (of the claim).
  • Main Lemma Proof (cont.) Therefore, w.h.p. there
    are at least q/4vl evaluations points of Pi that
    agree with the degree 2hr polynomial on the ith
    curve (out of a total of at most lq).

Main Lemma Proof Cont.
  • A list decoding bound given n distinct pairs
    (xi,yi) in field F and Parameters k and d, with
    kgt(2dn)1/2, There are at most 2n/k degree d
    polynomials g such that g(xi)yi for at least k
  • Furthermore, a list of all such polynomials can
    be computed in time poly(n,logF).
  • Using this bound and the previous claim, at most
    8l3/2 degree 2rh polynomials agree on this number
    of points (q/4vl ).

Lemma Proof Cont.
  • Now,
  • Pi intersect Pi-1 at r random positions, and
  • we know the evaluation of z at the points in Pi-1
  • Two degree 2rh polynomials can agree on at most
    2rh/q fraction of their points,
  • So the probability that an incorrect polynomial
    among our candidates agrees on all r random
    points in at most

Main Lemma Proof Cont.
  • So, with probability at least we learn points
    Pi successfully.
  • After 2qd prediction steps, we have learned z on
    Fd\0 (since A is a generator of Fd\0)
  • by the union bound, the probability that every
    step of the reconstruction is successful is at
    least ½.
  • Q.E.D (main lemma)

Proof of Main Theorem Cont.
  • First,
  • By averaging argument
  • Therefore, there must be a fixing of the coins of
    R, such that

Using N.B.P. Take 2
Unse N.B.P over all points in F, so that we get
enough good evaluation
Proof of Main Theorem Cont.
  • According to the counting argument, this implies
  • Recall that rQ(d).
  • A contradiction to the parameter choice
  • Q.E.D (main theorem)!

From q-ary extractors to (regular) extractors
  • The simple technique - using error correcting
  • Lemma Let F be a field with q elements. Let
    C0,1klog(q)?0,1n be a binary error
    correcting code with distance at least 0.5-O(?2)
    . If
  • E 0,1n 0,1t -gt Fm is a (k,O(r)) q-ary
    extractor, then
  • E 0,1n 0,1tlog(n) -gt Fm defined by

Is a (k,rm) binary extractor.
From q-ary extractors to (regular) extractors
  • A more complex transformation from q-ary
    extractors to binary extractors achieves the
    following parameters
  • Thm Let F be a field with qlt2m elements. There
    is a polynomial time computable function

Such that for any (k,r) q-ary extractor E,
E(x(y,j))B(E(xy),j) is a (k,r logm) binary
From q-ary extractors to (regular) extractors
  • The last theorem allows using theorem 1 for ?
    O(e/logm) , and implies a (k,e) extractor with
    seed length tO(log n) and output length mk/(log

Extractor ? PRG
  • Identify
  • string x?0,1log n with the
  • function x0,1log n?0,1 by setting x(i)xi
  • Denote by S(x) the size of the smallest circuit
    computing function x
  • Def (PRG) an ?-PRG for size s is a function
    G0,1t?0,1m with the following property
    ?1?i?m and all function f0,1i-1?0,1i with
    size s circuits,
  • Prf(G(Ut)1...i-1)G(Ut)i ? ½ ?/m
  • This imply
  • for all size s-O(1) circuits C
  • PrC(G(Ut))1 PrC(Um)1? ?

q-ary PRG
  • Def (q-ary PRG) Let F be the field with q
    elements. A ?-q-ary PRG for size s is a function
    G0,1t?Fm with the following property ?1?i?m
    and all function fFi-1?F(?-2) with size s
  • Pr?j f(G(Ut)1...i-1)jG(Ut)i ? ?
  • Fact O(?)-q-ary PRG for size s can be
    transformed into (regular) m?-PRG for size not
    much smaller than s

The Construction
Note Gx(j) corresponds to using our q-ary
extractor construction with the successor
function Amj
We show x is hard ? at least one Gx(j) is a
q-ary PRG
  • Plan for building a PRG Gx0,1t ? 0,1m
  • use a hard function x0,1log n ? 0,1
  • let z be the low-degree extension of x
  • obtain l candidate PRGs, where ld(log q / log
    m) as followsFor 0?jltl define Gx(j)0,1d log
    q ? Fm byGx(j)(v) z(A1?mjv) ? z(A2?mjv) ?...?
    z(AM?mjv)where A is a generator of Fd\0

Getting into Details
Note Fd is a subset of Fd
think of Fd as both a vector space and the
extension field of F
  • perhaps we should just say immediate from the
    correspondence between the cyclic group GF(qd)
    and Fd\0 ??? otherwise in details we may say
  • Proof
  • There exists a natural correspondence between Fd
    and GF(qd), and between Fd and GF(hd),
  • GF(qd) is cyclic of order qd-1, i.e. there exists
    a generator g
  • gp generates the unique subgroup of order hd-1,
    the multiplicative group of GF(hd).
  • A and A are the linear transforms corresponding
    to g and gp respectively.
  • Let F be a subfield of F of size h
  • Lemma there exist invertible d?d matrices A and
    A with entries from F which satisfy
  • ? v?Fd s.t. v?0, AiviFd\0
  • ? v?Fd s.t. v?0, AiviFd\0
  • AAp for p(qd-1)/(hd-1)
  • A and A can be found in time qO(d)

  • since hdgtn, there are enough slots to embed all
    x in a d dimensional cube of size hd
  • and since A generates Fd\0, indeed x is
    embedded in a d dimensional cube of size hd
  • Note h denotes the degree in individual
    variables, and the total degree is at most hd
  • The computation of z from x can be done in
    poly(n,qd)qO(d) time
  • require hdgtn
  • Define z as follows z(Ai1)x(i), where 1 is the
    all 1 vector (low degree extension).
  • Recall For 0?jltl define Gx(j)0,1d log q ? Fm
    byGx(j)(v) z(A1?mjv) ? z(A2?mjv) ?...?
  • Theorem (PRG main) for every n,d, and h
    satisfying hdgtn, at least one of Gx(j) is an
    ?-q-ary PRG for size ?(?-4 h d2 log2q).
    Furthermore, all the Gx(j)s are computable in
    time poly(qd,n) with oracle access to x.

  • ??????

(No Transcript)
Extension Field
  • Def if F is a subset of E, then we say that E is
    an extension field of F.
  • Lemma let
  • E be an extension field of F,
  • f(x) be a polynomial over F (i.e. f(x)?FX),
  • c?E,
  • then f(x)?f(c) is an homomorphism of FX into E.

Construction of the Galois Field GF(qd)
  • Thm let p(x) be irreducible in FX, then there
    exists E, an extension field of F, where there
    exists a root of p(x).
  • Proof Sketch
  • add a ?? (a new element) to F.? is to be a root
    of p(x).
  • In F? (polynomials with variable ?)

  • Example
  • Freals
  • p(x)x21
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