Title: What is soil organic matter
1What is soil organic matter ?
2Soil organic matter (SOM) is a small fraction of
the mass of mineral soils
Mineral particles
3SOM is a complex mixture
Living organisms
Biologically active SOM
Recent residues
Adapted from Magdoff and Weil (2003)
4What is humus ?
5- While it is unlikely that any 2 humus molecules
have exactly the same composition, humic
molecules share the following common
characteristics - Extreme chemical complexity
- Resistance to further decomposition
- High specific surface and negative charge
- Dark color
6Soil organic matter is dynamic !
7 The metabolic potential of soil microbial
communities greatly exceeds organic inputs to
8Why does organic matter accumulate in soils ?
93 main factors regulate decomposition in soil
- Environmental conditions
- Quality of organic resources
- Interactions with the soil matrix
10 Climate affects SOM dynamics
25o C
Brady and Weil (2002)
11Landscape position affects SOM dynamics
Poorly drained
Interstream divide
Somewhat poorly drained
Moderately well drained
Well drained
Poorly drained
Valley floor
12Blackland soils of North Carolina
Lily (1981)
13Organic resource quality affects SOM dynamics
(Giller, 2000)
14Prairie vs. Forest
Modified from Brady and Weil (2002)
15Geographic distribution of SOM
16The soil matrix affects SOM dynamics
17Location of SOM within the soil matrix
Free POM
Sensitivity to management
Intra-aggregate POM
Mineral associated OM
Adapted from Carter (2002)
18Relationship between fine mineral fraction and SOM
Adapted from Magdoff and Weil (2003)
19Organic coatings on soil particles
20Blechh !!! Tastes Bad !!!!
Biochemical recalcitrance
How do you expect to live off this stuff ???
Mineral protection
I cant get if off, you try !!
We already are !!!!!!
Yuck !!!!! Sure is gritty !
Physical protection
Theres gotta to be a way inside !!!
Hey !! Theres good stuff in there !!!!
21How does SOM affect soil properties and processes
22Chemical effects
23SOM adsorbs ions and molecules
Adapted from Brady and Weil (2002)
24SOM increases buffer capacity
Havlin et al. (2001)
25SOM chelates metals
Adapted from l (2000)
26Physical effects
27SOM increases plant available H20
Adapted from Magdoff and Weil (2003)
28SOM reduces bulk density
Adapted from Magdoff and Weil (2003)
29Macroaggregates often form around particulate
OM. Processes that impact aggregation impact SOM
30Microbial activity
Sollins et al (1996)
31More OM is needed to stabilize fine textured soils
16 clay
Adapted from
32Biological effects
33SOM energizes biologically mediated processes
34Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) feast
on root exudates
35Crop uptake of fertilizer N and soil N
Magdoff and Weil (2003)
36Potential for poor synchrony
Available for loss
Adapted from Robertson et al. (200?)
37Impact of high CN ratio residues on min-N
www.agagadsgasdhg (2003)
38Measuring SOM
39There are many ways to measure SOM
Adapted from Strek and Weber (1985)
40(No Transcript)
41Soil size fractions
43Seasonal changes in mineralizable N
Adapted from Magdoff and Weil (2003)
44 Weil et al. (2003) recently proposed a
permanganate oxidizable C method for routine
assessment of active soil C.
45 Conceptual pools vs. Measurable fractions
46N mineralization rate calculator
47(No Transcript)
48Managing SOM
49On-farm sources of OM
50Off-farm sources of OM
51The many benefits of organic mulches
Control erosion
Nourish soil fauna
Suppress weeds
Improve soil structure
Increase infiltration
Moderate soil temperature
Supply nutrients
Adapted from Magdoff and Weil (2003)
52Crop Rotation
High residue crops
Cover crops
53No-till or Minimum Tillage
54Erosion Control Practices
554 Organic Matter
2 Organic Matter
Effect of 20 years of contrasting management
56Effect of longterm hay on organic N
Richter and Markewitzl (2001)
57 Soil Organic Matter
How much is enough ?
58Organic matter functions mainly as it is
decayed and destroyed. Its value lies in its
dynamic nature. W. Albrecht, 1938