Title: Library Media Core Curriculum
1The Library/Media Utah State Core Curriculum
2Library/Media State Core Curriculum
- The mission of the Utah Library / Media
- Information Literacy Core Curriculum
- is to ensure that all students are
- effective users of ideas and
- information in all formats.
3The Library/Media Core Curriculum...what is it?
- it is an inclusion core
- it is a series of process skills that support
and strengthen all subject areas - it contains opportunities in all the life
skills as set forth by the Utah State Office
of Education
4What are Life Skills?
- Lifelong Learning
- Complex Thinking
- Effective Communications
- Collaboration
- Responsible Citizenship
- Employability
- Character Development/Ethics
5Thus, if we are teaching students these
important life skills then,...we need a tool!
6An information gathering tool called...
- The Big6 is a systematic approach for
solving lifes essential questions or, on a
daily basis, to simply- satisfy the need to
7The Big6 places the Library/Media Core
Curriculum, not in isolation, but as an integral
part of all other curricula.http//www.uen.org
8The Big6 and Core Standards
- Task Definition
- Information Seeking Strategies
- Location and Access
- Use of Information
- Synthesis
- Evaluation
- Standard 1, Objective 1
- Standard 2, Objective 1
- Standard 3, Objective 1
- Standard 4, Objective 1
- Standard 5, Objective 1
- Standard 6, Objective 1
9The Big6 for the advanced student...
10...a PROCESS that works!
11If...The Big6 is too difficult for some of your
students, then cut out the difficult parts and
make it simpler for students to understand the
process of finding information by using The
12What is The Super3 Process?
The Super3 process is a simplified version of
The Big6 process that uses vocabulary and
steps that students can understand.
13The Super3 Research Program Map
- 1) Beginning
- 2) Middle
- 3) End
- Task Definition and Information Seeking
Strategies - Location and Access
- Synthesis and Evaluation
14Lets break down the steps
- When students receive an assignment or a task,
BEFORE they start doing anything, they should
think about these ?s -- - What am I supposed to do?
- What will it look like if I do a really good job?
- What do I need to find out to do the job?
15The next step...
- In the Middle the students DO the activity. This
is where the students read, view, tell, make a
picture, or DO something about the activity.
16...and lastly!
- BEFORE finishing the product and turning it in,
students should stop and think -- - Is this done?
- Did I do what I was supposed to do?
- Do I feel okay about this?
- Should I do something else before I turn it in?
17SUMMARY The Big6
and The Super3
It is a process, a series of steps that will
help students solve a problem or do a task.
18The Challenge to Educators
In a time of constant and rapid change educators
are faced with the challenge of preparing
students for the experiences they will encounter
as they proceed through life.
19The Information Literacy Strand of the K-6 and
the 7-12 Library / Media Core Curriculums are
based on Information Problem-Solving The Big
Six Skills Approach to Library and Information
Skills Instruction by Michael B. Eisenberg and
Robert E Berkowitz
20If you need additional help with this process or
any other Library/Media related issues call
- Bridget Merrell
- UELMA Board Member
- Dixie High School
- 1-435-673-4682 or 1-435-680-3220