Title: Jayanta Mukhopadhyay
- Jayanta Mukhopadhyay
- Department of Computer Science Engineering
- Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur,
721302, India - jay_at_cse.iitkgp.ernet.in
- Sanjit K. Mitra
- Ming Hsieh Dept. of Electrical Engineering
- University of Southern California
- Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA
- skmitra_at_usc.edu
2Problem of Color Constancy
- Three factors of image formation
- Objects present in the scene.
- Spectral Energy of Light Sources.
- Spectral Sensitivity of sensors.
3Same Scene Captured under Different Illumination
Can we transfer colors from one illumination to
another one?
4Computation of Color Constancy
- Deriving an illumination independent
representation. -
- - Estimation of SPD of Light Source.
- Color Correction
- - Diagonal Correction.
ltR, G, Bgt
To perform this computation with DCT coefficients.
5Different Spatial Domain Approaches
- Gray World Assumption (Buchsbaum (1980), Gershon
et al. (1988)) - ltR, G, Bgt ltRavg, Gavg, Bavggt
- White World Assumption (Land (1977))
- ltR, G, Bgt ltRmax, Gmax, Bmaxgt
6Select from a set of Canonical Illuminants
- Observe distribution of points in 2-D
- Chromatic Space.
- Assign SPD of the nearest illuminant.
- Gamut Mapping Approach (Forsyth (1990), Finlayson
(1996)) - - Existence of chromatic points.
- Color by Correlation (Finlayson et. al. (2001))
- - Relative strength over the
distribution. - Nearest Neighbor Approach (Proposed)
- - Mean and Covariance Matrix.
- - Use of Mahalanobis Distance.
7Processing in the Compressed Domain
- Consists of non-overlapping DCT blocks (of 8 x
8). - Use DC coefficients of each block.
- The color space used is Y-Cb-Cr instead of RGB.
- Chromatic Space for Statistical Techniques is the
Cb-Cr space.
8Different Algorithms under consideration
9List of Illuminants
10Images Captured at Different Illumination
Source http//www.cs.sfu.ca/ colour/data.
11Performance Metrics
- Estimated SPD EltRE,GE,BEgt
- True SPD T ltRT,GT,BTgt
12Average ??
13Average ?rg
14Average ?RGB
15Average ?L
16Average Performance over the canonical set.
17Average ??
18Average ?rg
19Average ?RGB
20Average ?L
21Time and Storage Complexities
- nl number of illuminants.
- nc size of the 2-D chromaticity space
- n number of image pixels
- f Fraction of chromaticity space covered.
- aMbA ? a number of Multiplications and b number
of Additions.
22Time and Storage Complexities
23Equivalent No. of Additions per pixel (1 M 3 A)
n512, nc32, nl12, f1
24Color Correction An Example
Image captured with (solux-4100)
Target Ref. Image (syl-50mr16q)
25Color Restoration
Enhanced w/o Color Correction
Enhanced with Color Correction
- Color-constancy computation in the compressed
domain - - requires less time and storage.
- - comparable quality of results.
- Both NN and NN-DCT perform well compared to other
existing statistical approaches. - Color constancy computation is useful in
restoration of colors.