1High Level ICT Policy Forum Kigali, Rwanda 1-3
September 2004 E-Applications COMESAs
Experience Sherin Shoukry Director COMESA
- COMESA Procurement Information System.
- Payments and Settlement System.
- E-commerce
- Regional ICT Support Programme
3ASYCUDA is a computerised customs data management
system implemented by most COMESA member States.
It makes the customs process more efficient,
promotes trade by reducing the time taken to
clear goods, makes tariff revenue collection more
efficient, and generates accurate trade
statistics. COMESA is working with member States
to allow ASYCUDA data transfer via the internet
internally and between countries. For more
information www.asycuda.org
4- COMESA Procurement Information System (CPIS)
As part of the establishment of a regional public
procurement system COMESA has set up CPIS. CPIS
uses a web-based platform over the Internet to
promote greater efficiency, transparency and
monitoring of public procurement processes among
the COMESA Member States. Making information
available to the public leads to cost savings and
transparency for state institutions. CPIS should
reduce the discretionary powers of procurement
officials, leading to development of a better
public service and prompt Member States to adopt
legislative reforms in public procurement.
5- Regional Payments and Settlement System (REPSS)
- The payment system should improve the flow and
settlement of cross border payment transactions
among financial institutions for the benefit,
inter alia, of importers and exporters.
Objectives are to - - increase competition among the banks,
- - improve financing services,
- - lower costs to complete payment commitments,
- - promote regional expansion of trade, and
- - improve final funds availability to the
exporter. - REPSS needs a good, secure system over which
electronic transactions take place. - http//www.comesa.int/monetary_cooperation/
6E-commerce is recognised as having a lot of
potential in COMESA. 24billion worth of trade
was done on e-bay alone in 2003. But before
COMESA countries can benefit from a growth in
e-commerce they need to address- - the
regulatory environment - improved
connectivity - improved cross-border payment
systems - trustworthy and reputable
producers Some of these issues are being
addressed under the EU-financed Regional ICT
Support Programme.
7establish national ICT working groups to further
develop and harmonise ICT policy and
implementation capabilities establish a
regional ICT observatory to monitor
implementation of the legislative framework,
using an agreed set of tools widespread
sensitisation and training in the opportunities
offered by the legislative framework for both
public and private sectors
8- Regional ICT Project (cont)
provide high-speed internet connectivity to
certain key regional stakeholders provided
through a regional Internet communications
network incubator projects to demonstrate the
viability of the internet and further develop
web-sites of the Regional Organisations to
include databases and other information of use to
entrepreneurs, traders, investors and other
stakeholders in the economic development of the
9High Level ICT Policy Forum Kigali, Rwanda 1-3
September 2004 E-Applications COMESAs
Experience THANK YOU