Title: ChinaEU Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy ICARE
1China-EU Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy
Information Session following the Call for
Proposals EuropeAid/128796/L/ACT/CN Tuesday, 8
September 2009 10h00 12h30 European Delegation
to China and Mongolia15, Dongzhimenwai Dajie -
Sanlitun 100600 Beijing
EU Delegation to China
What is the ICARE? ICARE is intended to
significantly enhance knowledge and experience of
Chinese professionals of the clean and renewable
energy. Through a research platform ICARE should
improve Chinese and European knowledge and
research skills in renewable energy issues and
should bring together specialized Chinese and
European clean and renewable energy professionals
in order to create durable links. Types of
action The only type of action which may be
financed under this call for proposals is the
creation and operation of a China-EU Institute
for Clean and Renewable Energy (ICARE), as well
as its activities, including the following core
components - Master Programme - Creation of a
vocational training centre for existing energy
professionals - Establishment of a research
platform for post-graduate students and
researchers (ICARE research Platform) The action
must address the following technical areas
1.Solar energy 2. Wind energy 3. Bio energy 4.
Geothermic 5. Energy efficiency.
Location The action must take place in the
Peoples Republic of China. ICARE will be located
in a university of Hubei province. Call for
Applications Consortia of European and Chinese
academic institutions are invited to submit
applications to set-up and run the China-EU
Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy before
30 October 2009. Associates do not have to meet
the eligibility criteria set out for applicant
and partners. The successful consortium will be
offered a grant to set-up and operate the
Institute (max 9.75 MEUR). The Institute is
expected to become a permanent body
thereafter. How to apply? European Delegations
representatives will explain the objectives of
the programme and the application procedures
during the information session. Guidelines for
Proposals are available on the delegation
website http//www.eu-in-china.com (Tenders
Grants) How can you participate? Please return
the registration form and join us in the
Delegation on 8 September 2009at 10.00 AM.
2China-EU Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy
Information Session Presentations and
QA will be in English only! Tuesday, 8
September 2009 10h00 12h30 European Delegation
to China and Mongolia15, Dongzhimenwai Dajie -
Sanlitun 100600 Beijing
EU Delegation to China
Registration Form Name _________________________
_________________ Position ______________________
____________________ Organisation ________________
__________________________ Email
__________________________________________ I
agree that my contact details are added to the
list of participants that will be distributed to
all participants after the session Yes
BLOCK LETTERS ONLY Please return this form by
email to wendy.gao_at_ec.europa.eu
European Commission Delegation to the China /
EuropeAid Cooperation Office