Title: 4BA6 4D3 Computer Graphics
14BA6 / 4D3 Computer Graphics
Lecturer Yann Morvan Demonstrator
Bartosz Fabianowski
ymorvan_at_cs.tcd.ie fabianob_at_cs.tcd.ie http//www.cs
.tcd.ie/Yann.Morvan/4ba6 http//www.cs.tcd.ie/Yann
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3Some History
4Spacewars first computer graphics game (MIT 1961)
Whirlwind early graphics using VectorScope (1951)
first CAD system (IBM 1959)
SketchPad first interactive graphics (1961)
5Early texture-mapped image (Catmull 1974)
First bump-mapped images (Blinn 1978)
First ray traced image (Whitted 1980)
First distributed ray traced image (Cook 1984)
6Westworld (1973) First movie to feature computer
graphics. Used in various graphics displays
within the Westworld center.
7Star Wars (1977)
8Tron (1980) First time computer graphics were
used for live action sequences.
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15The Getaway PS3, SCEE, 2007
16GV2 Lab
- founded 1999 by ISG (now GV2) members
- game physics animation middleware
Company of Heroes (THQ)
Saints Row (Midway)
Medal of Honor (EA)
Half Life 2 (Valve)
Halo 2 (Microsoft)
Tech Demo (Havok)
18Many Issues in Computer Graphics
- 2D or 3D
- Photo-realistic or NPR
- Real-time or Offline computation
- Rigid or Deformable
- Interactive or Pre-determined
- Real or Abstract
- Geometric or Image-based
- Hardware or Software
193 main Tasks
- To generalise, these are
- Modelling creating and representing the geometry
of objects in the 3D world - Rendering creating a image in 2D of these
objects - Animation describing how objects change in time
23Hardware Issues
- Display Technology
- Interaction Devices
- Specialized graphics hardware
242D Issues in two dimensions
- Specifying Colour
- Drawing simple 2D primitives
- Filling areas of screen
- Windows, and viewports
- Clipping
253D Issues in 3 dimensions
- Light sources, shading, shadows
- Reflection, refraction, transparency
- View specification, projection into 2D
- Visibility problem
- Modelling and rendering
- solid objects, surfaces, scenes,
- phenomena (e.g. rain, smoke, fire)
- textures
26Animation Issues
- Image Synthesis of each frame
- Modelling and Specifying Motion
- Interaction
- (e.g. Collision Detection and Response)
27Image Processing
- Image Enhancement
- Image Analysis
- Image Data Compression
- Not part of this course, more Vision
28Related Areas
- Maths and Physics
- Biology, physiology, biomechanics
- Engineering
- Presence/Immersive Virtual Reality (VR)
- Haptics, Audio
- Artificial Intelligence, Psychology, Perception
29Course Topics
- Preliminaries
- Graphics display hardware
- Relevant linear algebra
- Core topics
- Modelling
- Rendering
- Animation (Esp. physically-based)
- Hot topics, e.g.
- Hardware architectures
- Real-time global illumination
- Shading languages
- Incremental project (20)
- Exam in June (80)
31Reading material
- Computer graphics principles and practice By
James D. Foley et al.