Title: The STAR Forward GEM Tracker Upgrade
1The STAR Forward GEM Tracker Upgrade
- T. Hallman
- FGT Review
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- January 7- 8, 2008
2The outline of this talk
- Scientific urgency of the FGT upgrade for
STAR/RHIC - General summary of project status
- Conclusions
3The Science of STAR
- STARs primary science mission
- Discovery of a new state of matter (quark-gluon
plasma) in central heavy ion collisions ( ?) - Detailed unfolding of the spin structure of the
nucleon (work in progress) - Value added physics
- Low x structure of hadrons
- Fundamental tests of QCD
- Search for new exotics
- Forward inclusive spectra and correlations
- Tagged forward proton studies
- Ultra-peripheral collisions
4What has been achieved in the ion program at RHIC
thus far
- RHIC has discovered the
- hottest (T200-400 MeV)
- densest (jet quenching ei30-60e0)
- matter (thermal yields)
- ever studied in the laboratory, which
- flows (large elliptic flow)
- as a (nearly) perfect liquid with systematic
patterns consistent with - quark degrees of freedom (valence quark
scaling) - and a viscosity to entropy-density ratio lower
than any other known fluid, near - a conjectured quantum bound (h/s 1-2 x 1/4p)
Next step quantitative
measurement of medium properties with
well-controlled systematic uncertainties
to determine e.g. shear viscosity, transport
coefficients, speed of sound, EOS, This also
requires timely completion of the RHIC II machine
and detector upgrades to allow access to rare
(hard) probes, and data sets with statistical
precision previously out of reach
5What has been achieved in the spin program thus
- ? toward understanding the proton spin.
- ALL for inclusive jets and di-jets at ?sNN 200
GeV strongly disfavors large positive (negative)
gluon polarization (suggests ?G may be small) - Di-jet Sivers effect measurement (sensitive to
orbital motion) shows observed asymmetries are an
order of magnitude smaller than seen in SIDIS at
HERA (cancellation of initial vs final state and
u vs d quark contributions?) - ? toward measuring transverse spin preferences
- Unexpected increase of AN with pT (very
surprising given expectations from pQCD)
Every measurement brings fundamentally (often
unexpected) new insights deepening the quest to
understand the inner workings of the proton
We are further than ever before ? but still very
much in need of additional pieces to the puzzle
including the flavor dependence of the polarized
(anti) quark sea (and hence its origin)
6Why is that important and what will this upgrade
provide uniquely ??deeper insight into
contribution from the quark sector
- DIS has shown combined quark and anti-quark spins
contribute only 20 of the nucleon spin
(keyword combined) - In the quark sector, SIDIS is one approach to
learn more, but subject to (unknown) details of
the fragmentation process. - Presently the combined sum of the quark
anti-quark polarization, e.g., x(?u ?u ), is
well known but individually the anti-quark
distributions ?u, ?d are unconstrained. Some
progress expected at JLAB (E04-113) where ?uv,
?dv, and the difference ?u - ?d will be
measured in a complementary range of x (0.12
0.41) and Q2 (1.21 3.14 GeV2) - The proposed FGT upgrade will allow a major
advance direct sensitivity to the ?u, ?u, ?d,
?d distributions separately using single
longitudinal asymmetry of W decays. - This essential capability is unique at RHIC and
complementary between PHENIX and STAR - The FGT will also afford capability needed to
constrain unpolarized quark distribution
functions at large x, allowing RHIC to determine
the size of the polarized flavor asymmetry (?u -
?d) relative to the flavor asymmetry for the
unpolarized distributions - ( d(x) / u(x) gt 1.6)
Caveat We detect/track leptonsnot Ws. To work
this measurement has to be made at forward
(backward) pseudo-rapidity where the lepton
asymmetry in ? and pT is strongly correlated with
the parent W. Because of limitations of
existing tracking detectors that means these
measurements can not be made in STAR without the
These measurements will bring fundamentally new
insights into the nature and origin of the
polarized sea in the proton
7Wider significance for Nuclear Physics? Galveston
Long Range Plan Meeting fundamental
science at RHIC (heavy ion and spin) in the next
H1. Quantitative determination of viscosity
(h/s). Thus, clearly answering the
question is QCD matter the most perfect fluid?
H2. Quantitative determination of color field
strength via qhat. H3. Heavy quarkonia and
light vector meson probes to determine
color interactions in medium. Direct connection
with lattice QCD. H4. Experimental verification
or null result on critical point. H5.
Detailed measurements of collective excitations
of the fluid and extraction of medium
properties (e.g. speed of sound). H6.
Quantitative understanding of gluon saturation Qs
in Au S1. Mapping out of gluon contributions
Dg(x) as a function of x. S2. Determination of
DG with comparable errors to DS. S3.
Measurement of sea quark polarization via W
bosons. S4. Detailed study of transverse spin
physics (including information on orbital
angular motion).
This is a DOE milestone for 2013 for which STAR
must have the capability provided by the FGT
to be successful C-AD has already
demonstrated proof of principle accelerated,
stored beam with substantial polarization at
?s 410 GeV
8- The near-term big picture physics goals of
the STAR program are - Run 8 Saturation scale for the
gluon distribution in relativistic heavy nuclei
(FMS) - Transverse
spin/motion preferences of quarks/gluon in the
proton (FMS) -
- Run 9 Comprehensive study of
resonances and their hadronic and leptonic decays - (TOF DAQ1000)
- Correlations of
hadrons non-photonic electrons from D, B
semi-leptonic decays - (TOF DAQ1000)
- x dependence of ?G(x)
at ?s 200 GeV (benefits greatly from DAQ1000) - Run 10 Definitive search for the
existence and location of the QCD Critical Point
STAR is counting on having this capability for
the first significant ?sNN 500 GeV data
taking timely beginning of construction of FGT
is urgent
9The Upgraded STAR Detector
10 Short Synopsis of STAR Upgrade Plans
- Forward Meson Spectrometer ? Just Completed
- Gluon density distributions, saturation effects,
and transverse spin - DAQ Upgrade
- order of magnitude increase in rate ? rare probes
studies with no dead time - extra bandwidth opens the door to value added
physics - Full Barrel MRPC TOF
- extended particle identification at intermediate
pT - Forward GEM Tracker
- end cap tracker for W sign determination
- Heavy Flavor Tracker
- high precision Heavy Flavor Tracker near the
vertex - opens the door to direct, event-by-event
topological ID of Charm Beauty - Muon Telescope
- Forward Reaction Plane Detector
- A Crystal Calorimeter for low E photons
- ?-? HBT
Well Underway
Proposal /Final Design
Concept Dev.
11Physics Driven Requirements
- Requirements on FGT
- Fit into envelope vacated by West FTPC
- Support structure must be compatible with SSD and
new IST - Dead material for ? gt 1 less than 1 X0
- High efficiency for charge separation out to ?
2 for the full vertex distribution ( z lt 30
cm) for particles having pT up to 40 GeV/c - Capable of operation and of handling pile-up at
RHIC II luminosity - (4 ? 1032 cm-2s-1 for ?s 500 GeV pp )
- Readout compatible with DAQ1000 upgrade
(dead-timeless operation at 1000 Hz) - Additional requirements including other STAR
systems - Effective e/h separation
- Efficient triggering on high pT e from W decays
The proposed system meets these requirements
12In this game, Kinematics Physics, and..
- Partonic kinematics related to W rapidity
- Lepton rapidity related to W rapidity
- lepton rapidity determined from pt
- you have to measure the lepton at forward
rapidity, - you dont know anything unless you get the sign
of the lepton right - cross sections are small every W counts
13Why is the Forward GEM Tracker Crucial?
Probability to get the correct charge sign
Probability to get the correct charge sign
Reach of EEMC Acceptance
TPC Tracking Only, pT 30 GeV/c
TPC FGT Tracking, pT 30 GeV/c
Conclusion for 6 triple-GEM disks, assumed
spatial resolution 60 µm in x and y charge
sign reconstruction probability above 80 for 30
GeV pT over the full acceptance of the EEMC for
the full vertex spread ( gt 90 out to ? 1.8)
- Conclusion
- Charge sign reconstruction impossible
- beyond ? 1.3
14Simulation of System Performance
Track Reconstruction Efficiency
Charge Reconstruction Efficiency
Generated ?
Generated ?
constraint Measurement not feasible for large
of EEMC Acceptance!
TPC EEMC SMD Vertex constraint FGT
15Schematic layout of the STAR FGT
- 6 triple GEM disks, 40 cm radius
- each disk consists of 4 detectors
1.6M lt Range of project cost lt 1.8M Leveraged
by significant contributed resources Foil
technology in development through SBIR
- 3 GEM foils per disk to reach high gain with high
stability - 2D readout board each detector layer provides a
space point
16FGT Technically Driven Schedule
The reason this aggressive schedule is
feasible is that the RD and conceptual design
are far along
17Basic Detector Performance Proven
Overall Resolution 72 ?m Resolution of 72 ?m
on position of peak
18STAR FGT Cost Estimate (FY08 k)
(Contingency and overhead included ? MIT overhead
assumed for materials)
Materials Labor
- DAQ 92 182
- Front-End Electronics 95 267
- Triple-GEM Detector 415 239
- Integration 240 258
- Infrastructure 28 89
- Installation 274
- Total
870 1050
Total Project Cost including all DOE investment
Offsetting non-DOE contribution from Univ. of
Kentucky for materials 100k
19STAR Perspective on FGT Upgrade
- Importance of the FGT upgrade for STAR/RHIC ?
- Its crucial, STAR is anxiously waiting for this
new capability to - Make measurements with direct sensitivity to
the ?u, ?u, ?d, ?d distributions - separately to further understand
contributions to the proton spin in the quark
sector - Constrain unpolarized quark distribution
functions at large x, allowing RHIC to - determine the size of the polarized flavor
asymmetry (?u - ?d) relative to the flavor - asymmetry for the unpolarized distributions
( d(x) / u(x) gt 1.6) - Afford isolation cuts for direct photons and
improve reconstruction of particles in jets to - enhance ? jet determination of ?G(x) in
crucial forward region of STAR acceptance - Reduce non-vertex beam background and improve
z vertex resolution in pp interactions
- Scientific mission is clear scientific merit
very high in international - perspective need is urgent
- Basic detector performance and foil production
feasibility demonstrated - through completed RD
- General project status optimized concept
exists which meets physics - driven requirements
- Simulations on performance / final tuning of
design in progress - Basic feasibility of design proven
- Preparation for construction project ongoing
- Strong committed team in place, working hard
STAR is anxious to get at the science this
upgrade will make possible
21Backup Slides
22Run 5 results and projected Run 6 sensitivity on
inclusive jet production in pp collisions at ?s
These results will place a world-class constraint
on gluon polarization in the proton, ?G
23STAR Run 6 di-jet Sivers effect
measurementarXiv0705.4629, Submitted to PRL May
Fundamental question Is there a correlation
between proton transverse spin and parton
transverse momentum (Sivers effect)?
Blue beam asymmetry
Yellow beam asymmetry
Asymmetry (for proton spin and momentum shown)
(No. of di-jets folded to the left) ( No.
folded to the right) (No. of di-jets
folded to the left) ( No. folded to the
- From Run 6 data thus far
- Observed asymmetries are an order of magnitude
smaller than seen in semi-inclusive
deep-inelastic scattering by HERMES - Possible explanation cancellations of initial
vs. final state and u vs. d quark contributions,
? and gluon effects are small